My law is immortal

Chapter 14 1234567

() For a moment, the young man among the crowd casually sat cross-legged on the futon, picked up a couplet, and corrected it without even thinking.

In just half a stick of incense, half of the previously stacked upper couplets have been matched!Moreover, these couplets are all made by nature, not only extremely neat, but also irony for irony, praise for praise, and they are all repaying the person in the same way as the person!

The expressions of the onlookers changed from contemptuous and ridiculous before to shocked, and everyone was stunned and speechless, and could only watch helplessly as the kid on the opposite side kept uttering various lines!

"Could it be, isn't he an ignorant person? But--isn't it said that he offended all the famous Confucian scholars in the capital..." Princess Yu stared at the man sitting on the bench In front of him, he was a little perplexed by the young man who spoke freely and freely.

"Here, this kid is that dude from the Li family?" A middle-aged man dressed luxuriously looked at Li Yi in astonishment. As Li Tong's opponent in the court, he had always disliked each other. The youngest son is ignorant and covetous, and he is quite happy in his heart, but at this moment he is shocked—this kind of talented person, even if he is a little bit sensual, he can only be regarded as romantic and suave!

"This Li Yi is really hiding everything. He seldom leaves the house, so he must be studying hard at home!" Mr. Zhao, who was still mocking Li Yi for his ignorance before, sighed, waved his hands, and praised softly.

"Yeah, it seems that the rumors are not credible! This Li Yi has such a literary talent, he must have studied hard behind closed doors at home for more than ten years, but he was rumored to be an image of swearing at home all day long! "

"Good boy, you really have the capital of arrogance!" The old monk who presided over the meeting was stroking his beard and looking at Li Yi with a smile.

"This, this is impossible!" Suddenly, a self-proclaimed talented scholar, after Li Yi dismissed his own second line, stared and exclaimed loudly: "You, you are a monster, this upper line It is one of the absolutes of our Nanling Academy, how could you, a young boy, be right..."

Gradually, more people changed their impression of Li Yi, and the previous rumors about the five young masters of the Li family suddenly had a 360-degree change in their hearts.

"Well, loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, etiquette and incorruptibility -- this second couplet, I will face the last one..." Li Yi took a first couplet, and was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and stretched his right hand behind him without looking back, Open the mouth and shout: "tea!"

The old monk who presided over the poetry meeting hastily stepped forward and poured a cup of tea for the young man in front of him.

The person who wrote this couplet is really abominable, just now there were some who called me a little monkey or a little ground squirrel, but this guy actually called me shameless?Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help frowning and looked up, but at a glance he saw Wang Juxian looking at him with a gloomy face, and when he saw that he was stuck here, he immediately showed joy.

"Okay, since Mr. Wang scolded me openly, then I can't suffer, I'm going to scold me back!" Li Yi looked away, picked up the teacup casually, took a sip of tea, and looked at Wang Juxian provocatively.

"Who scolded you!" Wang Juxian felt guilty all of a sudden—could this kid have become a genius?Can you even see the hidden meaning of yourself?What's even more incredible is that he actually knew that this scroll was written by himself!

"Well, the first couplet is about loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, etiquette and integrity..." Li Yi thought for a while, then continued: "This second couplet, I am right one, two, three, four, five, six, seven!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven?" Everyone began to think... What does this mean....

"Wangba?" Wang Juxian thought for a long time and still couldn't understand it. He was a little anxious, and suddenly thought, wouldn't this be a match for Wangba?He thought of the hidden meaning and immediately felt relieved, and then his expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily, "You——how dare you call me a bastard?"

"Haha!" Li Yi burst out laughing, stood up, pointed at Wang Juxian and said sarcastically, "You said it yourself!"

"Haha..." When the crowd saw Wang Juxian, who was so high and high on weekdays, and who had no one in his eyes, he had suffered a great loss from this little boy, and they booed each other, and all of them immediately burst into laughter.

The emperor Liu Zhen, who has always appeared in front of everyone with a serious image, couldn't help but smile, clapped his hands and smiled and said, "National teacher, this Li Yi is indeed a genius. Unexpectedly, he is not only talented in cultivation, but also the best in the world for his poems and songs." ah!"

"This poor man just found out..." Zhang Xuan smiled wryly. It was difficult for him to match the pair just now with his hundred years of experience. Unexpectedly, Li Yi is so young and has such amazing accomplishments in poetry!

Wang Juxian was ridiculed by everyone, his originally fair face turned red at first, then turned blue, and finally turned into reddish purple.

With gloomy eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "You kid, you are really deceiving people too much! Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your adults..."

Before the words fell, he had already taken two steps forward quickly, quickly closing the distance between the two, and raised his hand to pat Li Yi!

"Boom—" Li Yi was hit on the chest with a palm, and flew like a catfish for a full two meters before falling to the ground.

Just now, Wang Juxian made a sudden attack, it was too sudden, and everyone reacted at this moment!



"Ah! This Wang Juxian, in front of the Holy One, dares to be so cruel to the genius of my Great Han Dynasty?"

"Wang Juxian, as a disciple of Daoist Changfeng and a cultivator in the late stage of Qi Condensation, you shot at a young man who has not yet become weak?"

After Li Yi's short performance just now, everyone has already recognized Li Yi's talent.And this Wang Juxian, as a cultivator, actually beat a young man cruelly?You know, with the strength of that palm alone, even if Li Yi didn't die, his stomach would probably have been shattered!For a while, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and began to denounce!

"Ah!" Liu Yu exclaimed, covering her mouth, but she didn't dare to look at the place where Li Yi fell. At this moment, she had mixed feelings in her heart, including shame, self-blame, and more confusion.

"Bah...shameless!" Suddenly, a very familiar voice came over.

Following the sound, he saw the black-faced boy who shocked the audience just now standing there with blood on the corner of his mouth.

On his shoulder was a white hand that was faintly blue, looking along this arm, but at some point, a man in Taoist robes was quietly standing beside him, this man had fair complexion There is not the slightest wrinkle on his face, and there is no way to identify his real age except for a few strands of gray hair on the topknot.

"Master, master!" Wang Juxian saw this Taoist, his eyes widened, he stepped back three steps, and called out with a pale face.

"This, this is, the national teacher!" Everyone exclaimed after hearing Wang Juxian's address.

"National teacher, how is this Li Yi's injury?" An uncontrollable and angry low voice slowly came from the Chenxiang Pavilion. With the low voice, the audience fell silent for a moment, and no one dared to say a word.

"Fortunately, his true qi has reached the late stage of condensing qi, and he suddenly encountered an external force to protect his body naturally, and did not hurt his body..." Zhang Xuan, the national teacher, was stunned when he said this, and then said in surprise: "Li Yi, You have been practicing for a month, and you have broken through to the late stage of Qi Condensation?"

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