My law is immortal

Chapter 48 She is a demon

() Wanqing, who was throwing herself into her arms just now, is standing aside at the moment, quietly looking at Li Yi who is lying on the table.

"It's so bloody." Wan Qing squinted her phoenix eyes and parted her cherry lips, but said such a frightening sentence.

After she said this, she actually leaned over, her cherry lips slightly opened, and pressed them against Li Yi's mouth!

His tongue poked into Li Yi's mouth.

This was such a glamorous scene, a woman with an enchanting body to the point of perfection, and a charming appearance that is so breathtakingly charming, just so actively throwing her arms into her arms from lip to lip.

However, a terrifying scene happened.

Her tongue protruded longer and longer, and she saw Li Yi's throat protruding slightly. Then, she seemed to be trying to suck something, some invisible things with light red light and no form, beside her and Li Yi's mouths hovering.

This is the blood energy, the blood energy of the fresh blood, if Li Yi is not under the spell of charm at this moment, but has a clear consciousness, at this moment he will be horrified to find that his body is getting weaker and weaker, and he can clearly see that his body is getting weaker and weaker. A little bit thinner.

But he was sleeping, and the speed of this weakness didn't seem so scary, and he seemed to have a dream.

In the dream, I was holding a charming woman in my arms. This woman was completely naked. The two freshly peeled chicken heads on her chest were white and tender, and her slender waist and beautiful buttocks formed a graceful arc on the side of her body.

Li Yi looked up, but saw that the woman's face was blurry, it seemed to be a graceful and charming face, he took a closer look, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into Qing'er's delicate face again.

Suddenly, it turned into that noble and glamorous face again, with crimson lips, seductive.

Naturally, Li Yi won't be sucked out of his blood and become a man, because he shamefully committed suicide...

As a result, a surge of blood, unparalleled in strength, rushed straight to the top of his head.Of course, it can also be simply understood as that the jing bug is on the brain.

At this time, Wanqing was squinting her eyes, sucking the light red blood energy as if enjoying herself.

Suddenly, the light red blood suddenly deepened, gradually turned bright red, and in an instant it turned purple again, as if it were a real body.

This ray of purple blood followed Wanqing's throat suddenly, and poured it violently.

"Cough—" Wanqing's whole body trembled from the violent blood energy, and then she tried to slow down the speed of absorption, but found it was futile!

This blood energy is like a waterfall, flowing incessantly, vigorously driving straight in, less than half a stick of incense.

Wanqing only felt that the demon core in her body had been absorbed and saturated, but the blood energy was still pouring in, she couldn't help feeling a little fear in her heart—how could this person have such amazing blood energy?

She wanted to stop absorbing it, but found that she couldn't control the infusion of this violent blood energy, even if she closed her mouth!

In the blink of an eye, she only felt a sharp pain in her abdomen—it was caused by the demon core being poured in with a large amount of blood energy very quickly.

Wanqing was startled and frightened, but in desperation, she tried her best to force the blood in her body out of her lips.

"Boom—" The surging blood, like a long river, suddenly flowed back and poured into Li Yi's mouth.

With the continuous infusion of blood, Li Yi's body gradually recovered, and finally, after a stick of incense, all the blood was infused back.

However, since this rolling river flows backwards, it will never be easily imprisoned.

As a result, the blood energy that Wanqing had already absorbed returned to Li Yi's body, and along with it, the demon power in the demon core.

"This..." Wanqing was dumbfounded. She has been healing for hundreds of years, and she has absorbed countless blood qi. She has never encountered such a situation where her own demon power was sucked into her body by others!

She wanted to stop it now, but it was too late!

Because, the reason why she was able to reverse the impact of blood energy before was to forcibly charge away with the demon power in her body.

But now, even the demon power in her body has been assimilated by this blood energy, how can she have any power to prevent the demon power from flowing back?

With the passage of time, after the two sticks of incense, Wanqing's body has become strangely blurred, her originally pink cheeks have now turned into a prudent pale, but she still can't move, she can only despair It felt like - the monster power that had been painstakingly refined for a hundred years and the little monster energy left by him were also rolling away.

He is just an ordinary person, why can he absorb my demon essence?

Wanqing was horrified. Although she used the technique of charm to lure the other party, she definitely had no intention of harming his life. Even if the other party's blood was absorbed, she would only be weak for a few years...

However, if I don't have the Yaoyuan, then I can't even do the most basic transformation, and hundreds of years of penance will be ruined!

regret?It's too late!In a blink of an eye, all the demonic power in her body was gone, and her originally alluring body had become almost transparent, and she could vaguely see a fluffy tail behind her buttocks.

She is a demon, a fox demon who has practiced for 700 years.

Suddenly, the suction on the opposite side gradually decreased. It seemed that this man with almost endless blood energy had absorbed enough blood energy. With a ruddy complexion, he slowly closed his mouth.

Wanqing felt that the suction on the other side stopped, and she felt relieved, she was terrified of the terrifying man in front of her.

"Huhu——" Wanqing gasped twice, barely suppressing the fear in her heart, she was extremely annoyed, rolled her beautiful eyes, gouged out the eyes of this man viciously, and then bit her teeth lightly, as if a little unwilling look.

"I, I'll follow you, and I must suck back my Yaoyuan!" Wan Qing said angrily, her voice still charming, but there was a trace of fatigue.

After finishing speaking, she stared at a golden lock hanging on Li Yi's chest, her beautiful eyes shone brightly, and then she seemed to have made up her mind, nodded, and her body gradually blurred from feet to head——turned into a A cloud of pink mist, the mist curled up, but it didn't dissipate, but went straight to the golden lock on Li Yi's chest.

"Huh—" Originally solid and compact, the golden lock from the hands of a master craftsman is like a sponge absorbing water, and it didn't take a while to get into the golden lock.

"噗——" Jinsuo made a slight friction sound, shook it twice, and then stopped moving.

Throughout the room, the wine glass that fell to the ground was still crooked, the three-legged incense burner in the corner was still curling up with green smoke, and the Taotao River outside the window was still rolling eastward.It was as if nothing had happened, just a drunken scholar who collapsed on the table.

At this moment, Li Yi is embracing the delicate body in front of him heartily in his dream. All he sees is white and tender as jade, and his tentacles are full of smooth and tender Suzhou embroidery. He is fully displaying his years of experience in his dream, sometimes tigers pounce, sometimes Dragon plate...

"My lord..." Suddenly, a somewhat sweet voice came to my ears. Although the voice was clear and sweet, it was definitely not the charming and palpitating voice of Wanqing before.

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