Chapter 18 Work
Now that the section chief of the resettlement office has admitted his mistake, Lin Sen didn't continue to make trouble. This old saying is good, you have to forgive others, and you have to give up three points if you are justified!

The adult world is not only about fighting and killing, but also about being humane and sophisticated!Besides, this rabbit bites people when it gets anxious, not to mention a veteran who has been immersed in the workplace for many years... How can he be so unyielding?Lin Sen is just a tough guy, not stupid. If he can punish that woman, that's enough!

The storm subsided and the crowd of spectators gradually dispersed. After completing the formalities, Lin Sen refused the job assigned by the resettlement office. He put away his letter proving his transfer from the military to another place and left here gracefully...

Lin Sen also has considerations about his employment plan. First of all, he must have a certain ability to protect himself. This trend is irreversible, but small trends can be changed... He must have the ability to protect his family when a storm comes in the future. OK.

As a police officer, Lin Sen was the first one to be eliminated!These days, public security is synonymous with troublesome things. Lin Sen doesn't want to be tossed bald every day because of some parents' idiots and trivial matters.

Don't let yourself become bald by then and still not become stronger!That's really a shame for grandma's house...

If you are not a police officer, you can only choose to defend.

The security guards in the 60s were not as simple as security guards and guards in later generations. They belonged to the organized and ordered security personnel, and they were the units directly under the People's Armed Security Department.Ordinary people have sharpened their heads and can't squeeze in a good job...

Those workers who have jobs all have a habit, that is, when something happens, they don’t like to call the police, but go to the security department of the unit to handle it.

In the eyes of the big brothers of the workers, the police are outsiders, and only the security department of the unit is their own. This has also led to the rise of the status of the security department, and the power in their hands is also astonishing.

After leaving the resettlement office, Lin Sen went home to rest for a while, and after lunch, he went to Chengbei Park and found Cao Yong who had returned from the army with him.

"Big five!"

"Brother Sen!"

As soon as the two met, Lin Sen asked unceremoniously: "Da Wu, how is your brother-in-law's arrangement to enter the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill?"

Da Wu Ze patted his chest and said, "Brother Sen, are you still worried about me doing things? My brother-in-law has already taken care of things. We can report to the security department early tomorrow morning!"

Lin Sen nodded, "That's good!"

Immediately, the two hooked their shoulders together, "Da Wu, let's have a drink together later in the evening?"

When he heard the word "drinking", Dawu's face turned pale with fright, "Brother Sen, what about... I'm going to my third sister's house for dinner tonight. Let's drink this wine next time, don't you think so?"

After talking about Big Five, I complained in my heart, Nima!Who wants to drink with you, a big wine barrel that will never get drunk... Isn't this sincerely looking for abuse!

Seeing the evasive look in Da Wu's eyes, Lin Sen just smiled. It seemed that he had frightened the child when he drank a lot of practice wine in the army!
"Haha, since you don't want to stop drinking, Dawu, then come with me to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy something for your uncle and aunt!"

After all, this job in the security department can only be entered with the help of Dawu. This is reasonable. Lin Sen must buy some gifts or something to express his gratitude!
"Brother Sen! You're welcome, I have everything at home..."

In the end, Dawu couldn't resist Lin Sen, and he forcibly dragged him toward the supply and marketing cooperative.

Along the way, Dawu wanted to persuade Lin Sen not to waste money, but he interrupted him before he could finish his words.

"Da Wu, look! You've helped me so much, I definitely want to show it, after all, this gift is irrevocable, you understand?"

"Besides, I also bought this for my uncle and aunt. You can't stop me from honoring your parents, right?"

With the relationship between Lin Sen and Big Five, they will definitely become a good family in the future. Lin Sen wants to honor his parents, and Big Five is really not easy to stop him.

"Come on! Brother Sen... I can't say enough about you, if you want to buy it, you can do whatever you want!"


The supply and marketing cooperative was still some distance away from the park where they met. Lin Sen and Da Wu walked there on their legs, taking shortcuts along remote paths.

When the two of them passed an alley, Lin Sen and Da Wu suddenly stopped in their footsteps, and both of them heard a woman calling for help from the alley at the same time.

After looking at each other, Lin Sen and Da Wu quickly rushed into the alley.

Sure enough, at a corner not far from the alley entrance, there were several men surrounding a woman.

Nima!It's so simple... Did these bastards eat dog gall?How dare you play hooligans with other girls in broad daylight... Damn, this uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it!

"Hey! Thief Sun! How dare you act like a gangster here in broad daylight!"

Lin Sen's loud shout instantly startled the hooligans surrounding the girl. They turned around in panic, and they were relieved when they saw that there were only two of them.

One of the leading gangsters, seeing the nosy Lin Sen and Da Wu, took out a bright dagger from his bag, and then said in a very arrogant tone: "Brother, I advise you, don't interfere too much." It’s nosy business! It’s best to keep the road facing the sky and go to each side, otherwise I know you, brother, but the knife in my hand doesn’t know you!”

Grass!A kind of plant... Since when did these gangsters dare to be so rampant!They dared to threaten themselves with a knife. Who gave them the courage?

When Da Wu saw Lin Sen suddenly grinning, he knew that his squad leader had murderous intentions, so he quickly grabbed Lin Sen's arm, "Squad leader, we won't cause anyone to die. I will deal with them. You Take a break and hold on for me!"

Dawu was deeply afraid that if Lin Sen took action, the opponent would be killed or disabled, so as soon as he pulled Lin Sen's arm, he took action first.

Don't look at Da Wu's figure is somewhat round, but when he moves his hands, his skills are unusually vigorous. From the perspective of the gangster on the opposite side, a black shadow flashed by, and the leading gangster with the knife screamed and was beaten by Da Wu. It was knocked and flew out.

"Ah...kill him!" Seeing the eldest brother being knocked away, the remaining three gangsters shouted and rushed forward one after another.

With one against three, Big Five didn't panic at all. After dodging the fist waving in front of him, he raised his hand and slapped the man viciously from bottom to top, hitting the man's chin.

(End of this chapter)

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