tokyo soulful legend

第45章 成绩【4K7,2合1,求追读】

Chapter 45 Results [4K7, two-in-one, please read]

No matter which high school they are in, as long as the high school has not completely given up on the admission rate and is still taking the admission rate as the main goal of the school, then students with good grades will naturally receive the attention of teachers and school administrators, and this attention will be subtle. Influence other students in the school and create a thriving academic atmosphere.

However, the test of the results of a period of time will eventually be accompanied by labor pains.

Amidst the wailing of the students, the first monthly exam at the beginning of the school came to an end.

If a school is a microcosm of a micro-society, then the most intuitive thing that divides the gap between students, apart from the clear distinction between small circles, is probably the scores in each exam.

On Thursday morning, after the first get out of class in the morning, Takumi Kiriyama came to Kitagawa Che with a nervous expression on his face.

"Beichuan, how did you perform this time?"

After considering the words, Kiriyama Taku gave up thinking and chose to get straight to the point.

On the day when the exam ended on Tuesday, he thought about coming to ask Beichuan Che how he was doing, but after hesitating again and again, he dismissed that idea.

In his impression, or in the impression of most students in Class A, Grade [-], Kitagawa Che's grades have always been excellent. Teachers from various subjects would ask him to answer difficult questions from time to time, and he could also answer them. This is evident from this point.

In contrast, he barely finished the entire monthly exam.

In all fairness, the papers this time were all the knowledge he had learned in the past month, but the sudden transition from junior high school to high school, the leap in knowledge points, and the increasing difficulty still made it difficult for him to adapt for a while.

Wouldn't it be boring to ask Bei Chuanche how he performed when he failed the exam?

Although he knows that Kitagawa Che is not a person who likes to show off. On the contrary, in many cases, he is quite honest. If he can, he will do it, and if he doesn't, he will not. His normal performance is his normal performance. But under such a premise, the more honest he is, the more honest he is. , the greater your psychological pressure will be.

Until now, he barely adjusted his mood.

——Because Makoto Makoto Rina is going to hand out the grade slips in the next class, and you have to accept the fact whether you are ready or not.

As for the announcement of the overall ranking results, it was postponed to the afternoon, which gave most people some breathing time before their execution.

"It's normal."

Beichuan Che thought for a while, and gave a compromise answer.

At this time, Kiriyama Tuo came to chat with him, obviously because he was under a lot of psychological pressure and wanted to talk to someone.

"You don't want to tell me that you didn't review before the exam, did you?"

Hearing Kitagawa Che's answer which was very different from what he expected, Kiriyama Taku's expression became more relaxed and he joked casually.

It's a joke, but it's true.

Before the exam, when everyone was studying hard, Beichuan Che was the only one who still went his own way.

His daily life didn't seem to be affected by this incident, he didn't review much, and he still devoted himself to writing homework for other subjects and attending classes in class.

From time to time, he was picked up by the teacher to give correct answers to some headaches for everyone. After sitting down, he continued to complete his work.Standing out and letting him storm, I remained motionless.

In a sense, Kitagawa Che is indeed intimidating in this aspect.

He never seems to worry about gains and losses.

When he was studying in the middle school affiliated to Shirakawa High School, Kiriyama Taku had seen more than once the appearance of the top student in his class before the exam.

There is an inexplicable feeling of betrayal.jpg
Now, with Beichuan Che, his frustration is even stronger.


Bei Chuan Che hesitated again and again, but still nodded and told a white lie.

"Then this time, you should be able to take the first place in the class?"

Kiriyama Takuo calmed down, then raised his eyebrows, looking forward to it.

Their circle is centered around Beichuan Che, and it is quite a face-saving thing for the central figure in the circle to win the first place in the class.

"You overestimated me."

Beichuan Che shook his head.

The most important thing for a person is to be self-aware. Even if you don't count Beiyuan Rinne, Eshima Miao alone is not something he can pass.

There is also a gap between people, and there is even a gap between the time traveler and the child of the plane.

"Then, if you're in the top three, you should..."

Before he finished speaking, the bell rang to indicate the end of the break. Kiriyama Taku originally wanted to finish the question, but when he saw Rina Toshimai who had already walked in with the course materials, he could only sigh in his heart, feeling dejected. Returned to his position.

After looking around the extremely quiet classroom, Tsugumi Rina tensed her face, and talked about the grades that the students were both looking forward to and afraid of, "Compared with the grades of everyone when you entered school this time, the grades of our class show the same There are two levels of situation.

"Some people had good grades before entering school, but they performed quite badly this time, and some people had mediocre grades before entering school, but they performed quite well this time.

"Since this is the first monthly exam, I won't read the total score, nor will I read the ranking, and I will receive the score slip according to everyone's student number."

