() "Huh?" Song Beikui hesitated for a moment—although I killed quite a few people, but... When did I go to Heilongzhai?

"Ah..." Li Yi saw that this guy seemed to have a single-minded mind, as if he wanted to correct his mistake, he hurriedly waved his hands to make peace, and waved his hands to mediate: "Enen, Brother Song, this is my brother Tu... ..."

"Hmph—" Lao Tu glanced at Song Beikui angrily, then suddenly remembered something, and asked in astonishment, "Master, when did you become the deacon of the Qin Daojian?"

At that time, Zhang Xuan just said that he wanted me to go to the Xuanji Pagoda of Qin Daojian to practice, why did he arrange a deacon for me?I don't know how many grades this position is?Do you have any special permissions?

Li Yi blushed, coughed twice and said, "Well, I knew about it a few days ago, but I didn't tell you."

A few people exchanged pleasantries in front of the door, causing many passers-by who were staring at the excitement to shake their heads and leave...

Leading the four newly acquired servants into the gate, Li Yi asked as he walked: "Brother Song, although your name is impressive, I don't know your strength, little brother..."

"Oh, easy to say, I'm a ninth-tier martial artist, and the three of them are seventh-tier martial artists." Song Beikui looked excited, looked around, and answered Li Yi's words casually.

Just four martial artists?Li Yi curled his lips, feeling a little dissatisfied. In fact, he didn't know that the tiger guards were all trained in groups of four. Four tiger guards at the martial artist level alone could almost crush the general level, and Competed with the martial arts master.

After instructing the housekeeper to arrange a residence for the four of them, Li Yi went back to the room and practiced quietly—by the way, he saw if the little fox Jing could come out.

The reason why this ridiculously lazy dandy thought of practicing to improve his strength was because there seemed to be too many assassinations against him recently.And what happened yesterday also proved that that kid Wu Xiaoming is unreliable.Lao Tzu is about to be played to death, and he hasn't shown up yet—so, to be a dude, you have to be smart.

Another reason is that since he fell off the cliff at Longshan Mountain, he has been feeling a little uneasy. Combined with his inexplicable extra status as a deacon, he always feels that there seems to be a big conspiracy, and he has already sent Involved himself.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Li Yi took a deep breath, calmed down, and focused on guarding his dantian. The true energy in his body circulated through the meridians, constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

A ray of light green aura was incorporated into the meridians and circulated into the dantian. Suddenly, Li Yi discovered that the dantian, which was empty like a black hole before, was abnormal.

Now, there seems to be a hazy light red aura floating around the periphery of my dantian. With these red cloud-like things outside the black hole-like dantian, it is like a red cloud covering the vast night sky.

And the spiritual energy that I absorbed, when passing through this light red breath, was actually absorbed by half of it!

"What is this!" Li Yi's expression suddenly changed—there are so many inexplicable things in his stomach, is this okay?

As if specifically answering his soliloquies, a soft and charming voice suddenly rang in his ears: "This is the Yao Yuan of the slave family..."

Li Yi was taken aback, and subconsciously ended his meditation. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Wanqing's enchanting and pretty face in front of him.

Li Yi glanced down subconsciously, but saw that this little girl had put on a light pink palace gauze at some point, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and said, "Wanqing, when did you come out? If you don't notify me in advance, you want to scare me to death!"

"Pfft——" Wanqing smiled, her voice was coquettish, as if coquettish: "I don't dare to ask the young master to die. If the young master dies, the slave, who will the slave go with..." At this point, she The head drooped slightly, and two peach blossoms seemed to fly on the cheeks.

This dead demon seduces me again... Li Yi was almost drooling because of this shameful and flattering gesture. He felt that the little brother was starting to move around again, so he took a breath and said, "Okay." ,well……"

Li Yi held back for a long while and finished speaking three good words before he remembered about Yao Yuan, and hurriedly asked, "Why is your Yao Yuan absorbing my aura?"

"Because the Yaoyuan wants to absorb spiritual energy, constantly strengthen herself, and restore her demon power..." Wanqing just stared at Li Yi affectionately. This kind of eyes, through her crescent-like eyes, almost wanted to kill someone. His heart was pierced.

"Oh, okay!" Li Yi answered subconsciously, and then realized, his expression was startled, and he said in astonishment: "What do you mean? I'm cultivating demon power now?" After saying this, he Feeling funny in my heart, I couldn't help poking my lips and laughing at myself: "Haha, I'm not a monster, how can I cultivate monster power..."

"If I cultivate the demon power, I will become a human..." Before he finished speaking, Wan Qing answered with a smile: "Demon!"

"Shemale?!" Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked at himself nervously, and said with a pale face, "You, me, what do you mean?"

"Young Master is half human and half demon now, isn't he just a human monster!" Wanqing said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Speaking of which, Wanqing has practiced for more than 700 years, and she hasn't seen this kind of thing! Half of the aura absorbed by Young Master has been transformed into Demon power, the other half will continue to be included in the dantian..."

"Stop!" Li Yi trembled and said in a panic, "Then, will I grow a tail?"

"Pfft——" Wanqing couldn't help but smiled, and comforted her with a flattering voice: "No, don't worry, the monster power is the same as the true energy of a warrior, and the spiritual power of a monk. It's just a kind of energy. Why? Makes you conjure a tail..."

Li Yi was a little relieved, and then asked subconsciously: "Then... when will you be able to absorb these monster powers back? I have a lot of monster power in my stomach, and I really feel quite awkward..."

"Once your cultivation is high, you will naturally be able to forcibly pour the Yaoyuan into the body of the slave." Wanqing replied in a low voice.

"Forcibly poured into? Inside?!" Li Yi swallowed... hurriedly stood up, picked up a cup of herbal tea, and took two sips, only to feel the heat in her heart lessen—nainai, this chick is terrible, Just a few words, if she really recovers her body... how great it would be, huh?No—then I still have to kill everyone?

He let out a long breath, turned around, and was about to tease the banshee Jing, but saw that the other party's body gradually became unreal again, and hurriedly asked: "Why did you come out so soon and left?"

Wanqing's voice gradually faded along with her body: "My lord, the monster power in my body is not enough to sustain a long-term appearance. I can only absorb the spiritual energy in the golden lock and recover for half an hour before I can come out."

"Can you come out for half an hour every day?" Li Yi frowned, and said rather displeasedly: "This little time is enough for a fart!"

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