Chapter 80 Flesh Cannon

At this time, the chariot was only a hundred meters away from the tyrant. The robot raised an arm, and a six-tube Vulcan cannon popped out of the mechanical arm.

"Buzz~, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden..."

Although the six-barreled Vulcan cannon looks similar to the Gatling machine gun, this thing is not a gun, it is a cannon!The caliber of this thing has exceeded 20 mm, and the U.S. military will even load this thing onto armed helicopters, which shows its power.

Although the caliber of the cannon is slightly smaller than that of a fighter jet, even if the Tyrant is strafed from the front, it will never be able to withstand it, and the final result will be nothing more than a mass of rotten flesh.

Fortunately, the velocity trajectory of the high-explosive bombs fired by this thing is not fast.

The tyrant felt threatened by the little things that were shot at it. After several battles, it had accumulated some combat experience. Its body almost instinctively rolled to the side, and there were successive explosions from its side.

The power of high-explosive bombs is not small. Ye Yi just saw an unlucky zombie hit by a high-explosive bomb, and his whole body was blown to pieces.

Ye Yi didn't dare to try the power of this thing, he would die if he tried.

The tyrant quickly grabbed the scrapped car on the street, stood in front of him to protect his head, and rushed forward.

The frantic shooting began, and the sound of gunshots and explosions continued.

High-explosive bombs shot holes in the car in front of the tyrant, and blood exploded on his body.

Anyway, the car also resisted some damage for him, and the firepower of the Tyrant's hardtop rushed forward.

Chariot soon discovered that something was wrong. No matter how ferocious his firepower was, it could not stop the tyrant's progress.

In the chariot in the cockpit, the two hands were quick to open the buttons one by one, and even afterimages appeared.

Seeing that the Tyrant was approaching with heavy firepower, Rocket immediately controlled the robot to retreat.The pulley under the robot's feet began to rotate, and light blue flames emitted from the propeller in front of it. Although it was not as fast as the charge, it was not slow either.

Chariot's face is ugly now, he admits that he is a little reckless,
Now the rockets and bombs are hard to protect themselves and cannot be supported.

If he asked for help from the artillery, that guy would probably lift him up too.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally had to activate the hidden teammates.The tank quickly contacted the machine gun hidden in a building not far away.

"Machine gun, help me."

"It doesn't go according to plan, I can't and I'm not obliged to."

"Don't talk so much to me, you don't have to pay back the 1000 paradise coins you owe me, hurry up and help."

"Good boss."

While the two were talking, the tyrant was only 15 meters away from the chariot.

The tyrant smashed the car wreckage with only the frame in his hand onto the chariot.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the debris thrown by the tyrant hit the chariot like cannonballs.

At this time, the turbine in the center of the robot's chest lit up, and a giant 2-meter-long alloy chain saw instantly stretched out from its right arm. The chain blade continued to rotate and vibrated at a high speed at a specific frequency, greatly increasing the cutting power.

Rocket waved his right arm, and the chain blade rotated at high speed, slashing towards the flying car wreckage. Under the collision, the chain blade and the metal exploded into large sparks, instantly cutting the car wreckage in half.

After throwing the wreckage of the car, the tyrant grabbed the street lamp by the side of the road, bulged his leg muscles, and rushed forward, so fast that he was almost flying at a low altitude. In a very short time, he arrived in front of the chariot.

At this moment, purple and black blood vessels appeared all over the tyrant's body, and the metabolism in his body was running rapidly, and the right arm transformed by Ye Yi burst out with great strength at this moment.

A sound of piercing the air came from the front of the chariot, and Lu Dong in the tyrant's hand slammed into the chariot fiercely.

At this distance, the chariot couldn't react at all. At this moment, the intelligent AI of the mecha responded immediately, and the left arm of the mecha went up to meet it.

With a bang, large cracks instantly appeared on the asphalt road under the mecha's feet, leaving deep footprints on the ground.

The defense module of the mech's left arm was smashed and dented, with dense cracks all over it, and sparks kept flashing.

"Warning, warning!"The defense module of the mecha's left arm was damaged by 79%, the defense power of the left arm was reduced by 83%, the power of the mecha's left arm was completely lost, and the total power was damaged by 11%. 』

Listening to the battle damage report of the intelligent AI of the mecha, the heart of the chariot seemed to be bleeding. The tyrant's blow just now was regarded as scrapping his left arm. The power core of the mecha was also damaged, and the maintenance cost was quite expensive. It made him doubt his life.

At this moment, he was heartbroken, looking at the tyrant with murderous intent in his eyes, and the chariot let out a roar.

"Just use you to make up for my loss."

The mecha controlled by the chariot, and the high-speed rotating chainsaw on the right arm instantly cut from bottom to top.

The tyrant saw the chain saw slashing at him and quickly stepped back, but it was still a step too late.

The chainsaw first cut upwards from the tyrant's lower waist, and at the same time cut the bent street lamp in his hand in half, and broke out from his right shoulder.

The tyrant's upper body was immediately slashed with huge scars, black and red blood spurted out, part of his internal organs flowed out, and most of his heart was cut off.

Fortunately, the internal circulation system was taken into consideration when the Tyrant was created. A large mammalian heart was installed on the left side of its chest, forming a new internal circulation system with the original heart to support the Tyrant's high-intensity metabolism and combat intensity. .

At this time, the machine gun hiding in the dark set up the heavy sniper rifle in his hand, aimed at the tyrant's head and pulled the trigger.


The sound of the gun continued to echo, and the white smoke from the muzzle slowly dissipated. The powerful recoil shook the right shoulder of the machine gun, and he lost consciousness.

The recoil of this heavy sniper rifle is outrageous. If it were an ordinary person, the entire shoulder bone would be shattered and bloody. If the machine gun hadn't strengthened the physical attributes, he might not only have numbness in his shoulders now.

There was a piercing scream, and a bullet flew out of the muzzle, which was an armor-piercing bullet.

The bullet broke through layers of waves in the air, and because the speed was too fast, the warhead began to glow red.

A strong gust of wind flew across the tyrant's cheek, and the fiery red bullet hit the tyrant's jaw. With a snap, the tyrant's jaw exploded instantly.

The warhead's power remained unabated. After penetrating the tyrant's jaw, it directly exploded a hole dozens of centimeters in diameter on the asphalt road next to him, causing asphalt to splash everywhere.

Because Ye Yi concentrated the germs around him, his perception range was only 500 meters at this time, and he didn't find the hidden sniper.

Ye Yi took a look and then looked away. No wonder he always had a feeling of being watched before, probably because the other side wanted to shoot secretly.

"But... there is no chance."

At this time, the spore mixture had been continuously devoured and fused, and several of them were already the size of a small house. Ye Yi felt that the time was ripe.

The power of the plague in the body dropped rapidly like flowing water, and it was all poured into the spore mixture.

The power of the plague accelerated the metabolism in the body. The internal temperature of the meat ball continued to rise, and the color became brighter red. The surface of the body glowed red, and even white steam came out.

The T virus in Ye Yi's body has already evolved, and the flesh bomb and extreme infection have already taken effect.

At this time, the spore polymer that had just been poured with the power of the plague continued to squirm, and a huge mouth opened in the middle of the body surface. It could be vaguely seen that something was gradually forming, and the body continued to lengthen.

"It's time to give them something in return. Since I like explosions so much, I'll give you enough!"

 Well, good night everyone, go to bed early

(End of this chapter)

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