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Chapter 8 Hunter Knight Sword

Chapter 8 Hunter Knight Sword

In the field overgrown with weeds, a woman with draped hair flashed, her eyes were dull, her expression had a strange aura, she stuck out her frighteningly long tongue, and a streak of mixed-colored light flashed across her face.

This woman with her long tongue sticking out her horror is the incarnation of Bogaru.

As for why she appeared here, probably only she knew.

Not far in front of the woman is a volcano.

In the wilderness with a radius of hundreds of miles around the volcano, the bark of the trees is dry and peeling, and the color of the leaves changes from dark green to light yellow. They fall to the ground in the wind and soon wither.

The shrubs and weeds on the ground were also severely withered, and the ground was full of dead branches and leaves. When people stepped on it, they immediately sank deeply, and the fallen leaves dried by the scorching surface temperature made a crisp sound.

The lava in the crater glowed with a faint red light, and the dull sound of surging magma came from the inside out. The active volcano was ready to move.

Bogaru approached the volcano step by step, extending and retracting his long tongue, with saliva dripping from the tip of his tongue. He looked very greedy for the things inside the volcano.

There were still a few steps away from the volcano, and Bogaru could almost see the lava gurgling like boiling water in the crater.

Bogaru wanted to eat Barton.In this way, its strength will be enhanced, and the injuries sustained during the fight with Hikari on Planet Abo will be accelerated.

It has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.After it came to the earth, it borrowed the woman's body but found that it couldn't hide its overly long tongue, so if it wanted to eat in a human city, it would cause panic among others.

It doesn't want to expose itself so quickly. If it wants to be exposed, it has to wait until it recovers from its injuries.

So since it came to the earth, it has basically been full and hungry, and has been sad and sad.As a monster with a huge appetite, it simply couldn't stand it.

The pace was getting faster and faster, and the woman seemed unaware of the hot feet. The saliva dripping from the tip of her tongue hit the ground, leaving only a small wisp of white smoke.

The firelight flickered, almost covering Bogaru's entire field of vision.

Suddenly, the woman's progress stopped, and she seemed to catch a glimpse of a sword flashing in the sky in the red light of the fire.

Is it an illusion?The woman raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, her dull gaze turned to the sky again.

The night fell, it was pitch black, and there was nothing.

Probably just misunderstood.Bogaru thought, lowering his head and preparing to move forward again.

Suddenly its heart suffocated, as if something had suddenly strangled its neck, and the surrounding air instantly became very oppressive, making it hard to breathe.

While his chest was rising and falling violently, Bogaru saw another sword flash across the sky.

The bright light pierced its eyes fiercely, this time it saw clearly, it was a very familiar sword light.

That's... Hikari's trace!
Bogaru's original greedy expression changed drastically, and there was a little panic in his eyes.It took a few steps back, then turned around quickly, and fled here in a panic at a speed that was very different from the slow steps it had just approached the volcano.

Bogaru's escape brought up a strong wind, which made the withered plants all over the ground rustle. The fallen leaves scraped the ground and were dragged forward by the wind.

Bogaru left, the sound of the wind gradually disappeared, and the surrounding plants gradually quieted down.

In the darkness, a beam of light descended from the sky and hit the ground covered with dead branches and leaves. It looked even more dazzling than the magma above the volcano.

A robust figure gradually emerged from the beam of light, and Serizawa Kazuya, who was expressionless, slowly walked out of the light.

But this is not the real Serizawa Kazuya.Inside his body is the soul of Hikari.

After Serizawa was killed by Dino Zoro, Hikari, who was tempted by evil forces and blackened, desperately chased Bogaru to the earth, found Serizawa, resurrected him, and borrowed his body Deposit the soul.

This process is the same as Hideki Hideki and Hokuto Seiji, who were originally only human beings, were resurrected by Jack and Ace when they were about to die. What was resurrected was not the soul of the human being, but only the body.

At this time, Serizawa is just a tool used by Hikari to facilitate his continued activities on the earth.

Serizawa stood still on the wasteland and looked around, but did not find what he was chasing.

He closed his eyes, carefully felt the air around him for tens of miles, and suddenly smelled a strange smell in a certain direction.

Before the brain could react, the body moved first.Serizawa suddenly opened his legs and ran in that direction, but after a while, the breath in his senses disappeared.

hateful!He cursed secretly in his heart, and let Bogaru run away again!

Feeling angry, Hikari manipulated Serizawa to raise his arm, and the lightsaber extended from his wrist. He gritted his teeth and slashed at the withered vegetation around him.

It seemed that the breath of the lightsaber penetrated into the volcano, and the originally peaceful earth suddenly shook violently. Hikari stood there, his body motionless.

The magma in the crater surged up with the ground, overflowed the edge of the crater, and slid down the hillside, igniting the surrounding plants, and the flames instantly surrounded Serizawa standing there.

It seems that Barton has woken up.

Hikali thought, his eyes moved, he stared at the mountain pass silently for a while, with a bit of arrogant mockery on his face, he jumped and left the volcano.

"The once righteous Ultraman Hikari is dead. Only the hunter knight sword is alive!"

Hikari's somewhat distorted voice lingered through the raging fire, crashed into the crater, and crossed the viscous magma, alarming the half-dream and half-awake Barton.

A sharp and turbid bird cry burst out from the depths of the volcano, and the surrounding fire suddenly increased, and ashes flew all over the sky.

Seeing all this in mid-air, Hikali stopped staying and turned around to fly towards the sky.

But he doesn't plan to fly to the universe, nor does he plan to return to the Kingdom of Light.He wants to stay on Earth because his nemesis Bogaru is also here.

He will not stop until Bhagaru is destroyed.

Hikari's figure disappeared.The fire that left only one place burned all the dead branches and leaves. There was nothing left to ignite, and it gradually died down.

If Su Xun and Reblondo were here, they would be very confused.

Because when the timeline of Mebius tv is drawn here, neither Hikari nor Bogaru will appear, and there should only be the scene where the guys attack Barton.

It was Su Xun's appearance that caused the change in the reality of the situation.

If Su Xun hadn't appeared, Lebrondo was just a remnant soul, and Di Nuo Zoru hadn't been tamed, then Bogaru wouldn't have noticed, and Hikari wouldn't have appeared so soon.

The butterfly effect is on.

(End of this chapter)

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