My law is immortal

Chapter 51 One more punch?

() The well-dressed thug smiled—although the black-faced scholar seemed to be unscathed from being hit by him a few times just now, the meridians in his body were definitely severely injured, and he had a hundred catties of strength in each palm. Go head to head with yourself?

"Hello!" Seeing that the other party laughed at him, Li Yi immediately became annoyed, no matter whether he could beat him or not, at least - Lao Tu would come over immediately.

Although this guy was a little scared, he had a bit of blood in a real fight. He gritted his teeth, took a step forward, clenched his fist with his right hand, and swung it with all his strength.

"Boom—" the casserole-sized fist was tightly gripped by the thugs on the opposite side.

The well-dressed thug smiled contemptuously, glanced at Li Yi contemptuously, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen it."

Li Yi bared his teeth, his old face blushed, obviously he was very dissatisfied with the effect of his punch - if this punch was my second brother, wouldn't you be stuck to the wall and couldn't be buckled with your fingers?

Many of the onlookers downstairs were already overjoyed at this moment—this black-faced scholar, it's really funny, how dare he brag to Luohonglou's famous number one thug?

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter, Brother Li, tell me, will this kid be thrown head-up or head-down?" A spectator put his arms around the woman in his arms and laughed.

The person next to him shook the folding fan, twisted the woman's buttocks with his big hands, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, I guess he will come out of his buttocks..."

"Haha, brother Li, goodbye..."

For a while, this dangerous fight turned into a good show that the drinkers in front of them were willing to watch.

"Another punch?" Li Yi naturally heard the words downstairs, and he just raised his eyebrows as he was naturally thick-skinned, asking for advice in a low voice.

The thug smiled contemptuously and let go of his hand.

Li Yi clenched his fist again, accumulating strength, his whole body tensed like a drawn bowstring, clenched his right fist, and swung it away again.

"Boom—" There was still a slight muffled sound, Li Yi raised his head and glanced bitterly at the well-dressed man who was clenching his fist, and was about to say something, when suddenly, there was a hot stream of thin as gossamer on his chest Dipping from his chest.

The heat quickly flowed into his body, and followed the meridians in his chest to the dantian.

Then, as if a ladle of boiling water was thrown into a hot oil pan, the whole dantian boiled!

"Boom—" Li Yi only felt a violent tremor in the dantian, and then a surge of amazing energy quickly flowed out, followed the meridians on his arm, and transmitted it to his right fist with a force of ten thousand.

"Boom—" There was another muffled sound where the fists and palms intersected, and then Li Yi saw this well-dressed man, who was a head taller than himself, flying out like a straw.

"Boom—" With a loud bang, the big man knocked away the two thugs who were confronting Lao Tu, and the whole person continued to move at an unabated speed, like a huge human-shaped cannonball, suddenly loaded onto the flower stand behind him.

The flower pots were broken, the flower stands were scattered, and the human-shaped cannonballs smashed through the flower stands, and then hit the wooden wall with a bang.

"Young master..." Lao Tu stood there dumbfounded, his expression stunned, and the steel knife in his hand was still in the downward chopping posture.

"I..." Li Yi was also dumbfounded.

"Master, isn't this Li Yi a master-level martial artist?" The middle-aged man downstairs stood up abruptly.

"What happened just now? Brother Li?" The man who spoke before dropped the wine glass on the ground without realizing it.

The other man lowered his voice with some uncertainty, and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that this black-faced scholar knocked the number one thug in Luohonglou away with a punch?"

"Ah!" All the spectators who were waiting for Li Yi to be thrown out with smiles fell silent, and everyone looked at him as if they had seen a ghost—could this kid be a master-level master, but he just kept going? Pretending?

Li Yi was at a loss at this moment, feeling that the surge of energy just now retreated quickly like a tide, and then his right arm softened, and he could no longer find the sense of power that knocked people away with a punch just now.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Yi looked carefully at his fists and found that even the palm prints hadn't changed. He raised his head, looked at Lao Tu, and said nah: "Old Tu, let's go back. ..."

"There was trouble in our Luohonglou, do you want to leave?" A gloomy voice came from downstairs.

Li Yi turned his head to look, but saw a middle-aged man in a green robe, walking slowly upstairs, his steps seemed to be relaxed, but with each step, he moved forward a few meters , making people look like the eyes have an illusion.

"Your Excellency, this is a misunderstanding!" Li Yi hurriedly waved his hands, joking, I didn't come here to find a fight.

"Misunderstanding?" The green-robed man narrowed his eyes, and in an instant he had stepped over Old Tu and stood in front of Li Yi.

Li Yi sighed, shrugged helplessly and said, "Then what do you want?"

The man in the green robe glanced at Li Yi contemptuously, and then said, "You cut off your own arm, and then you will pay ten times the loss for falling into the red building today, and then it will be over."

"Fart!" Lao Tu flew into a rage, and slashed with a knife.

The steel knife turned into a stream of light and fell, but it could only lightly brush against the man's green robe.

"Cultivator." Lao Tu gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the other party.

"If you don't want to break an arm, then I can only break it for you." When the green-robed man spoke, the robe moved automatically without wind.

With a light lift of his right hand, a light blue light formed in the air, turned into a sword light, and slashed towards Lao Tu quickly.

"Fuck you!" Old Tu brandished his sword, and went straight to meet the sword light.

When the steel knife and the sword light met, there was a strange silence, and then Lao Tu's expression changed suddenly, and he retreated two steps in a row, only then did he dissipate the power of the middle-aged man's casual wave.

"It's quite capable." The middle-aged man smiled contemptuously, and said something casually. Before he finished speaking, he raised his right hand again, and another light blue light gradually formed, turning into a sword glow in the air.

The sword light hung in the air, and it was pointed at Lao Tu whose face was flushed because of receiving a sword light.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and watched the incident quietly. Today's Luohonglou is really too lively. Not only did a master-level black-faced scholar come out, but now a green-clothed ascetic who can't tell the level of strength came out unexpectedly .

The good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses, wait for Lao Tzu to go back and call that guy Wu Xiaoming to come over, and let him stab you to death... Li Yi gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but he was interrupted by someone first.

"Wait a minute, sir!" Suddenly someone spoke before him.

Li Yi looked down subconsciously, and saw that the speaker was wearing a luxurious white gown, with slightly dark complexion, and looked about [-] years old. He looked friendly and majestic.

"Second Prince?" Li Yi said in astonishment.

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