My law is immortal

Chapter 78 Fighting the Wolf Demon

() The rain fell down in an instant, and under the guidance of a touch of water aura in the jade slip, it gradually took shape, forming a transparent dragon made of pure water and glowing with light blue light.

This water dragon is about ten feet long, with waves flowing around its body, dragon scales are formed by the water flow, and dragon horns are cast from jade beads.

As soon as the water dragon took shape, it circled violently and rushed towards the wolf demon.

"Haha——" The wolf demon didn't show any sign of backing down. He opened his mouth wide, and there was a black whirlwind flying forward.

As a late-stage alchemist, how could he be afraid of the water dragon in front of him that was transformed with a heart-pounding spell?

The water dragon groaned, and the dragon's claws grabbed the black whirlwind, then flicked the dragon's tail vigorously, and slammed towards the wolf monster.

"Explosion!" The wolf demon uttered a word with a smirk, and then the black whirlwind exploded, and suddenly there were more yin and yin weeping and wailing sounds in the world.

As soon as the black whirlwind exploded, it instantly turned into countless unjust souls. These unjust souls were strands of black gas, which bound the water dragon all of a sudden.

The angry dragon chant resounded throughout the inn, and instantly woke up Sun Zhuoyi who was still sound asleep.

"Oops!" Sun Zhuoyi turned over from the bed with a thud, drew his long knife, pushed open the window, and jumped straight down from the second floor.

As soon as he landed, he saw Li Yi's entourage and guards rushing in the rain, and he opened his mouth and asked, "What happened just now!"

"My young master is fighting desperately with the wolf demon!" Lao Tu turned around with an angry face while running, and shouted loudly: "If there is something wrong with my young master, I will definitely stab you right through!"

Li Yi watched the water dragon being completely restrained, and then the wolf demon's sharp claws grabbed the water dragon struggling in mid-air, and then remembered the magic talisman Zhang Xuan taught him, and silently recited the magic formula in his heart, shouting loudly :"burst!"

"Coax—" just now, the aura that gathered the water vapor between the sky and the earth scatter suddenly, and then the condensed water dragon also instantly turned into countless water arrows, shooting at the wolf monster from all directions.

Countless water arrows shot away, turning into countless light blue rays of light. In this dark rainy night, like rain in the dark night, countless bands of light pierced the darkness and split the starry sky.

"Hmph, there are still two more--" the wolf demon grinned, and moved his arms forward, countless streamers of light shot towards the wolf demon in an instant.

The water dragon blew itself up and turned into a water arrow, which was naturally extremely powerful. With the help of the current torrential rain, the water spirit power in the world was the most abundant, and the power was naturally stronger than usual.

But the opponent is always a monster in the late stage of alchemy, and his body is so strong that ordinary steel is difficult to damage.

"Tap—" These water arrows pierced the wolf demon's body, and then the upright hairs all over the wolf demon's body became tough in an instant. The water arrows pierced them, but they could only shake the hair .

As a result, the hair on the wolf demon's whole body trembled slightly, and the water arrows suddenly turned into water droplets, mixed with the rainwater that was constantly falling from the sky, and dripped down on the ground, dissipating without a trace.

The wolf demon slowly lowered his arms, grinned, and walked slowly in front of Li Yi, arching his body without saying much.

He didn't need to speak, he had already proved with his strength at this moment that he was completely capable of crushing this little monk with a changeable magic weapon in front of him.

The huge pressure brought by the huge body of the wolf demon is like the thick dark clouds covering the sky of Linshui City at this moment.

"I'm cao!" Li Yi was taken aback, this guy is much better than a monk in the alchemy stage, how the hell can he beat him!

He had just finished coding when he heard a girl's twitching sound coming from behind him, his heart suddenly felt sulky for no reason, and he turned around and cursed: "Cao! Qing'er, I told you to go quickly, what are you still doing here!"

"Master——" Qing'er was crying, but after being scolded like this, he cried even more fiercely, and opened his mouth and said loudly: "Qing'er, if Qing'er dies, I will die with you!"

"Cao——" Before Li Yi finished cursing, he heard a bang behind him, knowing that it was the wolf demon pounced again, so he subconsciously closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms tightly around the maid's waist.

"噗——" Suddenly, a sword light came from top to bottom, and it cut in an instant.

The sword light is like water, but it is far better than the rainwater that is everywhere at the moment. His master seems to be very angry at the moment, the cold sword light cuts through the rainwater that is falling continuously, almost reaching the city.

"The monster is looking for death!" Song Beikui's rough voice came after the sword light flickered.Obviously, the speed of swinging the knife is much faster than the speed of his speaking!

"Say-" The outstretched arm of the wolf demon was instantly chopped off with a knife.

The hair on his arm burst suddenly, dissipating part of the impact, but it was an angry strike, a knife ready to strike, and this knife contained all the true energy of Song Beikui's more than [-] years of cultivation.

"Pa——" a string of shining sparks appeared on the wolf demon's arm in an instant, and then his arm finally fell down at a sharp point two inches away from Li Yi's back.

"Haha! It's so interesting, there is actually a martial artist!" The wolf demon grinned.

"It's not one of them!" With a soft shout, another ray of cold saber slashed at the head of the wolf demon in an instant.

Sun Zhuoyi is here!

The wolf demon smiled ferociously, without even raising his head, he just raised his right arm, and his huge sharp claws met the light of the knife in an instant.

"Pa-ta--" Sun Zhuoyi took two steps back with a livid face, and looked down at the twisted steel knife in his hand, as well as the bleeding wound on his wrist.

Heroes, two characters, one horizontal and one vertical, those who win stand, return triumphantly, and win the praise and praise of the world;

So, Sun Zhuoyi is still standing, because he always thinks he is a hero.

If you are a hero, you must go forward bravely and fight with real swords and guns.

Sun Zhuoyi didn't have a knife at this moment, but he still had fists.

Even under the torrential rain, he did not waver, the true energy of his whole body was condensed on his right fist, and a faint purple light gradually enveloped his fist. swing out.

The wolf demon sneered, but he couldn't dodge. He opened his bloody mouth suddenly, and a black whirlwind several times larger than the water dragon that had strangled it before flew out of his mouth in an instant.

This whirlwind had a huge range, as soon as it appeared, it swept in all the rainwater in the sky, and then expanded its range even more, it actually directly swept Sun Zhuoyi into it, and then only Sun Zhuoyi's angry shout could be heard inside.

"Master, I'm here!" Old Tu panted heavily, holding a steel knife in his hand, and shouted from afar: "Master, don't be afraid, I'm Old Tu stabbing him right through!"

Afraid, afraid of your sister, afraid!Li Yi was so angry that his head was dizzy. At this time, Lao Tu, the idiot, didn't seem to have reacted yet!

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