Chapter 128
"Those branches can regenerate, even if you cut them all off, it will be useless."

"What should we do?" Wanshu asked while cutting off the entangled dry branches.

"Use the breath of fire to strike at the weird weakness!"

"But how do I know where this weird weak point is?"

"Tree roots and trunks! The trunk you wanted to hit before should be its weak point, otherwise its reaction would not be so violent!"

"Okay, help me hold it back!"

Breath of Fire·Wuzhi·Yanhu!
Wanshu stabbed forward regardless, ignoring the dry branches that were wrapping around her, and swung a huge slash like a burning tiger, the huge flaming slash pointed directly at the tree trunk!
At the same time, the tree seemed to be stimulated by Wanshu's behavior. All the branches on the tree crown instantly waved, and every branch was like an iron thorn, attacking Wanshu crazily!

Water Breathing·Picking Shape·Life Flow!
The flowing water transformed from the sword energy condensed into a lifelike water dragon, roaring silently and tearing apart all the surrounding branches like iron thorns!

The giant flaming blade slashed hard into the tree trunk. The next moment, Wanshu and Liu Hai seemed to hear a soul-shaking scream!

They both lost their minds!

But those dry branches continued to stab at the two of them without any hesitation!

At this moment, a red slash as bright as the sun struck from a distance, and in the next moment it was in front of the two of them.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the red slash slashed through the tree trunk with extremely smooth motion, splitting one into two!
At the same moment, the dry branches that stabbed Wanshu and Liu Hai seemed to have been drained of their vitality, and they all drooped and became limp.

Only then did the two of them react again.


Liu Hai pulled Wanshu and ran forward.

Wanshu didn't react for a moment and could only be pulled forward by bangs.

After running more than ten meters, the huge tree crown fell down.

Just a loud noise was heard, the tree crown fell, the ground shook, and puffs of smoke were raised.

"'s okay."

Liu Hai looked at Shugui, who was split into two and completely dead, and let out a long breath.

"What happened to that slash just now?" Wanshu still didn't come back to her senses.

"Who else could it be besides the teacher?"

At this moment, Qin Xiao's voice came slowly: "If I hadn't been watching from the side, I'm afraid the two of you wouldn't have confessed directly here today."

After the words fell, Qin Xiao's figure also appeared in front of the two of them.

"Teacher!" ×2
"Go and collect the weird corpses. The bark and core are still valuable. You can sell them for one or two low-level mysterious crystals."

"As for the tree trunk...if you don't want it, just throw it away."

"Good teacher."

The two agreed and went over to deal with Shugui's body.

Although the probability of dropping mysterious crystals from tree-type weirdnesses such as tree weirdness is much lower than other types of weirdness, the bark and tree core can also be considered a good harvest.

It's just a pity that this tree monster is only a low-level monster. Not only does it not bear fruit, it doesn't even have leaves.

If it were a middle-level tree monster, all kinds of materials would be much more complete.

Of course, if Liu Hai and Wanshu were facing a mid-level tree monster, they would probably fall down after just one encounter.

It didn't take long for Liu Hai and Wanshu to divide and process the valuable materials and put them into their backpacks.

The three of them started walking down the mountain...

"Tell me, how do you feel when you face the weird for the first time?" Qin Xiaoxiao asked.

"Teacher, your next sentence won't ask us to write in 2000 fonts, right?"

Qin Xiao rolled his eyes at Wanshu: "You are the only one who talks a lot!" The longer they got along, the more Wanshu felt that she, a female student, was not a serious person.

Relatively speaking, bangs are much more normal.

"Xiao Hai, tell me."

"Hmm...if you ask me, I think although Weird is powerful, it still has weaknesses."

"If you can attack the weak points, it should be much easier to kill Weird."

"Also, we must not underestimate Weirdness, even when we are at an advantage. If we kill Weirdness's life-saving trump card at the bottom of the box, Weirdness may also have some hidden methods..."

"It's just like that." After saying this, Liu Hai smiled bitterly.

If Qin Xiao hadn't taken action just now, the fate of the two of them could be imagined. They could only become new fertilizer for the tree and replenish nutrients for it.

"That's a good summary. I didn't waste my move this time."

"What about you?" Qin Xiao looked at Wanshu again.


"If I were as strong as you, teacher, I wouldn't be afraid of these weird things. I can just kill them with one knife!"

Qin Xiao: "..."

Bangs: "…………"

"Girl, the most powerful thing about you is your mouth." Qin Xiao shook his head speechlessly.

"I'm still watching this time and can help you figure it out, but next time I won't be treated so well."

"Next time I carry out the mission, whether you are dead or alive, I will not care about you anymore."

Listening to Qin Xiao's seriousness, Wanshu and Liu Hai nodded solemnly.

"We understand."×2
"Just understand. If I don't let you go out and have a hard time, you will never grow up."

"When you go back, remember to pass on your experience to your junior brothers and sisters. Also, don't tell anyone about me."

"If you really get carried away because I'm here, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died when you go out in the future."

"Yes, teacher." ×2
After going down the mountain, there was signal on the mobile phone immediately. Wanshu quickly took out her mobile phone and spoke in the group.

"It's done! I killed a tree monster by myself, that's awesome!"

Immediately afterwards, it was accompanied by several selfies of Wanshu when she was processing tree materials.

Almost as soon as Wanshu spoke, there was a reply immediately.

"Sister, you are so powerful!!!"

"Senior Sister is the best in the world!!! Even such a terrifying weirdo is no match for Senior Sister!"

"Sister, where is the second senior brother? Why doesn't the second senior brother appear in the photo?"

When Wanshu heard this statement, she rolled her eyes and posted another photo.

In the photo, Liu Hai is immersed in processing the trunk of the tree, peeling off the bark and core.

"Xiao Hai didn't do much when he killed the weird ones just now. Now I can only leave the work of processing the weird materials to him. With a combination of men and women, the work won't be tiring!"

"Senior Sister is mighty!!!"

What follows is another series of flattery speeches, which makes Wanshu very happy.

"Why are you smiling so happily?" Liu Hai looked at Wanshu who was giggling in confusion with some confusion.

"I... you have nothing to do with it!" Wanshu glared at Liu Hai and cast a "ferocious" look at this guy who disturbed her good things!

(End of this chapter)

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