My law is immortal

Chapter 91 Fighting with Sister-in-Law

() Li Yi just feels short of breath at this moment, it's not because he is a first-time brother, it's just that the woman in front of him is too alluring, like a ripe apple, hanging on a tree branch, far away fall……

He took a long breath, and the light water mist from the ice basin in the room entered his lungs with a cold feeling, calming him down for three minutes.

"Where is she!" Li Yi calmed down a little, paused every word, and said in a cold voice.

The coldness of his voice was to cover up his panic, and to deter the provocative sister-in-law in front of him.

But Liu Qing didn't care about his tone, her voice was lukewarm: "Do I look good?"

She used such a lukewarm voice to ask this kind of thing that seemed to be a bedside love talk, which was really a bit cautious. Li Yi suddenly thought that if the woman in front of her was not crazy, then she had absolute confidence in herself. Self-confidence, and the arrogance of being a superior.

"It doesn't look good, cover it up quickly." Li Yi snorted lightly, and said something against his will.

He said this because the tone and attitude of the woman in front of him was so hateful that any normal man would not be able to help but rush forward and press her on the bed, squeezing her chest fiercely soft, and then viciously invaded her body, and taught the other party a lesson.

Li Yi is a normal man, and he really wants to do this at the moment, but in the battle between the two villains in his heart, a little white man named "Love Wife" successfully defeated a little black man named "Vent Down". (This metaphor is so cute, there is wood!)

After hearing Li Yi's answer, Liu Qing seemed a little surprised, then narrowed her eyes slightly, and stared at Li Yi with some dissatisfaction, she just lay on the bed, staring at him with her eyes straight, naked, Not a word.

Li Yi also scanned the other person's body without showing any weakness—for his own wife, he fought this crazy woman!

Quiet, the embroidered building was quiet to a certain extent, only the faint lights on the candlesticks could be heard whistling with the wind.

Occasionally there are frogs croaking outside the building, and the cicadas and cicadas of certain insects in heat.

Li Yi didn't know where his daughter-in-law was at the moment, so for no reason, he felt disgusted with these bugs who knew everything. He gritted his teeth and let out a breath.

This breath broke the tranquility in front of me that was full of charming, ambiguous, strange, burning, and many complex emotions.

"Heh—" Liu Qing laughed suddenly. She smiled beautifully, but with the dim candlelight, she seemed to be able to see some mist between her eyes.

She just laughed, and then let out a long breath, and slowly pulled up the brocade quilt that had slipped from her waist, and pulled it to her neck, covering her proud parts.

Then, she spoke slowly: "My sister, she is in Jinling."

"Jinling?" Li Yi was taken aback, and asked, "What is she doing in Jinling?"

"Practice." Liu Qing seemed to be defeated in this childlike confrontation, so she confessed what she knew.

"Practice?! Where do you practice?" Li Yi was taken aback, nainai, don't become a nun!

Liu Qing sighed softly, and said, "She's at Jilong Mountain. As for where she is, I don't know."

"Jilong Mountain?" Li Yi secretly remembered it, but couldn't help complaining - the name of this mountain, also Jilong Mountain, really is a deep lock chicken cage!

"That's all?" Li Yi rolled his eyes.

"En." Liu Qing's voice became softer and softer. Compared with the previous lukewarm, there were a lot more emotions. These emotions were very complicated and hard to express.

"Go find her!" Liu Qing suddenly sighed.

"Okay." Li Yi turned around and left. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay, but that he didn't dare to stay—the aunt in front of him was too terrifying. She was definitely a master at playing with other people's emotions and thoughts. In a few words, I put myself at a disadvantage.

Therefore, he was afraid that if he stayed for an extra stick of incense, he would not be able to hold it.

Seeing Li Yi turn around and leave, Liu Qing twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and smiled silently. She turned her body to face the outside, raised her right hand to cushion her ear, and then quietly looked at the front with her beautiful eyes as bright as the moon. The man's back.

My brother-in-law doesn't seem to be simple.

At this moment, in the boudoir, there are only candles flickering, the lights are dim, and the ice in the ice tray in the corner of the wall has completely melted, leaving only a basin of clear water, which has no ripples, and is even more tranquil in this night .

When Li Yi left the Xiulou, he felt his scalp tingling, and his body was soaked in cold sweat at some point.

What happened tonight was too messy. First, I bumped into a promiscuous maid, but in the end, this maid had to serve me... Okay, then I touched my wife, and actually touched my sister-in-law. If this is really unbearable...

However, this Liu Qing is really a terrible woman, and I don't know how her family can bear it?

Yu'er has already gone to Raoshizi Jilong Mountain, Jilong Mountain is in Jinling, so far away from here—nainai, this little girl is really cruel enough to leave her husband and me and go to practice thousands of miles away?However, no matter how far you go, you grandson monkey can't escape Lao Tzu's Wuzhi Mountain!

The full moon hung high in the sky, just like Liu Qing's beautiful eyes, staring at Li Yi, making his scalp numb for no reason.

Li Yi passed the moon cave along the long corridor before, and then avoided several guards, and then found the place where he ran into the "Jian Fu Yin Fu" before. He straightened his climbing claws, and his whole body was as light as a cat, silently. He climbed onto the courtyard wall with a sound, and from a distance, his horse was still tied to the stone pillar.

"Pfft——" Li Yi jumped onto the horse's back, picked up the rein with his right hand, and the rein fell into his hands from the stone pillar. Li Yi clamped his legs, and the horse under him stepped forward knowingly, one person and one horse , and slowly disappeared at the end of the street in the night.

Back in the backyard of Li's Mansion, the sky has gradually brightened, the east has become faintly pale, and the clouds in the sky have gradually been dyed a faint blush.

This guy was "tired" all night, and with the bloody battle with the wolf demon the day before yesterday, he was already exhausted at this moment, he hurriedly greeted a few servants who had woken up early, and rushed to his room.

Through the panes, one can see the faint light of the candle flames inside.

Li Yi pushed open the door, and saw Qing'er, who was neatly dressed, getting up from the table in a panic.

Qing'er raised her head when she heard the movement, and frantically straightened the messy hair on her forehead, and said softly, "Master, you are back!"

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