My law is immortal

Chapter 61 I'll Carry It

() "Plato is Plato!" Li Yi frowned and said angrily, "It's okay for you to hit me!"

"I didn't hit you, you did it yourself!" There was a smile in Gu Deng's cloudy old eyes.

"You..." Li Yi was dizzy with anger—how could this old man in front of him be the Grand Master of Xuanji Pagoda?It's obviously too shameless!

The Gudeng old man glanced at Li Yi, then raised his head to look at Wanqing, but he finally didn't do anything, and asked in a declarative tone: "Why did you attach the Yaoyuan to my apprentice?" Having said that, he didn't wait for Wanqing. After answering, he nodded and snorted softly: "You want to use my apprentice's cultivation talent to absorb spiritual energy and turn it into demon power, and finally swallow it back..."

Wanqing didn't answer the old man's question, but frowned slightly, and opened her mouth slightly: "Your apprentice?"

"Your apprentice?" Li Yi stared, and then answered in astonishment—I didn't kowtow, didn't offer tea, and I became his apprentice?

"The old man has just decided to accept him as an apprentice!" Gudeng Baimei twitched slightly, and then he glanced at Li Yi, as if explaining what someone was thinking: "As for the cumbersome steps of apprenticeship, the old man doesn't like it at all, so , save it!"

Nainai, this old man is really shameless!When did I agree? It's really arrogant, so what if I don't agree?Li Yi thought of this, and glanced at Gudeng. The old man was squinting his eyes slightly at the moment, as if he didn't care about Li Yi's doubts. What does this expression mean-surely? seems good to be his apprentice, at least—in terms of seniority, the two loli guarding the tower have to call me Shizu or Shigong?

Thinking of this, a certain person blushed for no reason, and then thought again - I can shamelessly spit on Lori's face today, even if I ask you, a shameless old ghost, as my teacher, there is no shame in it.

"Ahem, I just acquiesced to him accepting me as an apprentice!" Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief and said seriously.

"You boy——" Gu Deng was stunned for a moment, then smiled strangely, looked at Li Yi playfully, and said, "You boy, you have a bit of the shameless demeanor of the old man..."

Is this complimenting me, or hurting me?Li Yi was taken aback, and Zhengyu was about to refute, but Gu Deng's expression suddenly became serious.

The old man raised one hand, rubbed his eyebrows, and then said slowly: "Accepting apprentices is another matter. Exterminating monsters is another matter..."

"Hey!" Seeing that the old guy actually mentioned this again, Li Yi hurriedly interjected: "Hey, how can she say that she is now your apprentice's daughter-in-law, and she is your junior, so forget it if you don't ask you to give gifts to the younger generation. You still want to kill?"

"Well, what you said is reasonable." Gu Deng frowned and thought for a moment, then glanced at Wan Qing contemptuously, and said, "I don't know how many little monsters like you have killed. Today, I will see my apprentice For the sake of this, I spare your life."

Speaking of this, Li Yi was a little relieved, but the old man said again: "But for the safety of my disciples, I have imprisoned all the Yaoyuan, and you can't withdraw the Yaoyuan until Li Yi reaches the Nascent Soul stage."

Hearing this, Li Yi felt horrified—he touched my belly just now, and he knew whether I was a virgin, and knew that I had Yao Yuan in my body, and now he actually locked the Yao Yuan into my body!Nascent Soul Stage?Who knows when Lao Tzu will reach the Nascent Soul stage?

"You!" Wanqing was taken aback, and said anxiously: "How can you do this! I, I won't hurt him!"

"How do I know if you will harm him? Besides, your Yao Yuan is constantly absorbing spiritual power in his body, and it will only become stronger and stronger. It is only good for you, not bad!" No more words.

Wanqing is flustered at the moment—even though she does not practice human Taoism, she still knows that there is a hurdle from the Jindan stage to the Nascent Soul stage, which is extremely difficult to pass, and how many amazing talents fall before this threshold , Immortal life is difficult to take a step.

You know, even she herself had practiced for 700 years before she could barely reach the cultivation base equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage of human beings. Now, due to the damage to the Yao Yuan, her own strength is less than one in ten, and she can barely reach the Golden Core Stage.

And this old man actually locked his Yao Yuan into Li Yi's dantian...

"What is the Nascent Soul Stage?" Li Yi poked his head, moved between the two of them, and asked cautiously.

"Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Consecration, Heartbeat, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul." Gu Deng slowly opened his eyes and responded casually.

"Oh!" Li Yi responded, and then he was taken aback for a moment before he realized—it sounds like I'm still a thousand miles away from the Nascent Soul Stage?

He immediately became anxious, and hurriedly said: "Uh, this...Master, you also know that we are newlyweds...and we can't stay in the same room forever. If I reach the Nascent Soul Stage, I won't suffocate your precious apprentice... "

This guy is indeed an extremely shameless person who came through time travel, and the first thing he thinks of at this moment is this kind of wretched thing...

"You boy!" Gu Deng yelled, obviously very angry, his thin body trembled violently, if he hadn't lost all his teeth due to his age, he would have already bit his mouth and creaked by now.

Li Yi was taken aback by the old man's roar, but he still teased with dissatisfaction in his heart - matters between men and women, it's only natural, you cheap master, don't you care a little too much?

Wanqing glanced at Li Yi, then bit her teeth lightly, drooping her eyelids, as if she was thinking about something, after a while, she called out: "Husband..." After shouting, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she squirmed Shy emotions rarely appeared on her face, she pursed her lips, and said softly and charmingly: "As long as I practice for a while, I will be able to condense the entity..."

Oops, this husband's shout is really comfortable... Li Yi was overjoyed, and excitedly said: "I don't need to absorb the demon yuan? That's good, that's good!"

"What's the matter!" Gu Deng interrupted coldly, then raised his brows, glanced at Wanqing indifferently, and said, "You have been exonerated from death, are you alive... With your current cultivation, I am afraid that any kind of crime in Xuanji Pagoda will Punishment will make your soul fly away..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, glanced at Li Yi who was standing aside and was thinking of something, and then said slowly: "Since this kid likes you, then let him bear the burden of the crime instead of you." !"

I don't know what this living crime is... However, since my daughter-in-law with a tail can't bear it, then I will fight against it!

Wanqing's Liu Mei frowned slightly, thoughtfully, when she raised her head to say something, she saw Li Yi raised his chest with a bit of masculinity, like a big brother covering a little brother, he slapped his chest suddenly and said loudly: "No matter what the crime - I will bear it for her!"

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