Ghost Slayer: The beginning of the game draws the blade like fire

Chapter 31 Winding Temporary Meeting! (Seek to follow up)

Chapter 31 Winding Temporary Meeting! (Seek to follow up)

"Calm down, Steel Mound." Nintaki Sato pulled the Steel Mound for the last time, otherwise something could easily happen.

"Qin Xiao, show him your knife, otherwise this guy will keep pestering you."

"I do not mind."

After saying that, Qin Xiao handed over the Hyōrin Pill.

Demon Slayer World is still very simple and pure, and there are no ghost tricks.As a human, you just need to work hard to kill ghosts, and you don't need to be too wary of people from the same camp.

Of course, it's better to kill the scum like Yue Yue early.

Therefore, lending Hyōrinmaru to the Iron Tomb for inspection is really nothing.

"Hmph! I want to see how powerful and special your knife is!" Iron Tonk snorted coldly, and gently took the ice wheel pill with both hands.

Seeing this, there was no need for Nintaki Sato to prepare for a fight.

Iron Tomb is wearing a mask, so no one can see his expression at this time.

After receiving the Hirinwan, Iron Tsukasa first took a look at the appearance of the Hirinwan. It was very ordinary and there was nothing worth noting.

Immediately afterwards, Iron Tomb pulled out the knife and observed it. It was still unremarkable. He did not see that this knife was better than him in any way...

and many more!

This knife...

Suddenly, Iron Tomb seemed to have discovered something, or felt something!
Iron Tsukasa carefully inspected every part of Hirinmaru before, but he didn't think this sword was better than the Japanese sword he made.

But when he looked at the Hirinwan in a complete form, he was shocked to find that the Hirinwan gave him the wonderful feeling of being one.

It's as if the whole sword of Hirinmaru is forged in one piece, not like he forges the Japanese sword, and it needs to be assembled together in the end.

In addition, this knife also gave him another special feeling.

When observing this knife, it feels like he is observing Qin Xiao...

It's as if this knife is Qin Xiao, or this knife and Qin Xiao are one!

"How could such a thing happen?!" Steel Tomb's body began to tremble, a knife of this level was already beyond his cognition.

In front of this sword, the Nichirin swords he had made and seen in the past were just ordinary products, just the most ordinary metal weapons!

And this knife has already transcended the ordinary material level, and has risen to the spiritual level!
"Can you lend me this knife for a few more days? Just a few days."

Iron Tomb's voice instantly became dry and hoarse, as if the whole person had suffered some kind of deepest blow.

"I'm afraid not."

If you got the team-level Zanpakuto in the primary lottery, it's fine to give it to the steel mound.

But Hinlunmaru and Liuren Ruohuo are his trump cards to keep the bottom of the box and save his life, and it is absolutely impossible to loan them out.

"...I understand, thank you for letting me see the existence of this level of sun wheel knife."

"Compared to this knife, the sun wheel knife I made is really just rubbish..." Even though Iron Zunk didn't want to admit it, the gap between the two has long been beyond recognition.

"No! Instead, I want to thank Mr. Iron Tomb for the Nichirin Sword he made for me. I like it very much." Qin Xiao thanked Iron Tomb.

"And each Nichirin sword is the most powerful weapon for a swordsman to kill evil spirits. It is a sharp blade that protects life. It will definitely not be trash!"

"If there is a chance to obtain a new special Nichirin sword in the future, I will give it to Mr. Steel Mound for you to study."

"Then I will thank you in advance!" Iron Tomb thanked from the bottom of his heart.

Just then, a crow flew in through the skylight of the cabin.

The four of them noticed the crow that flew in suddenly, and Qin Xiao stretched out his hand to let it fall into his palm.

"Qin Xiao, go to the town in the southeast, there seems to be traces of ghosts, and people have started to go missing!"

"Find out the ghosts lurking in the town and kill them! This is your first mission as a ghost swordsman, please be careful!"

Rider Qin Xiao, start taking orders! ! !

Different Space·Infinite City
The sound of the pipa sounded briefly and quickly, and a tall man appeared in the huge space where various buildings were upside down.

The man was wearing a kimono with purple snake patterns and black patches, with a samurai sword on his left waist.It has a dark red long sideburns and high ponytail, and there are obvious red markings on the left forehead and the right part of the neck.

Judging from the back, the man is not much different from ordinary people.

But if they saw his face, I'm afraid many people would be shocked.

Just because he has six eyes, and the sclera of the eyes is red, and the iris is golden yellow, he looks different from normal people at first glance!

Even so, the majestic aura exuding from the man was still impossible to ignore.

"You called me here suddenly... did one of the strings die in the hands of... the Demon Slayer Squad?" the man asked, looking at the woman holding the lute in front of him.

His voice was calm and majestic, and the long pauses made his words extra clear and serious.

The woman who was questioned had a gray complexion, long black hair, bangs on both sides of her face, and her hair just covered her eyes.

Facing the man's question, the woman just said calmly: "Your Excellency Hei Shimo, Lord Wuxian asked me to convey a message to you."

"Ji Guo Yuan Yi is still alive."

In just a split second, the woman felt the mountain-like pressure of terror from the man in front of her!
But at the same moment, she noticed that the man's tall body was trembling slightly. She didn't know whether it was fear or something else...

The two are so contradictory and conflicting!

"I witnessed his...death with my own eyes!!!"

"Perhaps it is the reincarnation of Ji Guoyuan Yi... This is the second sentence Mr. Wu Mi asked me to repeat."

"..." The man fell silent.

"Find him and kill him at all costs!!!"

"This is the last sentence Master Wu Mi asked me to repeat."

"……I see."

"Apart from me...will you call other strings?" The man suddenly asked.

"Lord Wu Mi asked to call all the Twelve Ghost Moons that go up and down, but His Excellency Hei Si Mou is alone."

"According to Master Wu Mi, this matter requires all the winding and winding twelve ghost moons to mobilize all the power that can be mobilized to complete it, and complete it as quickly as possible!"

"I understand!"

The short and rapid sound of the pipa sounded again, and at the same time, the man's figure disappeared into the space.

The sound of the pipa sounded five times in a row, and four male or female, strong or thin figures appeared in the space... and a jade pot.

“I haven’t been here for more than 100 years, and it looks like nothing has changed!”

"Hey, isn't Your Excellency Hei Si Mou here? Could it be..."

"I didn't expect you to be alive. I thought your head had already been chopped off by the Ghost Killing Squad, Tong Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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