tokyo soulful legend

Chapter 97 Invitation

Chapter 97 Invitation

"Sorry, I'll go take a call."

After taking a look at the caller, Kitagawa Che stood up, walked to the study room on the first floor, and closed the door with his backhand.

The call came from none other than Bai Yuan Shiori, who had pushed the atmosphere in the auditorium to another climax this afternoon.

Stuck in the last two seconds of the ringtone, Beichuan Che answered the phone, "Good evening, Bai Yuan-senpai."

"Isn't this title too unfamiliar?"

Bai Yuan Shizhi on the other end of the phone frowned slightly, and teased him in a relaxed tone, "Mr. Colleague, do you want to draw a line with me?"

"No, didn't I call you that before?"

Beichuan Che didn't understand this girl for a while.

"Wuwu, stop talking, I understand."

Baiyuan Shizhi pretended to be aggrieved, even sobbing lightly.

"I think you're bullying me, but I have no proof."

Bei Chuan Che was silent for half a second, instead of choosing to come up with the script of the bitter drama, he uttered these words leisurely.

"Hey, is it so obvious?" There was a touch of surprise in Bai Yuan Shizhi's voice, and he immediately started talking, "Would your colleague like to be my CPU?"

"The answer is no. But..." Beichuan Che paused, and then changed the topic, "It's okay to add money."

"It's boring, it's too straightforward, Mr. Colleague, you won't be able to catch up with girls like this."

There was a smile in Bai Yuan Shizhi's voice, but a look of sadness passed between her brows and eyes. What she said just now was not only a joke, but also her sincere words.

She actually wanted Bei Chuan Che to call her by her first name.

In exchange, she would be able to call him by his first name.

"Forget it, it's not the first day I've met you." Bai Yuan Shizhi let out a long sigh of relief, "I have something to ask you for bothering you so late."

"please say."

Beichuan Che put away his joking state, and his tone became a little more serious.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Bai Yuan Shizhi took a deep breath. For her, what Beiyuan Linyin said today has already aroused her competitiveness and given her enough sense of urgency.

"Yes, I have."

Beichuan Che gave the answer without even thinking about it. Tomorrow is Saturday. Currently, he doesn't have any appointments.

Belonging is finally living the life he has dreamed of since time travel, spending his Saturdays peacefully.

"Then can you go out with me tomorrow?" Bai Yuan Shizhi said the words that she had prepared for an hour before making the call, "accompany me to collect materials. In writing, I met some difficulties."

At this time, she was sitting on the bed in her own room, with her back leaning against the back of the bed, her white hands gently resting on her knees, and her light brown eyes were a little more anxious and uneasy.

In a sense, his answer will directly determine the junction point of future fate between her and him.

No matter how hard two parallel lines try, they will be parallel and cannot be touched, but if they are two intersecting lines, no matter how far apart they are, they will still intersect in the extension.

Beichuan Che smiled, and asked humorously, "Do you include rice?"

The bear people will never be slaves, unless they have food and shelter.


Bai Yuan Shizhi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

"The meeting place, the time."

"For this, I'll send it to you on the line later, is that okay?"


"Then..." Bai Yuan Shizhi elongated her tone, raised her head, looked at the warm light pouring down above her head, her mood improved inexplicably, "Then, see you tomorrow."

Her voice at this time was inexplicably relaxed.

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Beichuan Che put away the phone, turned around and walked out of the study.

Beiyuan home.

In the living room, Beiyuan Zhengyu, who was looking at the photos on his phone, was inexplicably lost in thought. He turned his head, looked at his wife, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed all the words. What can he say?What should I say?

The photo was taken by his personal bodyguard.

These bodyguards have been quietly arranged by Beichuan Che's side since the incident of Beichuan Che's injury. At the same time, he also greeted Ejima Miao. This strong and distressed girl is not like before. So determined, but chose to agree.

The composition of the photo is not complicated, rather simple, but it inexplicably made him feel uncomfortable, as if he was watching that stomach-ache morning drama with his wife when he was young.

His daughter stood under the stage, Kitagawa Che and his partner beside him bowed to the audience on the stage. At the same time, a girl wearing a Shirakawa High School uniform came on stage holding flowers.

If the girls on the stage were all ordinary-looking, then he didn't think it would be a problem.

After all, it is very realistic to say that boys of this age will still prefer beautiful girls.

But whether it's Bei Chuan Che's partner or the girl who came to the stage to give flowers, objectively speaking, they are all beautiful. Compared with his own daughter, they are all beautiful, and each has its own advantages.

This is a headache.

"Lisha, this..."

Beiyuan Zhengyu turned his head sideways, his eyes fell on his wife's face, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his eyes.

"There's nothing to say." Beiyuan Lisha was more free and easy, she smiled, and then asked, "Zhengyu, what do you think of this child, Ache?"

"Practice, responsible, and very mature in dealing with people." Beiyuan Zhengyu paused, "Compared to him before, he is much better and more dazzling."

"So, what do you think of our daughter?"

Beiyuan Lisha then asked.

"Linyin looks cold, but she is actually a good child who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. She is gentle and patient with those she cares about. She is willing to listen to their troubles and tolerate them. In terms of family affairs, she is far more skilled than her peers. Of course." Beiyuan Zhengyu changed the subject, and flattered Beiyuan Lisha, "This is also thanks to your wife."

"Stop flattering." Beiyuan Risa glared at her husband with an angry look, but there was a little more smile on her face. She continued, "Then, under such circumstances, two children who are both good, so Do you think the chances are good if we live together?"

"It should be said that it perfectly meets the premise of getting the moon first."

Beiyuan Zhengyu corrected Beiyuan Risa's statement.

"That's it." Beiyuan Lisha showed a smile, "For things like feelings, it's never a question of whether it's suitable or not. fate.

"Linyin likes Ah Che.

“When a girl meets someone she really likes, her first reaction is not to retreat or escape, but to be brave.

"She's brave, just like me."

The voice fell, and the color of memory gradually rose.

Beiyuan Zhengyu, who was a little more moved in his eyes, gently hugged his wife and let her lean on his chest.

Even though the years have passed and time has passed, they are still the same as they were back then.

"Lisa, Linyin will make the right choice."

Mumbling to himself, he uttered such a sentence.

  I am grateful to grow up to know that maturity is to pretend not to know, Teacher Youyouqiu for the reward, Anyu Sennian, Momo, Jesterz, and Teacher Youyouqiu for the monthly tickets. Your support is the driving force for my writing.

  Reply here, I will read the post, but some things are difficult to answer, because it involves the following plot.

(End of this chapter)

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