() Xuanji Pagoda, the sea wind whistling on the beach, the singing of gulls and birds in the sky, and the setting sun sprinkled the sunset glow on the mighty ocean, just like a skilled painter, painting the sea water with a layer of bright red with a brush.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some changes in the invisible sky.These changes are difficult to see with the naked eye, but practitioners can clearly feel the abnormal flow of spiritual energy in the world.

The huge spiritual energy slowly condensed towards the wooden hut by the sea. In the house, the spiritual energy that is usually invisible to the naked eye now emits five-color rays of light due to the high degree of concentration, and forms a vortex in the air.

The vortex formed by the spiritual energy slowly protruded downwards with a ray of five-color spiritual power. This ray of spiritual power entered along the acupuncture points on Li Yi's forehead, and then continuously poured into his body from top to bottom.

At this moment, Li Yi, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, also felt the spiritual energy entering his body, and his heart was overjoyed—this was the last step in the foundation-building period. The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth would violently pour into his body to help him stabilize the newly condensed Dao foundation. At this time, the more you absorb, the more beneficial it will be for the stability of the road foundation in the future.

When he thought of this episode, he immediately concentrated on it, causing the drop of pure golden liquid in his body to rotate at a high speed, absorbing the spiritual power from the outside world, and strengthening himself.

At the beginning, only a ray of spiritual energy was pouring in slowly, nourishing the meridians like a trickle.And as he absorbed the spiritual power with all his strength, the vortex above his head began to spin violently and at high speed like a wheel.

"Coax—" There seemed to be a silent sound in the colorful vortex, and then a ray of spiritual energy in the middle of the vortex suddenly became thicker, from the thickness of chopsticks to the thickness of the wrist, and then became the thickness of the mouth of a bowl again, and continued to grow , In the end, these auras turned into a beam of light, directly covering Li Yi's whole body.

"Boom—" Li Yi only felt that all kinds of spiritual power were pouring into his body quickly, and his meridians had a burst of dull pain, but he could barely bear it, and then the pain became more intense, as if to put his meridian The tearing is normal.

It was also fortunate that his meridians were inherently much tougher than the so-called geniuses, otherwise, the meridians would have been ruptured just now.

Li Yi has no choice at the moment, but can only hold his breath and concentrate, run the golden liquid in his dantian with all his strength, and constantly absorb the surging spiritual power in his body, but the speed of absorption is limited after all-just kidding, this guy has just built a foundation, which is equivalent to turning a In the immature space that has just been opened up, it is as if a nuclear weapon is thrown in and detonated.

"Huh—" The pink light flashed, and Wanqing appeared again. She rubbed her beautiful eyes and looked at the colorful vortex that was still expanding in the sky. Shutting the corner of his mouth, he smiled wryly and murmured: "My husband, why did such a big thing happen again..."

She shook her head helplessly, then gritted her teeth, stretched out her jade hand, and once again aroused the demonic energy in Li Yi's body...

At the same time, several Taoists had already stood outside the wooden house.

One of them has a white face and no beard, it is the national teacher Zhang Xuan, who is hanging in the air with an anxious expression at the moment, talking to himself anxiously: "This kid, could it be that he has directly reached the golden core stage, why did he cause such a big commotion? ?”

"I don't think so, besides, the golden core stage should be seven-color aura..." Taoist Qingyang stood on the ground, raising his head and squinting at the countless auras aroused in the sky.

"Our little junior brother is really amazingly talented. I have never seen such a breakthrough in foundation building in a hundred years of experience!" Zhang Xuan sighed, Li Yi was discovered by him, and he was the one who attracted this Lu, speaking of the shock in his heart at the moment, how can others understand?

"Huh——" Suddenly a figure flew over from the sky, but it was a bony old man, his face was full of anxiety, and his expression was extremely annoyed. Before the man arrived, a voice roared: "Ah, this Damn Li Yi, actually caused such a big commotion in my Sumeru space, could it be that he wants to destroy this place!"

The old man was obviously very angry, roaring and flying over, he glanced at Zhang Xuan angrily, and said viciously: "Don't imprison the spiritual energy with me!"

"Yes, Master..." Zhang Xuan and the others just realized at this moment...

Several people flew into the sky, forming a five-pointed formation, and isolated the wooden house from the surrounding environment with their spiritual power...

"Huh—" With Wanqing's help, Li Yi's pressure was relieved, knowing that the situation was dangerous at the moment, he immediately seized the opportunity and went all out to absorb spiritual power.

He already absorbs spiritual power a level faster than ordinary people, and now after the foundation building period, he has reached the absorption speed of the heartbeat period. Soon... the colorful vortex above his head gradually shrank and finally dissipated.

"Huh—" Wanqing took a long breath, withdrew her catkins, and patted her chest lightly... In an instant, the waves were choppy, and her enchanting figure, coupled with her frowning and tired appearance, really made people's hearts tug.

She looked tired, and sat in front of Li Yi, staring at him affectionately for a while, and then her cheeks flushed, and she quietly reached out her hand to caress the other's cheek.

Qianqian's plain hand gradually became illusory on Li Yi's cheek, and finally turned into a light pink mist, dissipating in the golden lock on Li Yi's chest.

As a result, Li Yi was the only one left in the room, with his eyes closed and his expression solemn.

With the passage of time, one day, two days, three days, the aura of the Xuanji tower has returned to normal, except for the seaside hut, which is still as quiet as usual...

In the room, there seemed to be some faint spiritual light around Li Yi's body, and these lights were continuously incorporated into his body as he absorbed them.

In short, at this moment, the fifth young master of our Li family has a dignified appearance, and looks like a master of Taoism...

"Drip—" A faint sound of dripping water came from inside his body.

"Huh?" Li Yi slowly opened his eyes, with a solemn expression, like a Buddhist master who just finished his homework and sat upright.


"Damn it! It's getting dark!" Suddenly, there was such a swearing - this fellow had just looked like a master of cultivation, but now he regained his senses and just turned his head to look, he realized something was wrong. It was still a sunny thatched hut before. The light is dim now...

Li Yi fumbled to light the candle, and heaved a sigh of relief, still palpitating from the danger of today's breakthrough. He just sat down, but felt that his whole body was sticky, and it was immediately clear-feelings are the filth in the body.

Squeezing the gold-encrusted iron token in his hand, Li Yi frowned, and shook his head: "Tell me to go to the second floor of the outer tower to receive the mission, you think I'm a mercenary... still receive the mission?" After thinking for a while , this guy's brows stretched again——"Anyway, I still have a month left. When the time comes, I will bring hundreds of officers and soldiers, cannons and heavy crossbows. I don't believe that I can kill one or two monsters?"

"After breaking through the foundation-building period, I really feel refreshed now, but look at Master Gudeng...that poor, old-fashioned appearance doesn't look like a master!" Li Yi curled his lips, sticky all over, and came to this This is the first time in the world to see the sea, no matter what, I have to go to the sea to have a good time...

Li Yi used to be an excellent swimmer in his previous life, for no other reason than to teach girls in the swimming pool, but eating tofu is fair and honest...

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