Chapter 33 Mirror (for further reading)

Although Murata is not a social bull, but he is more or less familiar with him. He pulled Qin Xiao to say a lot, such as: If this year goes well, next year he can be promoted to a Geng-level swordsman...

When performing multi-person missions, there are always juniors who have just joined the team and do not obey orders...

Although he respected Tomioka Giyu very much, this water column looked cold, which made him feel a little scared...

If the scene of these words were changed, it would be like the real status of the working seniors in Qin Xiao's previous life.

After dinner, the two of them and the dog left the shop and walked towards the homes of the missing residents.

Murata led the way, followed by a person and a dog across the streets and alleys, and soon came to a house.

The two of them opened the door without hesitation and walked in.

Turn on the light, and the room instantly brightens.

"I went in to investigate all those residences and found nothing wrong."

"Sometimes, dogs are more reliable than people, like now!"

"Go, Jiro!!!"

Jiro began to run around in the room, in the living room for a while, the kitchen for a while, and the bedroom for a while...

"Is this really useful?" Murata on the side looked at Jiro running around, feeling very unreliable.

"Since you don't have a better way, you might as well believe it once."

"makes sense."

"Let's look for it together. There must be some clues here that we haven't discovered." Qin Xiao suggested.

With regard to ghost understanding, Qin Xiao has a high probability of surpassing everyone in the ghost killing team.

In this so-called disappearance case, it can basically be concluded that ghosts use the "blood ghost technique" to abduct people.After all, this is not a world of reasoning and case-solving, and there is no such thing as a perfect crime.

As long as the ghost uses the blood ghost technique, it will definitely leave some traces, or smell or something.

If the human eye cannot find clues, then the dog's 1200 times more sensitive sense of smell than humans may be able to find out...

Hearing a dog barking in the bedroom, Qin Xiao immediately ran over there.

After Qin Xiao entered the bedroom, he saw Jiro circling in front of a mirror and barking at him at the same time.


"Did you find anything?" At this time, Murata also rushed over.

"Jiro noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the mirror in the bedroom. Did you find this when you came to investigate?"

"Mirror?" Murata took a few steps forward, looked around and shook his head: "It's no different from when I came to investigate, there should be no problem."

"...Then go to the next one and have a look."

The two people and the dog went straight to the next house. Several people had disappeared every night for the past few days, and they couldn't afford to delay.

Even if you can't find the ghost, it might be a choice to attract the ghost's attention and let the ghost come to you on its own initiative!

The second family...

This time Qin Xiao took Jiro straight to the bedroom and found the same mirror. Jiro was still barking around the mirror.

The third family...

It's the same mirror, Jiro is still barking around the mirror.

"There's a problem! There must be something wrong with the mirror!" Qin Xiao said with a frown.

"Do you need to find out which store sells these mirrors?" Murata asked.

Qin Xiao shook his head: "There is no time, we must kill the ghost tonight."

"I have a rather risky proposal. I wonder if you would like to try it?"

After a while, Qin Xiao and Murata separated. Before leaving, Qin Xiao chopped the mirror into pieces.

On the other hand, Murata went to the house he had investigated before, entered it and also smashed the mirror in the bedroom.

Returning to the second house he had visited before, Qin Xiao drew his knife and chopped the mirror in the bedroom into pieces.

At this moment, Qin Xiao can be sure that the ghost must have used some kind of blood ghost technique to snatch away more than ten residents living alone by using mirrors.

But there is one thing that always confuses Qin Xiao, and that is the reason why he met Murata in Koizumi.

Why did the number of people missing every day suddenly increase sharply on his way to Koizumi?
Obviously there were only one or two people in one night before, why suddenly more than ten people disappeared in two or three days?
Could it be that there are new ghosts appearing in Koizumi?No, it should not be the reason!

Ghosts have never been social creatures. They are like wild beasts with an extremely strong sense of territory!
For the foreign ghost, the local ghost's first consideration is how to kill the outsider who invaded his "canteen", rather than sharing his "food" with it.

The Fotang ghost they met back then was a very typical example. For the sudden appearance of Nezuko, his first reaction was to expel or kill him.

While thinking, Qin Xiao and Jiro have returned to the first family they investigated before...

At the same time, in a room full of mirrors, fragments of mirrors fell to the ground.

A voice sounded faintly: "Sure enough, has the ghost hunter been attracted? The previous actions were still too reckless."

"Forget it, just stay here for a few days after finishing the ghost hunter and leave. I really envy those who are on the string, if I..."

"No! I'm not what I used to be! With the new blood given by the adults, maybe I can also enter it and become a member of it!"

"Then today's food has been chosen! Eating the flesh and blood of a ghost hunter should make me stronger!"


"The third block!"

Murata pulled out his knife, facing the mirror in front of him, he was about to cut it off.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared!

Stretching out from the mirror was the same solar knife in Murata's hand, blocking Murata's slash!
The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed in the bedroom!

Murata's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

During the moment when he was in a daze, another "Murata" came out of the mirror and appeared in front of Murata.

"伱, you are..."

Before Murata finished speaking, another "Murata" swung a knife and slashed at Murata!
At this time, even if Murata couldn't figure it out, he knew that this was the ghost's "blood ghost technique"!
Similarly, Qin Xiao encountered exactly the same situation in the bedroom of the first family, and another "Qin Xiao" came out of the mirror.

But before "Qin Xiao" could take the initiative to slash at Qin Xiao with his knife, his head had already fallen off.

"Shunpo is really useful."

Qin Xiao turned around and saw that his other self had disappeared into the air.

Just when Qin Xiao was about to chop the mirror into pieces, another "Qin Xiao" came out of the mirror.

"Good guy, are you still here?"

Instant step!

Qin Xiao appeared behind "Qin Xiao" in an instant, but when he swung the knife, "Qin Xiao" had disappeared.

Instant step!

Qin Xiao was stunned when he looked at "Qin Xiao" who was several meters away from him.

That's okay too? ! !
Are you also a "copy ninja" [-]-[-]?

(End of this chapter)

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