Ghost Slayer: The beginning of the game draws the blade like fire

Chapter 19 Sit upright in the frosty sky, Hirinmaru! ! !

Chapter 19 Sit upright in the frosty sky, Hirinmaru! ! !

[Congratulations to the host for killing the special ghost: beast ghost x 1, get: intermediate lottery chance x 1]

The system prompt sounded in Qin Xiao's mind, and at the same time, the herd of beasts gathered around instantly rioted, and hundreds of different beasts began to rush down the mountain.

"I rely on!!!"

"You are a cockroach when you step on a horse. You will disgust me even if you die!!!"

Water Breathing, Three Shapes, Flowing Dance! ! !

Qin Xiao caught up with the fleeing beasts, and dozens of beasts fell to the ground when the sword fell.

But while he was killing the beasts, more beasts continued to run down the mountain.


The ground trembled slightly.

"Damn, how can I stop hundreds of beasts by myself?!"

"System lottery! Make a reward that can solve the problem!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a silver lottery roller appeared in Qin Xiao's sight, and then began to spin crazily.

A transparent ball fell out of the mouth of the roller and landed on the plate below.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special skill: Blade Zen (local version).Blade Zen: Meditate in the posture of meditating with the Zanpakuto on your lap, so that your thoughts can be synchronized with the Zanpakuto, so as to achieve the purpose of dialogue with the Zanpakuto]

"No, although I really want Blade Zen, it's useless for you to give me this thing now! Can you give me the beginning solution of the ice wheel pill?!"

While talking, Qin Xiao killed more than ten beasts again, but the number of beasts still did not decrease.

If this continues, how can Baiye Town be able to stop the beasts from charging down the mountain? !

"The herd must be restricted and all of them must be left on the mountain!"

"Huh... there's nothing we can do! Just be Zen, please hurry up! Please, Hyōrinmaru!"

Qin Xiao sat cross-legged directly on the ground, put Binglun Wan on his lap and began to meditate, to synchronize his thoughts with Binglun Wan.

Of course, he doesn't know what meditation is, nor does he know how to synchronize himself with Hyōrinmaru...

At this time, the lights in Baiye Town, which had just darkened, were brightly lit. Adults and children were wandering in the bustling streets, and the aroma of food came from the windows on the second floor from time to time...

No one noticed the trembling mountains in the distance and the approaching herd of beasts...

With his eyes closed, Qin Xiao's brows were frowned. The chirping of cicadas and birds in the mountains at night made him unable to calm down at all, and the roars of beasts were getting farther and farther away, like the countdown to disaster...

The trembling of the earth gradually stopped, and because the herd of beasts went away, the surroundings seemed to be quiet...

Hurry up!Hurry up!Hyōrinmaru!Please answer me! ! !

Qin Xiao felt as if someone flicked his forehead. Is there anyone else on this mountain?
It can't be a ghost, can it? !

"You are the ghost, why don't you open your eyes?" Qin Xiao felt someone poked his face again.

"Hey, hey, that's enough! I don't have the time to mess around with you!" Qin Xiao shouted in his heart.

But then, Qin Xiao felt his face being pinched again.

"I said, don't go too far!" Qin Xiao opened his eyes suddenly and was about to scold someone, but found that he was no longer on the mountain.

This is a pure white space...

A tall man was squatting in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

The man has blue pupils, long dark green hair, wears a lavender kimono, dark blue armor buckled inside, and is decorated with ice dragon wings around his neck.

"you are?"

"Hyorinmaru!!!" Qin Xiao looked at the tall man in front of him in surprise.

"Aren't you looking for me? Why are you so surprised?"

"If you don't want to talk about this, I want to borrow your power to start the solution. Can you help me? If we don't stop the beast herd quickly, many people will die in the town."

"Don't you know Jiefangyu, why do you need my power?" Hirinmaru asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Xiao scratched his head: "It's not that I haven't tried it, I can't perform it at all."

"That's because your ice breathing has not been fully developed yet. When your ice breathing is perfected, you can use the original solution."

"But it's too late now, the beasts are about to rush down the mountain!" Qin Xiao said anxiously.

"Don't worry, this is the spiritual world, and the flow of time in the real world outside is different. No matter how long you practice here, it will only pass for a moment outside."

"Don't worry about practicing here, I will also help you." Hyōrinmaru touched Qin Xiao's head.

"Hyōrinmaru, you are so kind."

"Of course. So it's fine if you have me, and you don't need to use Liu Jian Ruo Huo in the future."


"Don't worry about these details, let's practice quickly! I will help you feel my power, which should help you perfect your breath of ice."


Compared with other breaths, the breath of water is the softest and most flexible, and the physical energy consumption of various moves is relatively low.

Just like running water, it lasts forever and can fight continuously!
But the breath of ice in Qin Xiao's imagination is completely different from it, sharp and fast... the rhythm of breathing will also change from long and thin to short and rapid... Ice is the beauty that makes everything freeze and freeze!

I do not know how long it has been……

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" A stream of cold air exhaled from Qin Xiao's mouth and nose.

At this time, his body was already covered with thin ice crystals, exuding bursts of bone-chilling chill.

Even the ground where he sat cross-legged formed a large sheet of frost, which continued to spread...

The next moment, Qin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes: "I hope it's not too late!"

Holding the knife in both hands, Qin Xiao took a long breath: "Huh..."

[Let's sit upright in the frosty sky, Hyorenmaru! ! ! 】

Terrifying cold air burst out from Qin Xiao's body, and at the same time, a chain with a half-moon shape at the end extended from the handle of Hyōrinmaru.

"I'm going to serve Binglun Pills!!!"

At this time, Qin Xiao no longer knew which direction the beasts would come up from, so the best way was to completely freeze the entire mountain forest!
Breath of Ice · One Shape · Ice Dragon! ! !
Qin Xiao leaped high, swung his knife and slashed to the ground!In mid-air, the combination of water flow and cold air turned into a terrifying ice crystal dragon! ! !

The ice crystal dragon crashed into the earth, and then circles of ice spread out from the center of the collision, covering a large mountain forest in the blink of an eye.

However, it was impossible to freeze the entire mountain forest by just using "Ice Dragon" once, so Qin Xiao began to continuously use Ice Breath·One Type·Ice Dragon!

After ten times, the Binglun Pill in his hand had withdrawn from Shijie, and Qin Xiao also sat on the ice panting, unable to swing the knife anymore.

After a while, Qin Xiao regained some strength and slowly walked down the mountain.

At this time, the mountains and forests had already turned into a world of ice, and everything was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

Along the way, Qin Xiao saw various ice sculptures of wild beasts, which were so lifelike!
The next day, early in the morning...

Even though the exclamations and discussions of townspeople on the street can make the whole street go up to the sky, they still can't wake Qin Xiao...

(End of this chapter)

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