My law is immortal

Chapter 1 Master, Master!

() When the general of the town army led his troops back, the whole city lined up to greet him. It is said that the emperor personally led the horse into the city for the general.A few days later, at the big banquet, the imperial pen even arranged a marriage, and betrothed the young princess of Prince Bo's family to the fifth young master of the Li family who was about to be full moon.

However, since the fifth young master of Li Tong's family, the general of the town army, was born, the entire backyard of Li's mansion has not had a few days of safe life.

In the first two years after he was born, although the fifth young master was a bit mischievous, he had limited mobility. Since this kid was able to run and crawl, he had fallen out of control.

On the first day, she just pretended to be a ghost and frightened the little maid who just entered the mansion into a faint. On the second day, she actually lit the teacher's proud beard in the school.After being driven home, the famous Confucian scholar in the capital who paid the Li family a lot of money to give lectures because of his "loyal" and patriotic words almost choked up and almost vomited blood, and then he never wanted to teach that "evil boy".

The Li family, who are known as martial arts heirs, had no choice but to give up the unrealistic idea of ​​making the fifth young master a great Confucianism, and invited the generals to teach martial arts. Unexpectedly, this kid was so lazy that he was still swaying in the first second, and the next second So I found a stool and leaned against it to play with the birdcage.This general can't beat or scold his young master, and the only one who can act as a deterrent to him is General Li Tong, who leads the army all the year round, so the teaching of martial arts is naturally put on hold. down.

Later, people who occasionally walked outside the walls of Li's mansion often heard the shameful screams and teasing laughter of maids and maidservants in the courtyard, plus various news from servants of famous Confucianism... seldom appeared The fifth young master of the Li family in the mansion has instead become the most famous dandy in the capital. According to rumors, the reason why he is famous is because he takes into account the four major advantages: delicious and lazy, greedy for money and lustful, not enterprising, ignorant and incompetent...

As he became famous, there were gradually more rumors about Li Yi, the fifth young master of the Li family. According to a woman in her 40s, once, while she was taking a bath at home, a child fell from the roof. , the frivolous words in the mouth continue...

Another fat woman with freckles said that in [-], the fifth young master of the Li family brought two servants and openly lifted up her skirt on the street...


"Master, master..." In front of the rockery, came the clear and clear cry of the little girl.

Looking carefully, she was a little maid, with a delicate and delicate appearance, and her pair of little feet looked extraordinarily slender under the blue jacket and skirt.At this moment, these little feet have been stamping the ground anxiously, and she nervously shouted to a young boy who was climbing up in the rockery: "Don't climb up, come down quickly... If you fall and hurt yourself, Ladies can't afford to blame Madam, but servants can't afford it!"

This young man called the young master was sixteen or seventeen years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a nose like a gall, and an amiable smile. What impressed people even more was his bronzed, oily skin.He was wearing a purple silk and satin jacket, and a huge longevity lock was hung around his neck. From the longevity lock, there were still some water marks on the sharp stone edges of the rockery, which was indeed slippery.The young man on the rockery is climbing up with the help of a pair of hook-shaped gloves. Although there are occasional slips, he can always use the hook to catch the cracks in the stone to stabilize his body and continue to climb up.

At this moment, when Master Li Yi heard the maid's anxious call, he twitched his eyebrows, turned around, and said helplessly: "What's the problem, isn't this young master climbing rocks?" This kid was quite handsome At this moment, the two sword eyebrows twisted, coupled with the posture of him hanging on the mountain wall trying to turn his head, it seemed a little funny.

The maid, Xiaoqing, couldn't laugh at all. Although she didn't know what "rock climbing" meant, she had already experienced the strangeness of the young master—when she was 13 years old and just entered Li's mansion, she was frightened into unconsciousness by someone pretending to be a ghost. past.She said nervously: "But——young master, I really can't climb anymore, if you fall..."

"Why did you fall, didn't you see that there is a safety rope around my waist!" Li Yi pulled the rope behind him, but then his heart softened. After all, let this little girl be scolded for herself, no matter what, she would have a disturbed conscience.He grasped the rope behind his waist with both hands, and jumped down facing the rockery...

