tokyo soulful legend

Chapter 43 She Was Curious

Chapter 43 She Was Curious
The next day, on the weekend, in the evening, Beichuan's living room.

After eating and drinking, Rina Toshima lay down on the single sofa quite naturally, with a look on her face full of happiness.

The more she dined with Beichuan's family, the more grateful she was for the correctness of her original decision.

As the saying goes, if you are thick-skinned, you can eat meat. Fortunately, I had the shamelessness to make this request. If I were thin-skinned, I would miss out on the Beichuan family's meal.

With her right hand propped under her side face, Rina Tsugumi adjusted her posture slightly, and her eyes fell on the LCD TV in the living room.

Tonight, the Beichuan family's TV program is still focused on the urban romance drama that is about to be completed.

The stomach-churning plot has no intention of ending. The male protagonist is still torn between the two female protagonists. The war between the Tiansheng family and the childhood sweethearts is not over yet. It even seems to be getting worse. The more I watch it, the more I watch it. , which makes people feel more tangled.

On the screen, the male protagonist and his childhood sweetheart send Tianjiangxi to the airport, and the latter is about to leave Japan for his future. A parting kiss with the hero.

As the episode of the pure music version of the TV series gradually sounded, the atmosphere was pushed to a climax.

Therefore, people who are entangled are more entangled, and people who have stomach pains are more stomachaches.


Rina Toshima couldn't help but frown, feeling inexplicably panicked in her heart.

From her personal standpoint, she prefers the role of the Skyfall type.

Although the Tianxiang Department and the male protagonist only met in high school, they have experienced many things together and left countless precious memories. Even now, she has to leave Japan and go to the ocean for further studies. Can be forced to give up the relationship with the hero.

Go fuck it!

After spitting out a foul word in her heart, she shook her head, looked away, and turned to look at Beichuan Che who was sitting on the sofa where the old god was.

While eating just now, she wanted to ask how his date on Saturday went, but because Miao's food tasted so good, she never had time to ask.

At this point in time, it seems okay.

"Speaking of which, Che, how was your date on Saturday?"

Rina Toshima considered her words for a moment before speaking, breaking the silence in the living room.

After the words fell, Ejima Miao pricked up her ears calmly, and then focused her attention on her side.For her, although the plot of the TV series attracts her, it is more important to know the progress of her young master and Miss Linyin.

"Let's proceed normally, at least there will be no cold spots."

Mentioning this, the expression on Beichuan Che's face relaxed a lot.

Before this date, he was a little worried—afraid that he and Beiyuan Linyin wouldn't be able to chat.For the rest, he wasn't too worried.

In the end, if it’s just to cope with the process, going out on a date is not a difficult thing, even if you are unfamiliar, it doesn’t matter much, especially after you have arranged the itinerary for the day in advance, just follow the schedule along the way.

However, during this process, if both of them are silent, it will be very difficult. Silence is golden and does not apply at this time, and it will only make people feel that life is like a year, and they are sitting on pins and needles.

"Is there no other progress?" Makoto Tsugumi blinked, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, outlining an ambiguous smile, "For example, holding hands, kissing and so on."

This kind of couple interaction is common in Shirakawa High School, and she has seen it many times, but she is still looking forward to Kitagawa Che's expression and state when doing this.

"The relationship between me and her is a pure male-female friendship."

Bei Chuan Che gave this person a white look, he was okay at school, but in private, this person has let himself go, not like a teacher, but more like a big girl who is slovenly at home.

"Come on, people who usually say this must have something in their hearts." Tsugumi Rina raised her eyebrows, not believing Kitagawa Che's statement.

Last year, when she was the modern literature teacher in Baiyuan Shizhi's class, she also served as the psychological counseling teacher in the class. At that time, a petite girl who looked weak came to her for counseling about her relationship. question.

