Chapter 50
Looking at the young man who was looking through the files on the screen, Carter couldn't help but fell into memories.

Since I was very young, I have been thinking, what is the purpose of human beings living in this world?
To help others?To take care of the family?To make the world a better place?
Later, when I entered the society, I found that those so-called good things were nothing more than deceptions by the upper class in order to consolidate the rule.

Only an idiot would believe that nonsense.

Living for yourself is the eternal truth.

But if you want to live as you please in this world, you must get something! --that power.

Maybe you can break four or five bricks with one punch, but that's just brute force.No matter how strong your body is, it can't compare to a gun in someone else's hand.

Maybe you have a lot of money that can buy anything, but if the regime in your country is suddenly overthrown, what is the difference between those banknotes and waste paper?

Only the perfect unity of power, money and strength is the perfect life I yearn for.

At the beginning, I was just an ignorant graduate student. When I learned about Umbrella's strength and real 'career', I made up my mind to make a difference there, and my capital was the chemistry knowledge that I was proud of.

But in this world, there is a kind of existence called "genius".

When I jointly developed bow with William Birkin at the Arklay Institute 12 years ago, I knew that I would never be able to surpass him as a researcher. He was only 28 years old at the time, just like the young man in front of me. Smaller than me, but with talents beyond my reach.

My thinking began to change, and I regarded the other party as an enemy for life.

After 13 years at the Acre Institute, Birkin started working on the G virus, and I was still doing bwo tests with a bunch of mentally retarded 'hunters'.

Carter clenched his fists, he felt threatened from the opponent, just like William back then.

No one can take away my position, not even the dead William resurrected in front of me.


Looking at the walls blocked by thick steel plates, the entire archive room has been completely sealed, Ye Yi looked at the holographic projection in front of him speechlessly.

"Why do this?"

The matter started when Ye Yi entered the file room.

[Beep, welcome, A-level researcher "Ye Yi". 】


Ye Yi put the magnetic card back into the storage space, and when he was about to look up the information, steel plates fell from the surrounding walls instantly, and the vents were blocked instantly, completely trapping Ye Yi inside. It's as if nothing happened, everything is old.

[Di, a virus leak has been detected, the emergency plan has been activated, please leave the staff as soon as possible. 】

Hence the opening scene.

[Di, my underlying logic does not allow me to harm any umbrella employees, and at the same time I have received instructions not to allow any viruses to leak to the outside world. 】The cold electronic voice echoed in the archive room.

"When did you find me?" Ye Yi was a little curious. He was sure that all the viruses were stored in his body and there was no leakage at all. How did the computer find him?

[Beep, the personnel permission has been approved. 】

The computer next to Ye Yi revealed everything. From the moment he stepped into the research institute, the 'Red Queen' had already discovered the virus on his body. Due to the constraints of the rules, he could not act directly until he entered the archives room. time to prepare to start executing the cleanup plan.

"If you kill me directly like this, it also violates your underlying logic. If a newly appointed A-level researcher of mine disappears, do you think people from the research institute will come to find me?"

The red queen was silent for a while, and the cold electronic sound sounded again.

[I have modified the monitoring screen, and at the same time forged your life trajectory through holographic projections, cleared the virus without violating the rules, and did not violate my underlying logic. 】

【I can solve any problem because I am perfect. 】

Ye Yi couldn't help but laugh.

[Why are you laughing?Your behavior cannot be understood, the way of thinking cannot be parsed. 】The cold electronic sound of the red queen sounded again, it couldn't understand the behavior of the human beings in front of it, obviously it had solved all the problems perfectly through calculation.

"Because..." Ye Yi chuckled, "It's just a piece of data, and I can't understand the meaning of life."

"The advantages and disadvantages of human beings are concentrated in the word emotion. This is our innate talent. Only with emotions can I feel that I am still alive."

[Tip, human emotions and behaviors are indeed beyond my ability to fully understand.But as part of an umbrella company, my goal is to ensure the interests and safety of the company.If your behavior threatens these interests, then I will take appropriate measures. This is my mission and obligation. 】

[Di, I don’t recognize human feelings. Instead of wasting limited resources doing meaningless things, it’s better to create higher value. 】

"I'm not arguing with you on this topic. Nothing is perfect. The more perfect the more fragile. It doesn't matter if I judge me as anything. I don't care, because you are just a radio without emotion in my eyes."

Ye Yi's eyes turned cold: "As a tool, your authority is only to obey me and assist me. Even if you tell me that immortality can help humans reach new heights, please remember my identity as a human being. I don't want to teach you what is I don’t understand the meaning of life, but don’t comment on my way of thinking, who do you think you are?”

Ye Yi felt a little strange. Since accepting the inheritance, his thoughts seemed to be becoming more and more extreme, and his behavior was always a little out of control.

But now is not the time to think about these things. He has no time to discuss life with this computer here. After obtaining the data, he still has to go to the protagonist group.

Ye Yi began to control the germs in his body to gather towards his heart, and the crow pattern on his chest shimmered black.

He felt that the germs in his body gradually gathered into a mass of dark green energy, and finally transformed into a piece of grass green crystal.

Immediately, Ye Yi began to manipulate mana to wrap it up, blocking the connection with the outside world.

Extraordinary means are not something you, a technological creation, can monitor.

A light blue light scanned Ye Yi's body, and the cold electronic sound sounded again.

[Beep, reassessment, no virus detected, blockade lifted, cleanup plan cancelled. 】

Then the holographic projection of the Red Queen gradually dissipated, and Ye Yi knew that he had successfully deceived the computer.

"Wait, before the end of the world, I will move you and the server together." Looking at the red queen gradually dissipating, Ye Yi made up his mind. He must move this thing back before the end of the derivative world. The paradise of reincarnation.

 I always feel that there is something wrong with the writing of this chapter
(End of this chapter)

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