My law is immortal

Chapter 170 Too Difficult

"Where's Wang Yupeng?" Li Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked.

Qian Zong said lightly: "They are all in prison."

After all, he saw Li Yi frowned, and added an explanation: "I'm afraid he won't obey the command, and he will miss things instead."

Li Yi frowned and stopped talking. He knew the strength of Wang Yupeng and the Xiaoqi Battalion, but Qian Zong was able to imprison all these brave cavalrymen lightly.

Moreover, while talking, he was relaxed and comfortable-it meant that Wang Yupeng did not resist, or that Wang Yupeng's resistance was not very effective at all.

After a while, Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "The scenery here is beautiful, how can there be no strings and bamboos to add to the fun?"

"I like quiet." Qian Zongdi lowered his head, playing with the undrinked tea in his hand.

"Oh?" Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Since adults like to be quiet, how can Jiangnan be so lively now?"

Qian Zong's palm paused, a trace of reminiscence floated in his eyes, and then he let out a long breath as if admitting he was cowed, and shrunk down.

The melodious piano sounded.

The two were relatively silent.



Outside Yangzhou City, a tree-lined hill quietly leans against the river.

Panting heavily, Lin Feng staggered and strode towards the middle-aged man in front of him. His face was already covered with beads of sweat—if it wasn't for grabbing the man in front of him, he would have been paralyzed by now. land.

The middle-aged man went straight up the mountain along the mountain path, and when he reached the middle of the mountain, he turned around.Looking at Lin Feng who staggered and fell on the mountain road and barely stood up.

"You're qualified." His voice was flat.

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged man swung his sleeves.Behind him, a deep tunnel suddenly appeared.

"Come in." The middle-aged man said indifferently.Then turned around and walked in.

"Here are the [-] innocent souls that I have collected." After Lin Feng walked behind him, the middle-aged man spit out this sentence: "After three days, if you can live, you will be the Holy Son."

Hearing the pitiful howls coming from the depths of the tunnel from time to time, Lin Feng gritted his teeth, bowed his head and walked forward.

"I'm not even afraid of death, so how can I be afraid of dead souls?"

His voice seemed a little hollow in this tunnel, a little lifeless.

The light behind him dimmed for a moment.There was no more light in the cave, and Lin Feng simply closed his eyes and moved forward slowly in the environment where he couldn't see his fingers.

The gloomy cold wind continuously blows upwards from the deepest part of the cave. The wind blows on his face, making him feel as if the whole world has left him.

Yes, the whole world.Ben has already left himself.

The master has abandoned himself, his arm has left him, his cultivation has also left him, and even his family has removed him.

The wind blows through the cave.I don't know after passing that corner, there was a sound like laughter.


Lin Feng spit out a word coldly, and everyone laughed at themselves.Then what are you afraid of?

Even if there is an eternal hell below, what else in the human world can make me stay?

Sudden.He remembered a bright color.

It was a red silk umbrella, and under the umbrella stood a pretty lady.

He also seemed to see two lines of clear tears flowing down the other's cheeks.


Lin Feng paused.Open your mouth and ask yourself.

"You can't even be considered a person now, so how can you talk about love?"

He took a big step forward and laughed to himself.

This step is the abyss.


Lin Feng fell into the deep pool, the water was not deep, it only reached his calf.

He gradually got used to the dark eyes, and suddenly saw dark green pupils.

These pupils seem to be endless, spreading throughout the dark and gloomy cave.

In all directions, all the pupils were staring at him, staring at him firmly.

Lin Feng's body suddenly shrank back, he was afraid.

Then, his whole body was shaken suddenly, and with the strength he didn't know where, he managed to stand up reluctantly.

"You want to eat my soul?" He laughed.

In response to him, countless green pupils approached instantly.


There was a miserable howl in the cave.



Jinling City Prison.

Li Yi held the key and asked with a surprised smile through the wooden railing: "General Wang, can this door lock you?"

"No." Wang Yupeng's white book long robe was spotless, and he didn't care about being locked up in a prison at all.

"But the imperial decree can lock me up." He explained easily.

"Go, get out." Li Yi smiled and opened the cell door.

Wang Yupeng came out.

Li Yi asked: "Tomorrow's battle is unpredictable, what do you want to do now?"

"I want to have a few couplets with you." Wang Yupeng also smiled. He seemed to seldom smile, and he seemed a little shy when he smiled at the moment.

If his subordinates saw his general's smile, his prestige in the army would be wiped out by half.


Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and patted the ash in his hands, and walked outside: "Okay, maybe I haven't met for a long time."

Wangjiang Tower, third-floor terrace.

There is no moon in the sky, it looks very hazy.

Li Yi and Wang Yupeng sat opposite each other.

There was a jug of sake on the table, but no one touched it.

"Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs." Wang Yupeng said softly.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, and said casually: "The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading."

"How can a brother be a man if his father is dead?" Wang Yupeng continued.

Li Yi suddenly stopped talking, and he looked up at the person opposite.

Wang Yupeng's eyes were burning, staring at Li Yi, as if he wanted to capture his psychology from the subtle changes in his expression.

Li Yi looked at the other party's fair face, then pinched the wine glass on the table and sighed.

He held the wine glass flat in front of him, didn't speak, just looked at each other silently.

"It's over, let's talk." Wang Yupeng spit out four words, then stood up, turned and left.

into the night.

Li Yi leaned quietly on the bed, it wasn't that he wasn't sleepy, but as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind wanted to explode.

Today, he vaguely knew too many things.

He was even a little unwilling to sort out these things.

However, right now, Jiangnan is already on his shoulders.

"grown ups……"

Emily leaned over with a smile, her eyes widened, and she looked at Li Yi with a smile.

"What's bothering you?" Emily seemed to have no idea about tomorrow's battle.

Li Yi stretched out a hand and hugged the other party: "Yes."

"My lord, why don't you tell me..." At this point, Emily stuck out her tongue, raised her white palm towards the sky, and said with a smile, "I swear to God, I will never say anything!"

"Emily, tell me, if you indirectly killed your friend's father..." Li Yi shook his head suddenly when he said this, and stopped talking.

He thought for a while, then changed the subject and asked, "If your husband and your enemy are actually in the same group, what would you do?"

Having said that, he added: "Not only your husband, it may be your husband's whole family."

"I..." Emily frowned slightly, she glanced at Li Yi, thinking in her heart - naturally I won't have any opponents...

"It depends on what kind of enemy it is." Emily stretched her brows and pouted.

Li Yi let out a long breath, and leaned his head on the pillow: "For example, the enemies in Jinling will be attacked tomorrow."


Emily was stunned for a moment. She thought about it, but she didn't know what to say. Finally, she could only purse her lips and said, "This question is too complicated. If Emily can't figure it out, don't think about it!"

"It's too difficult..." Li Yi closed his eyes. (to be continued..)

ps: I will be on a business trip for a few days tomorrow until the 21st. Jumu may not be able to guarantee the update speed in these few days.

But rest assured, there should be no interruptions, and - I don't expect this book to eat, it's something I've always wanted to write.

I will finish writing, please rest assured.

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