After the words fell, it was visible to the naked eye that the students all breathed a sigh of relief.

Just like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, even if you don't do well in the exam this time, as long as you don't read out the total score and ranking in the class, it doesn't matter. You just know that you did poorly.

As for the announcement of the overall score in the afternoon, that was for the afternoon.

Not to mention that as long as you don’t look at it, there won’t be any problem!

Rina Tashigi paused, looking at the students on the podium with a little more expectation in her eyes, "Those who have passed the exam, don't be proud and complacent. If you pass the exam this time, you won't need to take the exam in the future." If you do poorly in the exam, don't feel too sorry for yourself. The result of one exam cannot reflect your future academic achievements.

"Did everyone understand?"

After the voice fell, the audience was quiet for half a second, and then gave a uniform answer.

"I understand."

"Then, let's start handing out the grade slips." Tsugumi Rina looked at the first grade slips, "Hiraga Masaaki."

The boy wearing glasses sitting in the first row in the middle of the classroom stood up, came to the podium, and took the grade slip handed to him by Rina Toshima.

"My performance this time was so-so, but there is still room for improvement. Do you understand what I mean?"

Rina Toshima glanced at him and warned him.

On the whole, the results of this exam were not good. The principal pointed out this problem seriously at the summary meeting on Wednesday afternoon. He didn't say it clearly, but what he conveyed to the teachers participating in the meeting and the teachers of various subjects was, In the next period of time, you need to pay close attention to your studies.

Hiraga Masaki glanced at the grade slip, nodded, and then returned to his seat.

This time, his test results were not far behind his pre-entry grades, and roughly estimated, he should be at the top of the class.

Rina Toshima didn't pay attention to his subtle expression and picked up the second score sheet.

In other classes, his performance was indeed good, but in Class A, especially with those three, his performance seemed average.

I just don't know, when the results are announced in the afternoon, for Class A students who are willing to see their rankings, it is good or bad to have three ferocious tigers in the class.

Sighing in her heart, Toshimaru Rina called out the next girl's name, "Sugino Kimiko."


As more and more score slips were handed out, the expressions on the faces of the students under the podium became more and more polarized.

Some people have already written 'I did well in the exam this time' on their faces, and when the students next to them asked tentatively, they replied in a low voice pretending to be modest, 'No, it's just average. ’, that kind of pretending to be modest, but eager to ‘quickly praise me’, compared with the previous high-spirited, peacock-like state, there is an inexplicable sense of humor.

Some put their depression on their faces, obviously this time their performance may not be ideal.

"Kiriyama Taku."

Rina Toshima finally called Kiriyama Taku's name, and the latter also stood up from his seat tremblingly, and cautiously and unnaturally came to the podium, as if he was about to go to the execution ground.

Seeing him like this, Rina Toshima almost lost control of her expression and almost couldn't help laughing. She coughed lightly, handed him the score sheet, and encouraged him, "Actually, he performed well. Okay, keep it up and keep improving.”

Kiriyama Taku's grades are at the middle level in class A, but compared with his grades before entering school, this grade has already improved.

As for his look of "I guess he didn't do well in the exam," Rina Tashisei understands it very well. She thinks that she didn't do well in the exam and was very poor in the exam, but when the results come down, it's usually not that bad.

Kiriyama Taku's reaction was exactly as Rina Toshima expected.

When he saw his grade slip, he wiped his eyes first, and after confirming the grade again and again, his originally frowning expression suddenly relaxed, and became brighter visible to the naked eye.

After saying "Thank you, Teacher Toshimagi", Kiriyama Taku returned to his seat with satisfaction.

His current grades will be enough for him to get into a good university as long as he can graduate.

"Hmm..." Seeing Kiriyama Takuna's face-changing changes in Sichuan opera, Tsugumi Rina shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, then pulled out the next grade slip, and after taking another look at the exaggerated grade, she was overwhelmed. The heart was shocked once again, she shook her head, and called out the person's name with a complicated mood, "Ejima Miao."

When she was in the office, she was often envied by the teachers in other classes because of this incident.

Teachers are the first to know the grade ranking.

Class A of Senior One performed better this time than the previous Class A. Among the top five grades, there were three in their class. As for the bottom one in the attached grade, they selectively ignored it.

People always like to hear the good news and ignore the bad news.

"This time...keep it up."

When Ejima Miao came to the podium, Tsugumi Rina fell silent for a while. She didn't know what to say, so she could only say this sentence.

If you are first in grade, how can you make progress?

Calculated, Miao's deviation value is already firmly in the local Dongda series, and it is definitely able to rank among the top candidates in that session.

Then what else can I say? I can’t say anything.


Ejima Miao nodded, took the grade slip, and returned to her seat with the same expression.

