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Chapter 31 Reblondo’s Silence

Chapter 31 Reblondo’s Silence

The temperature at the center of the explosion was extremely high, and flames continued to surge from the edges of the scars on Bogarumons' body, scorching Su Xun's heart.

Rebrondo has been following him, floating around, looking like he has no strength to support himself.

And he didn't have the strength to support Su Xun's awakened form. While Su Xun ran into the center of the explosion, his body turned back into a human appearance like shedding skin.

After exiting the awakened Leonix form, Su Xun simply threw away the jacket he was originally wearing to avoid being burned in a physical sense.

Reaching the edge of Bogarummons' body, Su Xun almost didn't stop because he rushed too fast and hit Bogarumens' hot skin with his head, but it was the weak Lebron who chased after him and stopped him. he.

Su Xun finally stopped and turned around. He was about to thank Ray Blanco, but for a moment he didn't see Ray Brando.

After settling his mind to look again, he saw the looming blue figure from the burning flames.

Looking at this almost invisible phantom of Rebrando, Su Xun suddenly felt that something was wrong.

LeBrondo looks frail right now, which is extremely rare.Su Xun searched in his mind, but he didn't feel that he had seen Lebron so weak.

The current Lebrondo seems to be a bit too vain.

"Are you okay? You seem to be very weak." Su Xun asked.

"Forcing you to awaken has almost used up the few energy I have. If you hadn't recently conquered Dinozoru and Barton and replenished it for me, I would have been gone long ago. If I'm not weak, are you?" I realized. Su Xun looked at him strangely, and Reblondo smiled reluctantly, but his words were still not very polite.

Su Xun squatted next to Bogarummons' fiery body, and didn't care about the flames around him that were about to stick to his body. He just tilted his head and looked at the phantom of Lebrondo, thoughtfully.

"Are you... hiding something from me?" Su Xun spoke slowly, and the phantom of Rebrando appeared even fainter in the background of fire.

When Ray Blanco was so weak, Su Xun always felt that his current state was a little strange.

Rebrando was silent for a while, staring fixedly at the increasingly fierce flames on Bogarum's body. The expanding gas propped up its skin, and it seemed that it was about to explode.

"What are you hiding?" Reblondo said calmly, "My body is gone, and only half of my soul is left. Isn't it normal for me to be in a bad state?"

Su Xun lowered his eyes, it seemed right.

That's all, let's deal with Bogarumons' body first, after all, it's about to explode.

Su Xun stretched out his fingers and lightly touched the skin on Bogarum's corpse, and he jumped back from being burned.

"Why are you crazy?" Seeing this, Lebrondo couldn't understand what was going on in this man's mind, "You still touch him when he's so hot?"

"Curious." Su Xun replied succinctly, and then asked, "You asked me to come here, what on earth are you going to do?"

Rebrando smiled and did not answer him. He just slowly clenched his fists. The originally pale and transparent figure almost disappeared at this time, and a blue energy surged out of his body. Rising into the air, it began to spread in all directions above the burning corpse of Bogarumons, slowly forming a protective shield.

The protective cover was not big, but it covered all the energy in Bogarummons' body that was comparable to the explosion of 2.5 megatons of TNT, and Lebrondo began to swallow them into his body.

Su Xun raised his hand and glanced at the watch that was working hard under the high temperature. The hands on the dial moved little by little. The explosion that was supposed to come soon did not happen.

The reason why Bogarummons explodes after death is because after he devours other creatures, the energy in his body will be enhanced, just like a walking enhanced nuclear bomb, every time the energy swallowed is adding weight to the nuclear bomb , when he died, it was when the nuclear bomb exploded.

And Reblondo is now absorbing the "nuclear energy" of this "nuclear bomb".

The energy that was about to explode in Bogarummons's body is being absorbed by Lebron little by little at this moment, so he can't explode at all. With the loss of energy, the momentum of the explosion will only become weaker and weaker, until finally Not even a firecracker.


At the same time, in the guys base.

Zhe Ping was staring intently at the picture on the screen. After seeing the unfamiliar young man rushing into the center of the explosion and then propping up a blue shield, he was silently relieved.

"How is it? Zheping? What's the situation now?" Mu Zhimei leaned over and asked.

"Judging from the various data obtained by the sensor, the young man has formed a protective cover by some unknown method, and the energy in Bogaru's body is also decreasing, and there will be no more explosions. Fuji North City is safe." Zhe Ping slowly Analyzing slowly.

After hearing the news, everyone in the base let go of the big rock in their hearts, looked at each other, and laughed.

Killing Bogarummons is a victory, but preventing his explosion damage from spreading to the surrounding urban areas is the ultimate success.

At this time, Mebius has quietly changed back to the future and quietly returned to the team.

The field of view on the screen is not only the position of Bogarummons' body, but also the hunter knight sword.

After killing Bogarummons, the Hunter Knight Sword didn't really fly away with Mebius. Halfway through the flight, it landed on a hill not far away, and then stood there, dumbfounded. looking at the dead body of Bogarummons.

Later, when Su Xun rushed in, the blue protective cover was formed, and the hunter knight sword still stood motionless, his eyes still fell on that place—but only the outer shell of the blue cover could be seen.

It's so abnormal, Future quietly mingled with his teammates and looked at the screen, thinking, now it is basically certain that he is an Ultra fighter like himself, but this Ultra fighter looks different, it seems Bogaru harbored great hatred.

But even if there is a lot of hatred, it doesn’t have to take so long, right?

The little-headed melon in the future couldn't understand this problem, so he had to wait and see what happened with his teammates.

"Captain Serizawa..." Long stood at the back of the crowd, staring blankly at the figure of the Hunter Knight Sword on the screen, and murmured.

Even across the screen, the strangeness came again. Long felt that there were two souls in Hunter Knight Jian's body, one was Captain Serizawa, and the other was a ruthless stranger.

And now, the blue giant seems to be manipulated by that stranger again.

An ominous foreboding came to mind.

(End of this chapter)

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