Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 100 Yu Yu makes a family separation

Chapter 100 Yu Yu makes a family separation

After seeing Silly Zhu being so shameless, He Yuyu's heart completely cooled down. She looked at Silly Zhu's big face and said, "Silly Zhu, I want to break up with you!"

Well, now He Yuyu doesn't even call him brother, she just calls him Silly Zhu.

"Separate the family? Don't make trouble!" After hearing He Yuyu's words, Silly Zhu immediately sneered, "I bought everything in this family. If you want to separate the family, you won't get anything. !”

"Hmph, Silly Zhu, since you are so heartless, don't blame me for being unreasonable. It's true that you purchased the things in the house. I don't want any of them! But... this house was left by our father. We need to separate our families. If so, this house must be half of mine!”

"There is also the food book at home! We must also separate it. From now on, we will each receive our own food... The food rations I gave me for so many years are worth the living expenses you gave me for three years of high school..."

"No! It's just nonsense!" Yi Zhonghai couldn't sit still when He Yuyu mentioned the grain book. After all, most of the Shazhu family's rations went into the Jia family's stomach.

If He Yuyu's ration is missing, the Jia family will have a big gap. If they don't have anything to eat, he will have to fill it...

"Ha! Sir, what does it have to do with you when people are separated from each other? Don't meddle in other people's business..."

"You! You..." Lin Sen's words made Yi Zhonghai extremely angry. He stared at Lin Sen with angry eyes, wishing to tear him into pieces.

Before Yi Zhonghai could say anything, Shazhu couldn't help but stand up for him, "Lin Sen, what do you mean? Did you instigate my sister to break up the family?"

"Yes, it's me! What can you do to me?" Lin Sen nodded and admitted generously.


Lin Sen's face turned cold when he saw the finger that Sha Zhu was pointing at, "You don't want your finger anymore, do you?" Frightened, Sha Zhu's hand immediately retracted.

"Hmph... you're a bitch!" He scolded Shazhu disdainfully, and then Lin Sen said loudly: "Dear neighbors, you are not outsiders either. You all grew up watching the rain. She lived at Shazhu's place. You all know in your mind what day you will get!"

Lin Sen's words aroused everyone's discussion.

"Yes, this kid Yu Yu is quite pitiful. Look at his skinny body!"

"No! I've seen Yuyu eat steamed buns before, just boiling water!"

"Hey! This silly Zhu is so useless. He brings lunch boxes all day long, but he can't even feed his own sister. Who do you think the leftovers he brought went into?"

"Haha! Who else could it be? Look at our courtyard. Whose food is fat and big-eared..."

"Hey! There's no way! Who wants me to have a beautiful daughter-in-law? Not only does the whole family get free lunches, but they also get free help!..."

"You said that stupid boy Si Zhu sticks to people all day long. This boy's life is so smooth..."

I have to admire these neighbors. No matter what topic comes into their mouths, they always end up talking about things between men and women.

"..." Jia Zhang on the side was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She couldn't bear to have someone eat melon on her head!

"Fart, what nonsense are you stinky bitches talking about! Our Jia family is an innocent family. Let me tell you, if you chew your tongue, you will go to tongue-pulling hell!"

As soon as Jia Zhang jumped out, she was immediately ridiculed by everyone present. "Are you the only one who has paid off the Bai family? Aunt Zhang, do you understand how the word Bai is written?"

"Haha, even if you go to the tongue-pulling hell, you, an old godly woman, will be the first one to do it! If you are not afraid, then we will definitely not be afraid..."

Yi Zhonghai looked at the yard, which was as messy as a vegetable market, and suddenly felt his scalp numb, "Don't make any noise, don't make any noise..."

After noisy for a while, the crowd calmed down, and Yi Zhonghai stepped forward and said, "Yu Yu, you have to think clearly. If the family is separated, you will lose your natal family. Even if you get married in the future, If you kill someone, it won’t stand up to your husband’s family!”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai's obvious threat, Lin Sen sneered again, "Sir, do you know how to speak? With Yu Yu's current situation, do you think there is any difference between her and her natal family? ?”

"Besides, now that Yuyu has recognized me as her godbrother, I really don't believe that she will get married in the future... With me supporting her, who would dare to bully her!"

After saying that, Lin Sen ignored Yi Zhonghai and turned to look at He Yuyu, "Come on, Yuyu... I'm going to leave you alone today. As long as you get married in the future, I will make the decision to accompany you every step of the way." Use the big things as dowry!”

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" He Yuyu was almost moved to tears at this time, wuwuwu, I don't want to leave you, Brother Lin!

"Yu Yu, are you determined to separate from me?" Silly Zhu asked without giving up.

He Yuyu immediately nodded firmly, "Divide! This family must be divided today! I don't want to become the sister of a chicken thief!"

"Okay! Let's split it... But don't regret it, Rainwater!" Shazhu gritted his teeth and agreed, "But, Rainwater! You don't have a share in the things in this house, I bought them all!"

"Okay! I don't want anything from the house, but I have to own half of the house!"

He Yuyu refused to give in on this point.

"Okay, there are two rooms in the house now, one big and one small... The small one belongs to you, and the big one belongs to me!"

Is this gone? "Silly Zhu, you should try to gain some face by jumping on the horse! Why should the big house go to you and the small one to the rainwater? I think it's good to reverse it, the small one to you and the big one to the rainwater. Anyway, you are single all your life. Life!"

Lin Sen couldn't stand it any longer and started taunting him.

Damn it!Lin Sen has you...if he couldn't beat you, labor and management would have to sew your broken mouth up with needles.

"Lin Sen, this is a family matter. It's not good if you keep interfering in it!"

"Hey, sir, Yi Zhonghai, do you think this is a human thing? It's not good for me to meddle in other people's family affairs. So what is it that Silly Zhu did when he caught his sister and bullied her?"

Lin Sen is really knowledgeable about Yi Zhonghai's double standard.

"Yu Yu, look at this... As for the house, your eldest brother should occupy a little more. After all, Zhu Zhu will get married in the future. If the house is too small, it won't work... I'll ask him to give you the extra money from the house. Do you think it's okay? ?”

After Yi Zhonghai was scolded by Lin Sen, he suppressed his anger and turned to discuss with He Yuyu.

"Okay, as long as the price is right, I will decide this matter for Yu Yu! Tell me, Yi Zhonghai, how much are you going to replenish for her?"

(End of this chapter)

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