My law is immortal

Chapter 10 Peony Poetry Meeting

() "Prince?" Li Yi looked towards the gate, but saw a man in his twenties, dressed in white like snow, walking in slowly with a folding fan in his hand. There is a hint of frivolity.The mutual induction between rivals in love made Li Yi quickly determine that this person must be his enemy.

"The appearance is not bad, although there is still a little gap with me..." Li Yi glanced at the prince, teasing in his heart.

"Look, that's the great talent, Mr. Wang Juxian. It is said that Mr. Wang has written three collections of poems..."

"Yes, I have read it. The poems of Prince Wang are so beautiful that no one can think of them..."

"That's natural. It is said that Wang Gongzi was accepted as a registered disciple by a certain immortal. It's quite a shame..." Several young women from Wang Sun's family in the courtyard had peach blossoms in their eyes, and the voices of nympho came to Li Yi's ears from time to time.

This Wang Juxian had a faint smile on his lips, and he had a demeanor of seeing through the world and being calm. He had seen this kind of situation a lot: as the number one talented person in the capital (self-proclaimed), he had great power in the court. Dad, more importantly, I am the registered disciple of Taoist Master Changfeng of Ziwei Temple, you must know-this Taoist Master Changfeng is the direct disciple of Zhang Xuan, the current national teacher!With these identities and backgrounds, it would be strange if a woman from an ordinary family would not exclaim when she saw her.

He stepped through the gate, but turned back, smiled lightly at the people outside the gate, flirted with the folding fan in his hand, and made a gesture of invitation.

Suddenly, many people who followed him were stunned. Who is this, with such a big face, that the great talent Wang Juxian treats him so politely?Could it be... Lord Wang?Or the one in Ziwei View?

A lotus foot stepped over the threshold lightly and deftly, but it was a young woman.

This woman is extremely beautiful, with willow eyebrows and thin shoulders, wearing a lavender lotus skirt, crystal jasper hairpins on her head, coiled black silk with gorgeous beads, no makeup on her body, skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, and a pair of feet on her feet. Apricot white embroidered brocade shoes, these seemingly graceful and luxurious clothing, but they set off her elegance even more.

She walked in, politely saluted Wang Juxian as a thank you, then turned around and left without saying a word, leaving Wang Juxian who was originally unrestrained and unrestrained, with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

Wang Juxian suppressed his annoyance, glanced at the back of the person who was walking forward, the haze flashed past his eyes, and he was secretly angry: Huh, why are you pretending to be arrogant with me now, if you come into my hands...

"Princess Yu! It's Liu Yu, the lord of Yujun!" Zhao Caizi beside Li Yi called out excitedly, then frowned and said, "How can the princess come with Wang Juxian with such an identity? Her marriage was appointed by the emperor." , although the fifth young master of the Li family is a well-known dandy, but—this Wang Juxian is too daring..."

Li Yi is only sixteen years old at the moment, standing in a group of well-developed, tall and powerful "talented scholars", he is naturally inconspicuous. Princess Yu casually glanced at the gifted scholars, and then went to a few sisters whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Walking there, he didn't find his fiancé-in-law at all.

When Li Yi saw the scene just now, he immediately relaxed: "It's okay, it's okay, this chick came in together just now, but I was shocked!"Well, looking at it this way, my daughter-in-law hasn't hooked up with this little white-faced Wang Juxian yet...

Although he tried every means to find out a lot of information about the princess Liu Yu, he was not a stalker.

Most of the annoyance in my heart before was because of being belittled, ignored, and despised—being despised by such a beautiful little girl, being ignored by my future wife, being despised by a girl who is much younger than me in actual age!For Li Yi, who has a good face and a machismo spirit, this kind of thing is much more serious than a slap in the face. Naturally, his uncle can bear it, but his aunt can't bear it.

"Boom, boom, boom—" a heavy and powerful bell rang from the bell tower next to the main hall, and then an old monk in cassock slowly walked out of the hall, and said slowly: "Dear guests, please follow me!" Please come inside, Your Majesty has been admiring the flowers in the backyard for a long time."

"What? The emperor has already arrived?"

"Ah, did my behavior just now be correct..." Everyone panicked when they heard the old monk's words, and they all followed the old monk through the main hall and walked out through the door hidden behind the Buddha statue.

<The light races to open.Looking around, under the lush trees, there are densely packed peony flowers, clusters of Rongrong, full of clear sky, making people unable to tell where are the leaves and where are the flowers, so beautiful!

There is a pavilion in the sea of ​​flowers, with the word "Agarwood" written on it, surrounded by gauze tents, and two people can be seen sitting in the pavilion, probably the emperor and the national teacher.

"This peony poetry meeting was supposed to be presided over by the abbot of the temple, but the abbot traveled far away at the invitation of a friend, so this time the old monk..." The old monk was not tall, but his voice was quite thick, As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention. This is the effect of the lion's roar, a Buddhist secret.

"This rule is still limited to one hour to compose poems, judged by the six schools of poetry in this temple, and evaluates one poem each of Yuan, Dian, Yan, Hua, and Lu..." When the old monk was still explaining the rules , the people around Li Yi had already begun to frown and enjoy the scenery, thinking hard.

Wang Juxian glanced contemptuously at the talented colleagues who closed their eyes and meditated around, shook the folding fan, put his hands behind his back, and then looked around, holding his head high and chest out, looking quite high-spirited.

The old monk had just finished explaining the rules when someone shouted loudly: "Master, I just wrote a poem here, and I invite all masters to comment on it."

Everyone followed the voice, and the speaker turned out to be the third prince Liu Che who was standing in front of the pavilion not far away with a sullen face!

"The third prince is so young, how can he know how to write poems, he must have memorized some poems and essays, and came to the emperor to have fun..." Everyone saw the unconcealable pride on Liu Che's face, although they dared not show it on their expressions The slightest contempt came out, but I couldn't help teasing in my heart.

"Oh? Please, Third Prince..." The old monk raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Well, just now, I looked up at the sky, and saw a white cloud in the sky, shaped like a white goose playing in the water. It was quite vivid, and I felt it in my heart, so I made a song - "Ode to the Goose!" Liu Che walked with his little hands behind his back. After taking two steps, he said in an unfathomable way.

"This kid, although he is a little impatient, he is not stupid... There are no geese here, but he actually thought of the clouds in the sky like geese... Well, the clouds are ever-changing, and there is no proof..." Li Yi stared, and smiled secretly, This "Ode to the Goose" is the fastest that my student has learned.

"Ahem..." Liu Che coughed twice, straightened his body, and began to chant:

"Goose, goose, goose, singing to the sky.

The white hair floats on the green water, and the anthurium pulls the clear waves. "

"Why have I never heard of this poem?" After hearing this poem, everyone in the room was taken aback. The profound thoughts are quite expressive, and the three goose characters at the beginning alone have brought out the fresh and cheerful atmosphere of the whole poem!

"This..." Wang Juxian was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he would be the first to take the lead, but he didn't know that the third prince actually wrote a poem. Moreover, no matter what angle and aspect you look at from this poem, in terms of the beauty of the poem, it is unique. It is unique.

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