Chapter 101 Chaos

In order to get back to Sapporo as soon as possible and prevent Sapporo from turning into a hell on earth, Miyamoto Tokage drove the carriage desperately without stopping.

Because of this, Qin Xiao and the others were able to rush back to the outside of Sapporo in only half a day.

"Finally, we're back!" Looking at the brightly lit city not far away, Miyamoto Tokage's clenched heart finally relaxed.

Just because he didn't hear any shouts of death or screams coming from the city.

This shows that everything is developing in a good direction. Sapporo has not become the hell on earth that he imagined, with evil spirits roaming around!

"Qin Xiao, are you wrong? Sapporo has not been invaded by evil spirits as you said. Maybe the evil ghosts in Akiye County have dispersed to other places."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao frowned.

After all, according to his vision, this was all just a trap.

And the target of the ghost who set this trap will only be here!
But now that they are back, nothing happens in Sapporo.

What exactly is going on?Qin Xiao was puzzled.

On the road to Sapporo City, simple small tents were set up on both sides, and these were the homes of most of the refugees.

There are thousands of such tents outside the city. Tens of thousands of people have gathered outside the city. So many people have already made the place a mess.

The refugees on both sides of the road looked at the two carriages approaching and wanted to go up to beg but did not dare.

There have been cases like this in the past. When some refugees saw a carriage passing by, they would directly stop it and beg.

However, the refugee failed to beg, but he provoked a guard-like person from the carriage and beat the refugee to death who dared to block the carriage.

From then on, whenever refugees saw such a gorgeous carriage coming out of or returning to the city, they would stay away and not dare to get close, for fear of offending the adults in the carriage.

Now that they saw Qin Xiao's carriage approaching, the refugees on both sides of the road ran far away and did not dare to stop them.

But at this moment, a woman ran to the middle of the road and stopped the carriage, and then knelt down and kowtowed under the astonished eyes of Tokui Miyamoto.

While kowtowing, the woman said: "I have very important news to report to you, sir. Please save my brother's life!"

"My brother was seriously injured while out looking for food and needs medical attention!"

Seeing this, Miyamoto Tokage, who was driving the car, quickly pulled the reins to stop the carriage, otherwise the woman in front of him would be bloodied under the horse's hooves.

Miyamoto Tokui looked at the scene in front of him. Although he was thinking about whether he could save the life of the woman's brother, his reason told him not to say this.

Once he opens his mouth, countless refugees will inevitably follow the woman's example.

At that time, even he will not be able to control the situation, and may even make the situation in Sapporo chaotic.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Tokking shook his head and sighed in his heart, ready to send the woman away casually.

In his opinion, the so-called important news was just an excuse from the woman, just to enable him to find a doctor to treat his father.

Just when Miyamoto Tokage was about to open his mouth to expel the woman, Qin Xiao grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait a minute, I want to hear the important news she said."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Tokugiya was a little anxious.

In his opinion.Although Qin Xiao is powerful, he is not experienced enough in speaking and doing things.

In this case, he could tell at a glance that the so-called important news was just an excuse for the woman.

Once Qin Xiao relents and agrees to the woman's conditions, it will be difficult.

"Qin Xiao, you..." Qin Xiao raised his hand to interrupt Miyamoto Tokage. He was certainly not stupid, but this time he really felt that the important news in the woman's mouth was true and quite important.

This is his intuition!

Of course, if his intuition fails, Qin Xiao is not prepared to fulfill his promise. After all, it was the woman who deceived him first.

"Come here." Qin Xiao waved to the woman kneeling in front of the carriage and asked her to get into the carriage.

As soon as the woman entered the carriage, Qin Xiao asked: "You said you had important news to report, you can tell it now."

"Before I do this, I would like to remind you that if your information is valuable enough, I can take your brother and sister into the city and ask the doctors in the city to cure your brother."

"If you're just messing with me, I'll make you regret it."

Hearing this, the woman's face showed no fear, only joy: "Thank you, sir!"

"My brother actually told me this news. Yesterday when he was looking for food nearby, he encountered the rumored man-eating monster!"

"Originally, he teamed up with several other refugees he knew to look for food, but now he is the only one left to escape."

"But even if he escapes and comes back, my brother is still dying now." The woman sighed.

After hearing that there was a ghost nearby, Miyamoto Tokui suddenly lost his composure.

"How is this possible?! How can there be a ghost around here? If there is a ghost, how can you still survive?!"

At this moment, Qin Xiao interrupted him: "Don't forget, the ghosts in Qiuye County have already escaped, and maybe they came here."

"Weren't you curious before about why no ghosts attacked Sapporo? Now you should understand."

"They are just preparing a little bit of cannibalism first. They plan to eat this place completely and then attack Sapporo."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Tokage's face turned pale: "How could this happen?"

Ignoring Miyamoto Tokage, Qin Xiao continued to ask: "Tell me, where did your brother find the ghost?"

"It's in the nearby woods where it's also very dark during the day and the light is completely and almost blocked by the leaves."

"Okay, I probably know. You take your brother with you and come to the city with us. I will arrange for you to stay, and then let the doctor come to treat your brother."

"Thank you, sir, thank you!" the woman said gratefully.

"You're welcome, this is what we agreed on in advance."

After picking up the woman's brother, the carriage entered the city without any hindrance.

Along the way, Miyamoto Tokking became silent until the woman left with his brother.

"What should we do now? The ghost is hiding outside the city and is still eating away at the refugees."

"If we do nothing, it won't be long before it's the city's turn."

"We do need to do something, but the strength of just a few of us is still too weak." Qin Xiao said.

"There are tens of thousands of refugees outside alone. We, the people, are checking areas one by one. We can't finish it in a year or two."

"Let the police forces in the city cooperate with us to sweep all areas outside the city where ghosts may be hiding."

"Try to kill all the ghosts, otherwise there will be trouble sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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