My law is immortal

Chapter 85 Late Letter

() The next day, the dark clouds had gone far away from Linshui City, and the fact that the monster was beheaded by Deacon Li from the capital was widely spread along with a convoy dragging half a wolf corpse around the city for a long time. So the haze of the wolf demon gradually faded away.

In front of the Hongyunlou Inn, Lao Tu had already prepared the carriage. Due to the heavy rain yesterday, there was a lot of silt on the shaft of the carriage. At this moment, the big man was bending over and sticking his buttocks, carefully wiping the body of the carriage.

No matter how Li Yi stopped him, he didn't agree to go back dirty.In his words, this is called returning from victory, and the armor and horses must be washed clean and shiny.

"Shopkeeper, if I, Qin Maocai, become successful in the future, I will definitely come back to honor you!" In the inn, Qin Maocai had already changed into a brand new green cloth gown.

At this moment, he, who was already rather handsome, actually looked handsome and unrestrained.

"Young man, don't you look bad!" Li Yi patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and walked out from the front door of the inn.

Sun Zhuoyi had already been waiting outside with two personal soldiers. His body was covered with gauze at the moment, but his bearing remained undiminished. The few bloodstains on his face gave him another three points of bravery.

"Lord Li!" Sun Zhuoyi stepped forward to meet him, and the soldiers behind him were so scared that they rushed forward to hold his armpits.The guy flicked his arm impatiently, and said angrily: "Get out, I'm not at the point where I can't walk!"

"Master Sun isn't resting at home today, what are you doing here to see me off!" Li Yi cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"I'm here to represent the people of Linshui—" Sun Zhuoyi suddenly bent his knees when he said this, and his tall and strong body fell to the ground with a plop. !"

Sun Zhuoyi was too lazy to wrap the bandage, fearing that it would affect his movements, so he asked the doctor to wrap it tightly. Now that he knelt down like this, the bandage on his body suddenly stretched, and blood spilled from his legs in an instant.

Li Yi was taken aback, and hurried up to lift him up, and said helplessly, "Master Sun, you've broken me!"

Sun Zhuoyi stood up, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, and said: "Master Li, my grandson is a reckless person, and yesterday he secretly scolded you in his heart for being greedy for life and afraid of death..."

Li Yi curled his lips, and said in his heart: "It's okay, I still scolded you in my heart for hitting a rock with an egg, and dying!"

"However, now I finally know that Mr. Li was fighting the wolf demon alone for our safety..." Sun Zhuoyi said this, with tears in his tiger eyes, and patted Li Yi on the shoulder. He slapped a person who was so proud of himself, and then continued: "Brother Li, what's the use of looking for my place in the future! Just send someone over to give instructions, Brother Li, what you arranged , I will never give up half a point!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say..." Li Yi bared his teeth.

"Master, let's go! It's not far from the capital, can you two ride a horse to catch up on the old days anytime later?" Lao Tu sat in front of the carriage, impatient with the afternoon sun, turned his head and urged loudly.

After urging the young master, he felt that it was inappropriate, and seemed to want to urge Qin Maocai, the second waiter in the shop, "Hey, that waiter, hurry up, be quick, you, Uncle Tu, can't do it anymore..."

Qin Maocai was saying goodbye to Yiyi, the innkeeper, when he heard Lao Tu's thunderous voice outside the door, he immediately shook, and with a smile on his face, he raised his hand to the innkeeper and said, "Goodbye, innkeeper!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but was grabbed by the wrinkled shopkeeper with a goatee.

The thin old man approached cautiously, lowered his voice and asked, "Hey, you, go and ask me, I have lost a room in my backyard, how can I fix that..."

"Ahem..." Sun Zhuoyi had the sharpest ears. He was afraid that Li Yi, who was selfless, would hear the selfish behavior of the innkeeper behind him, so he hurriedly abandoned Li Yi, turned around and entered the room, whispering a few words in the innkeeper's ear, The little old man immediately smiled...

A while later, Li Yi was sitting in the carriage, surrounded by the well-behaved Qing'er who was carefully helping him hold his shoulders. There was an ice basin in the corner of the carriage, with water smoke curling up inside, creating a cool atmosphere in the carriage in this summer. atmosphere.

Lao Tu sat in front of the chariot, pinching his waist with one hand, and taught Qin Maocai how to better control the steed that pulled the chariot.

The four tiger guards also rode tall horses, with majestic guards all around, and the horseshoes slowly, the group walked on the official road in such a harmonious and relaxed manner.

Hearing the rumble of the car shaft beside his ears, Li Yi leaned back comfortably, leaning against Qing'er's arms, and let out a comfortable breath, then he suddenly remembered that that kid Wu Xiaoming seemed to have given him a letter yesterday ?

"Qing'er, where are the clothes I changed yesterday?" Li Yi turned his head away and asked.

"Ah!" The little girl scratched her head, rummaged through the rucksack that was still in the back of the car, found a piece of clothing, and said joyfully, "Here it is!"

Li Yi took the clothes and took out a crumpled letter from the interlayer of the clothes.

The cover of this letter paper was already blurred, and the original white cover seemed to have turned dark yellow with spots due to more wind and sun and soaking in sewage.On the cover, the handwriting was blurred and hard to read, and one could vaguely see the words: "General of the Zhenjun Li's House, Li Yi..." and other words.

Even though the handwriting is very blurred, it can still be seen that the handwriting is delicate and elegant, obviously it was written by a woman.

When Li Yi saw the handwriting, his heart moved for no reason, and a woman's figure suddenly appeared in his eyes—this woman's national beauty is better than Peony, her appearance is proud, but her heart is full of tenderness...

Liu Yu?This little girl wrote me a letter?When is the letter?

He subconsciously tore open the seal, pulled out the light yellow paper inside, and spread it out, only to find that there were only two lines of small characters inside. Li Yi frowned, and immediately read it slowly.

I saw that it was written softly in small seal characters on it:

"I want to see you dearly, and the eaves and high pavilions are locked.

You don't miss your concubine, but the distance is like the end of the world. "

The handwriting is like faith, and the hooks seem to be connected but not connected.

"This!" Li Yi stared, and was immediately stunned.

There are three questions before me now:

First point, when is this letter?First of all, it can be confirmed that it must be the letterhead after Liu Yu took care of herself in the Li Mansion for several days after falling off the cliff.

The second point, the letter said that the lofty pavilion is locked, could it be that my daughter-in-law is locked somewhere?From the last time I was at Prince Bo's mansion, I heard that both Prince Bo and the princess had gone out... Could it be that she was locked in the Prince's mansion?

The third point! !Who the hell sent the letter!And who the hell received the letter!

"Old Tu!" Li Yi's annoyed voice came from the well-sound-proof compartment in an instant.

(Ahem, the small task in Linshui City is finished, and we will enter the long, cool and comfortable main line, don't walk away, there is another chapter at 09:30 in the evening...)

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