At the beginning, the little girl was a little embarrassed, and used the classic sentence pattern "I have a friend". Later, as the relationship between each other got closer, it became a mouthful of "pure" Male and female friendship', 'I am just a tomodaqi (friend) relationship with him'.

Later, the other party really integrated into the life of liking boys as a 'friend'.

After a while, when the time came, she, who looked small and soft, burst out with amazing courage, seized the opportunity, confessed her love in one fell swoop, and went straight to win over the boy she liked, with a decisive and decisive approach, without hesitation. .

And she has seen too many such 'friend' relationships.

Kitagawa Che didn't argue, but gave Rina Toshima a slightly helpless look.

This is how it is these days. To tell the truth, no one believes it, but when you tell lies, everyone is skeptical, so I highlight one outrageous point.

What Magical Reality.jpg
"Baichuan High School doesn't object to students falling in love. It's not like you haven't seen it before. When we went to find the principal that day, those couples on the playground outside were holding hands. When I passed by, they didn't let go. .”

Rina Tashisei shrugged her shoulders and looked as if she was sad that she was hiding something from even me and that her feelings had faded away.

"I can't make something out of nothing, I think whatever I think."

Beichuan Che shook his head.

"Tch." Toshiro Nainai pursed her lips rather childishly.

However, her emotions always come and go quickly. After pondering for a moment, she changed the subject and mentioned another matter relatively seriously, "Ache, Miao, after next Monday, I have planned everything." It’s the first month of school.”

"You mean, monthly exam?"

Kitagawa Che quickly got what Tsugumi Rina meant.

Before Rina Toshima mentioned this matter, he had already counted the time, and was still wondering in his heart how to arrange the time for this month's exam.

"It's the monthly exam. Tomorrow, that is, next Monday, I will announce this during the morning meeting." Rina Toshima nodded slightly, "On Monday next week, the first official monthly exam will begin."

Having said this, Rina Tashigi paused, "The scope and content of the exam are the knowledge points we have learned this month. This exam, relatively speaking, is relatively important and will directly affect the subsequent The allocation of a series of on-campus resources, such as scholarships and the like.”

Hearing the words "scholarship", Miao Eshima's eyes lit up.

Although all the Beichuan family's expenses are now borne by the young master, she still wants to contribute.

Ejima Myo stopped being silent and asked directly, "How much is this scholarship? How can I get it?"

"The top ten in grade will all get a share. The first place will get [-] yen, the second place will get [-] yen, the third place will get [-] yen, and from now on it will all get [-] yen."

Tsugumi Rina replied subconsciously, and then, after realizing it, she froze for a moment, and glanced at Ejima Miao in surprise.

While others groan when they hear the exam, you are looking forward to it, right? ?
Oops, Rina Tosei remembered that this girl was admitted to school free of charge and her grades were quite good.

If you think about it this way, it's no wonder.

Then, Ache, you always...

Rina Toshima turned her head, and what was reflected in her eyes was Kitagawa Che whose expression had not changed, and who was still calm and calm?
She was silent for a moment, feeling a sense of distance for no reason.

When she was studying at Fujiwara Private Academy, whenever she heard the word monthly exam, her head started to hurt. There are not a few people like her.In other words, most students should groan when they hear about the exam.

But the current situation seemed to be quite different from the situation in her memory.

"Forget it, Ah Che, aren't you panicking?"

She asked something incomprehensible.

"It's just an exam."

Kitagawa Che looked indifferent. He had already passed so many exams before traveling through time. How could he still be afraid of this now?

What's more, he also needs such an exam to verify something. What can he, a social beast who has not studied for a long time, be able to achieve with the help of surprise tutoring during this period and the study panel.

Well, you two are noble, you two are amazing!

Rina Toshima closed her mouth and chose silence.

  good morning everyone.

  Thanks to Akalin 233, the monthly ticket of a killer who has no feelings, and everyone who voted for recommendation. Your support is the driving force for my writing.

  I still want to ask for a vote today~
(End of this chapter)

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