"Boom—" With a muffled sound, Li Yi fell to the ground from a height of more than one meter with a muffled sound, frowned, rubbed his buttocks and shouted: "Xiaoqing, how many times have I told you?" Now, this safety rope should not be tied with a bow!!!”

Xiaoqing was startled when she saw this, and rushed forward in two steps, helped Li Yi up in a panic, lowered her head, and said aggrievedly: "Servant, servant, tie a belt for the young master, I'm used to it..."

"Slave maid, how many times have I told you that you can't change your name?" Li Yi rubbed his butt, becoming more and more annoyed at this maid who was full of pedantic thoughts, frowning and muttering: "Huh, read this book How can I clean you up at night!"

Xiaoqing's face flushed suddenly, but she was still mumbling in silence.

At night, Xiaoqing blushed and moved closer to the young man who was standing on the table to transform the "rock climbing hook", and whispered: "Master, you should rest..."

Li Yi patted the iron marks on his hands, shook his shoulders, coughed twice, and signaled the chick behind him to change his clothes.

After washing and grooming, the kid lay on the bed, half naked, without turning his head, and shouted: "Come on, give this young master some oil—"

After a while, Li Yi lay on the bed, feeling the back and forth jerky kneading of his back, exhaled through his nose, and thought to himself: more than ten years ago, when I woke up from a coma and found that I couldn't move, I was wrapped in swaddling clothes. While listening, when all kinds of weird conversations came from time to time, I thought it was a dream, but it was still difficult to wake up.

After half a month of thinking, I finally believed that I was reincarnated in a strange world, a world without internet, without cars; a world with warriors, Taoists and imperial power.And he—except for a specially tanned complexion, he brought nothing with him.

After all, according to his actual age, he is already an adult, so how can he play with a group of ancient children and go to school together?In addition, the idea of ​​freedom in the previous life was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he didn't have the slightest favor for such famous Confucians.As for the hard work of piling and practicing martial arts?That's even more frustrating for this lazy guy.

In the end, a certain person combined his cheap father's status in the Han Dynasty, and decided to be an idle playboy in this world, romantic, ahem, eating, drinking, and gambling-in fact, this is not bad, isn't it?

As for - the emperor promised to marry his fiancée?The little princess of Prince Bo's family?I've never seen what it looks like!

"Master——" the small hands kneading on the shoulders suddenly paused, Xiaoqing hesitated and said: "Master, I heard that I will send you to the palace next month to accompany the Third Prince!" In Wen’s Han Dynasty, there were many families of generals. In order to cultivate the loyalty of the army to the royal family in the future, the children of these families of generals were usually sent to the palace to study with them. Li Yi knew this.

But——I don't follow the literature, and I don't practice martial arts, why should I send myself to study with me?

"What?!" Li Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head and asked, "Who did you listen to? Are you still entering the palace? What's the situation? You can't live in peace for a few days?" He was nervous at the moment, afraid of entering the palace to read Disrupted the playful plan that he had just started.

Xiaoqing felt a little funny when she heard the master say "I can't live in peace for a few days", but she still said: "The servant girl mentioned it when listening to Steward Wang's chat today. It seems that the master said that you don't want to make progress. , If this continues, it will be ruined, so I tried every means to get you into the palace, saying that I want to...discipline and discipline you..."

"Discipline discipline me?" Li Yi was stunned, and immediately thought that since there is still one month left, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Said: "Xiaoqing, I forgot to take care of you today..."

After finishing speaking, he nimbly stretched his arms down the bed, grabbed Xiao Qing's little feet, flipped the little maid on the bed, hugged her in his arms and kneaded wantonly...

This guy has a soul that has been suppressed for decades in certain aspects, and he has been accompanied by a flowery little girl all the time, so naturally... the only regret is that this guy had more than enough energy at the beginning, Only the hands and feet take advantage of it; but when I am a little older, I can't bear to destroy the one in front of me early - Huaguduo'er.

In the blink of an eye, the pretty and exquisite maid had already half undone her clothes, panting a lot...

"Mmm - Master, it's so itchy, don't..."

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