Ghost Slayer: The beginning of the game draws the blade like fire

Chapter 55 The Winding Team, the Ghost of the Pot! (Seek to follow up)

Chapter 55 The Winding Team, the Ghost of the Pot! (Seek to follow up)
It has to be said that Peilang was careful when setting up the time bomb.

In order to prevent the members of the Ghost Killing Team from dismantling the bomb, he left a lot of shadow wolves near the bomb as a defense.

Once someone enters the range of the bomb, the shadow wolf hidden in the shadows will appear and attack the intruder.

But fortunately, when Purgatory Xing Shoulang ordered the bomb to be dismantled, Pei Lang had already been beheaded by him and Qin Xiao, so before this trick was used, he disappeared with Pei Lang's death.

Without obstacles, the bomb disposal went smoothly, with few accidents.

"Report to Captain Purgatory, all time bombs have been checked and dismantled, and those time bombs have also been sent to the police station."

"Very well, thank you for your hard work! Since this mission is over, we won't stay here for long, let's go back directly."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that Purgatory Xingjulang was going to lead the team back directly.

Although it was still early and there were evening trains at Tokyo Station, this was the first time that everyone was in such a hurry to go back.

Generally speaking, if there is no urgent task, after completing the current task, they will rest in place for one night and return the next day.

But Purgatory Xingjulang had already spoken, and it was difficult for everyone to refute.

Besides, today the task was indeed completed smoothly and without any surprises or dangers, and everyone didn't feel much tired, so it was no problem to go back directly.

Only Qin Xiao who was on the side knew that this was the purgatory Xing Shoulang who was afraid that the appearance of the first quarter moon would cause too much damage and casualties in Tokyo.

The twelve ghost moons seem to be a group, but compared to the last quarter moon, the first quarter moon is the dominant existence.

Any Shangxian, even Shangxian Lu, is many times stronger than the so-called Xiaxian One.

The gap between the two is like an adult and a child.

The former beats the latter!
It was precisely with this in mind that Purgatory Xingjulang took everyone away in such a hurry.

But what Purgatory Xing Shoulang didn't know was that although the First Quarter Moon had a dominant strength over the Last Quarter Moon, there were also clear levels of strength in the First Quarter Moon.

The first string of the moon can be roughly divided into three classes, the first class of the first quarter is the top class, the second and third classes are the upper class, and the four, five, and land of the first quarter are the lower class, and the upper class is far stronger than the lower class!
If divided carefully, the waxing moon can be divided into six grades, and each waxing moon can be divided into an independent first grade.

One of the upper strings is the highest, and the top of the string is the lowest, and the strength of the higher is stronger than that of the lower.

But no matter how you divide it, one of the top strings, Hei Si Mou, is Ji Guoyansheng, which is the only one, far stronger than other top strings.

Once Gui Wu Tsuji Wuyou sent out more than one number of the first string moon, or any one of the first string one, two, and three, Qin Xiao was ready to surrender.


With his combat strength, only when facing Shangxian Zhisi, Wu, and Lu alone can he have any hope of defeating him.

It is best to use the Pot Treasure of Shangxianwu, which is a pure panel monster, unlike Shangxianzhisi and Shangxianzhilu, which are mechanism monsters.

"I hope it's Hu Bao who came to give the ghost..." Qin Xiao muttered, but Mi Li heard him.

"Hu Bao? Who is Hu Bao?" Mi Li asked curiously.

"A self-proclaimed artist who lives in a jug."

"An artist? Then why do you call him Pot Pot?"

"Because he is so cute and silly, so we usually call him Hu Bao."

"Oh." Mitsuri agreed, but she didn't know if she understood.

At this moment, someone in the team suddenly asked: "Captain Purgatory, you and Captain Qin Xiao killed the Twelve Ghost Moons together, so who can become the pillar?"

"It should be Qin Xiao. He has a record of killing Twelve Ghost Moons alone before, but he just didn't have any team members to testify for him."

"This time I killed the second one with him, but he is more suitable for the promotion column." Purgatory Xingshoulang replied a little absent-mindedly.

Hearing what Purgatory Anjurou said, Mitsuri immediately became happy too!

"Xiao, you will be Zhu from now on, and you can participate in the Zhuhe meeting!"

"Participating in the Zhuhe meeting is not a good thing, why are you so happy?" Qin Xiao looked at Mili helplessly.

"Uh...that's true." After realizing it, Mitsuri suddenly felt that the identity of "Pillar" was not so good.

Just when everyone was congratulating Qin Xiao for being promoted to pillar, in the alley next to the street, a man covered in blood and screaming ran toward everyone.

"Help, help! There's a monster!"

"Help! Can someone save me?"

Seeing Qin Xiao and his group not far away, hope returned to the man's eyes. He pointed at the dark alley behind him and ran while shouting: "There is a monster chasing me!"


Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

At this time, Purgatory Xingjulang rushed out and came to the man.

"Are you okay? What is the monster you just mentioned?" Purgatory Anjuro asked.

"It's a fish! A goldfish with limbs! My friend was eaten by that monster!"

"Can't stop, run quickly! Go to the police station and report the case!"

The man urged a few times, seeing that Lian Ji Xing Shou Lang didn't move, he left him and continued to run forward.

Even after encountering a large group of people like Qin Xiao, the man did not stop and continued running on the street illuminated by street lights.

The man didn't run very far, when Qin Xiao and his group, who had joined Purgatory Xingshoulang, heard heavy footsteps coming from the dark, unlit alley.

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic goldfish head the size of a water tank, full of sharp teeth, appeared in everyone's eyes!

Afterwards, everyone saw its human-like hands and feet, and its bloated body that was so huge that it almost occupied the entire alley.

But the most striking thing is that there is a clay pot the size of a small water tank on the dorsal fin of the goldfish.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao's eyes widened, and he even rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "Damn it, say pot treasure, pot treasure is here!"

"When did my mouth open up?!"


I just heard the goldfish scream strangely, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards everyone!
Seeing this situation, Purgatory Xing Shoulang did not retreat but advanced, and drew his sword out of its sheath!

The goldfish monster jumped out of the narrow alley, and Purgatory Anjuro nimbly dodged aside, slashed down vertically, and decapitated it with a single slash!

The huge goldfish head fell to the side, but the huge body did not stop moving, and the thick hands went straight to the Purgatory Xingshourou.

Instant step!

Qin Xiao's figure appeared directly on the dorsal fin of the goldfish monster, and the sun wheel knife in his hand had already been replaced by a ice wheel pill.

A cold light flashed in his hand, and in the next moment, the clay pot like a small water tank on the dorsal fin of the gold fish monster split into two.

The goldfish monster hangs down with powerless hands, and its body collapses directly, turning into ashes and dissipating.

"This is a creature made by vampirism. Its weakness is the pot on its body..."

(End of this chapter)

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