Compared with this result, she is more concerned about how long and how the scholarship will be issued-and this question, she has already asked Makoto Tsugumi Rina about this question yesterday. According to the latter, within ten working days, if the money is paid, It will be dialed into the bank card that asked everyone to leave the number before entering the school.

"Beiyuan Rinyin."

Rina Toshima took out the next score sheet and called out the name of this beautiful girl who made waves at the beginning of school.

In terms of deviation values, she and Myo Eshima were basically the same, except in two subjects, there was a slight difference, causing the total score to slip to second place this time, but it was still a fight between gods.

To be fair, Rina Tsugumi had never seen the difference between the two of them in Shirakawa High School.

When she was studying at Fujiwara Private College, she met a similar one. It was a senior of hers. Now she has become famous in the field of medicine that she loved at the beginning.

"Keep it up."

Watching the lotus steps approaching Beiyuan Linyin next to the podium, Tsugumi Rina could only give such a dry answer.


After receiving the grade slip, Beiyuan Linyin looked at her grades, not too surprised, but when she saw the number 2 in the ranking column, she inevitably frowned.

Unfortunately, she thought of Eshima Myo, and her expression became relieved.

"The next one is Kitagawa Che." Tsuguma Rina raised her eyebrows and looked at Kitagawa Che. The more she looked at him, the more unhappy she felt in her heart.

Damn it, why!
Even if Myo Eshima and Rinne Hokion did so well in the exam, they have become strangers to you.

Beichuan Che's pre-enrollment grades were not considered excellent, and he was in an embarrassing position in the entire Baichuan High School.

The current monthly exam has jumped to the fifth grade.

His grades in all subjects were also very good, but something went wrong in the modern Chinese, or Mandarin, which she taught, and he became the lowest score in all subjects.

"Uh, Teacher Makoto Tsugumi?"

Kitagawa Teru, who was standing at the edge of the podium, stretched out his hand, intending to take the score sheet, but Rina Toshima had no intention of letting go. Instead, she glared at him fiercely.

"Mandarin needs to be strengthened, understand?"

She said this with a double entendre.

"it is good."

After the words fell, the grade slip returned to Beichuan Che.

"Morishima Yuki."

Then, Tsugumi Rina pulled out the last grade slip.

After seeing the shocking grades on the grade strip, she inevitably sighed in her heart.

Maybe that's the price.

If there is the best student in the class, there will also be the worst one.

But this student really didn't rely on this thing to advance to higher education, and she couldn't talk too much about her.

Moreover, the principal also talked to her and asked her to turn a blind eye to the issue regarding Morishima Yukisa.

Morishima Yukisa's mother, Morishima Yukie, was also a student of Shirakawa High School.

Rina Toshimai is no stranger to her mother's name, and is quite familiar with it.

When she was a student, she bought quite a few CDs of Yukie Morishima and was a loyal fan of the other party.

And Yuki Morishima has already achieved fame on the road of music, not only in Japan, but also internationally, she is an extremely famous singer and musician.

Under such a premise, two months ago, Morishima Yuki gave a lot of sponsorship to Baichuan High School. The only request was that she hoped that her only daughter who stayed in China could attend Baichuan High School and graduate from here smoothly.

The principal is aware of the difficulties of Morishima Yukie, who was once his favorite student, and he is even more aware of the pain points of her, who looks glamorous and exposed in the spotlight, but is actually a single mother.

He knew she had a hard time in those years.

Therefore, I agreed.

Therefore, due to emotion and reason, Rina Tsugumi couldn't say anything more about this student.


Unable to hold back, she took another deep breath.

"It's better to put more effort into this aspect."

Tsugumi Rina turned her head, and her eyes fell on Morishima Yukisa's fair face, but with a clear sense of alienation.

Under the eye sockets of this student, there are quite obvious dark circles.

But she usually sleeps on her stomach in class. Obviously, she should be doing something at night.

Morishima Yukisa did not answer, but silently took the grade slip and returned to her seat.

"Then let's start the formal lessons."

After she sat down, Tsugumi Rina coughed lightly, stopped the students who were whispering and discussing each other's grades, and opened the textbook.

But deep down in her heart, she was inexplicably worried about another thing.

Last night, her mother called her.

The general meaning is that if there is a blind date, she can try to attend it. If it doesn't work this time, her family will not push her in this regard this year.

In matters related to her marriage, the mother still has the right to speak.

The blind date will be on April [-]rd, which is the weekend of this week.

After much hesitation, she agreed.

Compared with the trouble for a while and the cleanliness of the rest of this year, she chose the latter without hesitation.

 Thank you for your encouragement, it made me, a little transparent author, feel much better.

  Thanks for the rewards from I Am Monologue, and the monthly passes from Takigawa and 1495. Your support is the motivation for my writing.

  If you have any recommendation votes, remember to vote.

  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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