Chapter 117 Spiritual Object!

After breakfast, Qin Xiao returned to the rental house and started browsing the Weiwu Forum.

This time, he was not like the one who refused to accept all comers, whether domestic or foreign.

Since he had the purpose of "getting to know people so he could get into the circle", he mainly paid attention to posts near Yangcheng.

After all, he was in Yangcheng. If it were somewhere else, it would be inconvenient for him to move if it was too far away.

And his plan is already very simple, to try his luck in the field through the posts on the Misty Forum.

If a strange incident is discovered, it is possible to meet someone in the circle.By contacting these people, he should be able to enter this circle.

After logging into the Weird Mist Forum, Qin Xiao began to search for posts about weird events near Yangcheng in recent months.

After spending a day, Qin Xiao sorted out all the relevant posts found on the Misty Forum, and then marked the locations on the map one by one.

Finally, plan the route and prepare to go there one by one in the order of the planned route the next day.

After searching all the places, what Qin Xiao had to do was to eliminate the false information and then confirm the few places where strange events did occur.

From now on, all he has to do is squat in those places until he meets the so-called insiders.

In order to complete his perfect plan, Qin Xiao almost visited the area around Yangcheng in the next week.

On the Weird Mist Forum, there were dozens of posts that met the requirements and didn't look fake at first sight, but only three were actually confirmed by Qin Xiao as having weird events happen.

It can be seen that even in the Weiwu Forum, even the content of posts claiming to be "real people and true stories" is ridiculously high.

Qin Xiao discovered these three places: the first was a house in Xingfu Renjia Community, the second was a small park in the suburbs of Yangcheng, and the third was a stone bridge in the downtown area...

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiao entered the old community called Happy Home and came to the door of No. 14, Building 404.

Qin Xiao felt a strange aura outside this family's door, but the person who posted on the Weird Mist Forum was not this family, but the neighbor across the street.

According to the poster, he lives alone across the street from 403 and 404.

One day, the author was suddenly woken up in the middle of the night because of an urgent need to urinate.

After using the restroom, I felt a little hungry again, so I ordered a takeaway.

But after waiting for a long time, the takeaway was not delivered until the takeaway boy called him.He said he didn't dare to go up, so he put the takeout on the first floor for him.

At first, the host was a little surprised. In the past, takeout was always delivered upstairs to the doorstep. Why is it not delivered today?

The poster asked the delivery boy why, but the delivery boy asked him back, asking him if there was a long-haired woman in white clothes knocking on the door opposite.

Then he said that he was too timid to send it up.

Hearing what the delivery boy said, the host couldn't help but become a little interested. He wanted to look out of the peephole to see if there was a long-haired woman in white clothes knocking on the door.

After all, if someone kept knocking on the door, it was impossible for him to not hear the knocking in the living room, which was relatively close to the door.

So, when the host looked out through the peephole, he found nothing unusual. There was no knock on the door, and there was no "long-haired woman in white" as the delivery boy said.

Until the landlord was about to open the door and go downstairs to pick up the takeaway, there was a sudden rhythmic knock on the door.

And the poster can be sure that the knock is not on the door of the house opposite, but on his door!At that moment, the host said that he felt as if his whole body had been electrified.

His hand had obviously turned the door handle, but he didn't dare to move, let alone make a sound.

After a while, I gently let go of the door handle, locked the door, and turned on all the lights in the room. I stayed up until dawn, not daring to sleep.

The next day, the landlord went to check out the situation of the neighbor's house opposite and found that there was only a family of four living there.

The hostess is a fat young woman with short hair, not long hair wearing white clothes as the delivery boy said.

However, when the landlord learned about the situation of the neighbor's house across the door, he also heard that the neighbor had complained to the property management. In the middle of the night, someone always knocked on their door as a prank. When he looked through the peephole, he didn't see anyone, and then the knocking stopped. .

Upon hearing the news, the host even broke out in a cold sweat.

It is precisely because of this that the original poster thought of posting this matter on the forum to see if anyone could help with some ideas to solve it.

But what disappoints the original poster is that the comments under the post are all bragging. As for the so-called "suggestions", none of them have real materials, and they are not reliable at all!
Of course, it is very likely that everyone is listening to the poster's story as a story, and in order to create the authenticity of the story, we ask for their opinions.

Instead of really seeing this as a strange incident.

Only when Qin Xiao came here and felt that there was indeed a strange atmosphere at the door of the family did he confirm that there was indeed something strange here and a strange event happened.

Qin Xiao took the stairs to the third floor and heard voices before he reached the fourth floor.

"Master Chen, you must help our family! If this continues, my whole family will be driven crazy."

"Don't worry, as long as there are experts around, I won't let that weird thing continue to harass you. If that weird thing recognizes the situation, it would be better to leave early."

"But if it doesn't know what it looks like, I won't mind letting that monster's soul fly away!"

"By the way, there is something wrong with the statue in your house. If you believe in Lao Dao, just throw away the statue, or leave it to Lao Dao to deal with it."

"That statue is not a good thing. What happened to your family is because of its existence."

"Master Chen, are you talking about that Bodhisattva statue?"

"That's not a Bodhisattva statue, it's a weird statue!"

"I don't know where you got this kind of statue, but you still put it in your home and worship it."

"I don't even know what to say to you!"

"In the future, if you encounter something that you are unsure about, or something that looks a little weird, don't touch it if you can."

"After all, you don't know whether something is good or bad. If it is good, you may be fine. If it is bad, then our family will be unlucky, just like this time."

"If the old Taoist hadn't noticed that you have a treacherous aura? If you hadn't met the old Taoist, if this continued for a week or two, your whole family's lives would have been in danger!"

"Yes, yes, you are right! Our whole family listens to you, so can we throw away the statue now?"

"No, it's too late to throw it away now!"

(End of this chapter)

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