() Zhang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but did not speak.

It's not that he can't speak, but he is ashamed in his heart - he founded the Qin Daojian for 20 years, just to get rid of Xianshan's control over the monks of the Han Dynasty...

However, Xianshan is always Xianshan, the birthplace of Taoism in the world, and Xianshan is known as the teacher of all ages.

Xianshan is not a mountain, but a mountain range.

A huge mountain range across the southeast frontier of the Han Dynasty, with the sea on its back and the land facing the land.

As the largest monastic sect in the entire Han Dynasty, Xianshan has great influence on monks, and its own power is quite terrifying. It is said that there are 64 peaks on Xianshan Mountain, each named after 64 hexagrams.Every mountain has monks living and seeking Taoism.

The purpose of Qin Daojian was not to resist those barbarians in the West, but to prevent Xianshan from infiltrating the imperial court too deeply, so as to affect the status of imperial power.

And Xianshan doesn't seem to have much interest in the secular world, and he didn't overreact to the establishment and growth of Qin Daojian.

The two seem to be in harmony with each other, and 20 years have passed in such a mediocre manner.

In the past 20 years, the power of the Qin Daojian has gradually stabilized, and the monks of the entire Han Dynasty have acquiesced in being the real leader. Even some Han people who came down from the fairy mountain also entered the Qin Taoist and practiced in the Xuanji Pagoda.

Liu Zhen sat down slowly, without saying anything to blame Zhang Xuan, leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and asked, "How is Li Yi?"

Zhang Xuan hesitated for a moment, and then said with a little embarrassment: "I don't know..."

"You don't know either?" Liu Zhen was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to be stunned, and chuckled twice: "The feeling is that old boy Li Tong is back?"

"No..." Zhang Xuan shook his head, coughed twice and said, "Yes, Li Tiexin..."

"Pfft——" Liu Zhen was instantly happy—Zhang Xuan was serious and indifferent in front of outsiders, and he was upright and fair, which was respected by everyone.

Only the father and son Li Tong and Li Tiexin, although they are friendly to those who practice Taoism, have no respect for them. The father and son are completely identical - not only are they similar in size and appearance, but they are also exactly the same in that they don't give anyone face... …

In the end, even though Zhang Xuan said that he would go in in the name of healing Li Yi with true energy, he did not get past Li Tiexin's barrier - the Li family has the secret method of healing from the ancestors, and there is also a famous doctor with rich experience...



Two days after Li and Yi were rescued and returned to the capital.

Zhenjun General's Mansion, the back garden.

The sun is shining hotly in the garden, those colorful flowers are stretching their branches, and the blooming petals are happily facing the sun.A small light blue half-opened flower, the delicate petals have a delicate charm.

This little flower is leaning against an elegant carved wooden door. The door is opened a crack, and the sunlight and flower fragrance pour in, as if to dispel the haze in the hearts of the people in the room.

There was a strong smell of medicine in the room, which made people frown.

The curtain on the exquisitely carved mahogany bed in the southeast corner was half opened, revealing Li Yi's pale face.

Liu Yu withdrew the hand that raised the curtain, and the curtain fell quickly, like a stage play with a curtain call.

Her expression was a little tired, her cheeks were unhealthy white, there were still some tear stains in the corners of her eyes, and the black hair on her head was still a little messy, as if it had been taken care of in a hurry.

"Qing'er, these days, I've worked hard on you..." Liu Yu turned around, calmed down a little, and then said.

The maid Qing'er's eyes were red and swollen at the moment, and she had obviously cried a lot. Seeing that the princess was so polite to her, she hurriedly saluted: "Young lady——uh, princess, don't worry..."

There was the sound of "bang bang" footsteps. This was the sound of the leather boots equipped in the army colliding with the ground.

Li Tiexin frowned, pushed open the door, and said, "I said, brother and sister, you should go back first...Prince Bo has sent thirteen people here!"

Liu Yu had been guarding Li Yi in the General's Mansion of the Zhenjun for two days and two nights without closing his eyes.

When she and Li Yi were rescued on that day, she was worried about Li Yi, so she ordered the servants at home to pick up her sedan chair, risking her reputation, and sat in a carriage all the way to accompany Li Yi who was in a coma. Yi returned to the general's mansion of Zhenjun.

In this day and age, although single women do not stay out of their boudoirs, if the same man spends a day and a night in the secluded valley and then gets into someone else's carriage, no matter what happens, it will cause people to gossip - even if this man is her fiancé who is married to her fingertips... …

The princess was out of danger and didn't go back to the mansion, but Prince Bo was very angry.The old man didn't even see what his precious daughter looks like now!He was quite annoyed and sent someone to Li's house to ask for someone, but he was stopped by Li Tiexin's fearless and disobedient boy.

The old man was slapped in the face and became more and more annoyed, so he sent the servants of the mansion again to pick up the princess at Li's house.

Li Tiexin knew that Prince Bo was not on the right track with his old man, and considering that his fifth younger brother was weak at the moment and his life was in danger at any time, he also wanted to let his younger brother and sister stay with Li Yi...

So, in the short two days, Prince Bo has sent thirteen servants to knock on the door of Li's house...

Today, Li Yi was finally out of danger, and no matter how fearless Li Tiexin was, he was annoyed by the army of pick-ups all accompanied by smiling faces, so he had to come over and call his younger siblings back to their natal home.

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