Chapter 20

Lin Sen and Da Wu entered the supply and marketing cooperative and found it empty. Grandma's place had more sellers than buyers.

A group of salespeople in the supply and marketing cooperative were gathering together, cracking melon seeds and chatting. When they saw someone coming in, they turned their heads and glanced at them. Not only did they not restrain themselves, but they chatted louder and more lively. .

Ugh, I am extremely speechless!But this was the norm in the 60s, because today's sales assistants are holding the country's iron rice bowl, and no one can fire them without making a principled mistake.

Lin Sen and Dawu walked to the counter selling pastries and candies, tapped the glass of the counter twice with their fingers, and shouted loudly: "Comrade, I'm shopping!"

Hearing Lin Sen's shout, a woman who was having a tea party together spit out the melon seed shells in her mouth with a "tui" sound, and then raised her head without even moving her buttocks, "Wait a minute, I haven't seen you there yet." We are chatting now?... It’s already this hour, why are you here to buy anything!”

Damn it, this tone and attitude are so arrogant and domineering!
Hey!Lin Sen's short-tempered temper came up immediately, and he knocked on the glass on the counter again, his tone full of impatience.

"I said, this lesbian... I'm going to buy something now, please come here quickly!"

Nima, what Lin Sen never expected was that this woman's attitude was so crazy that she heard Lin Sen's words, not only did she not come over, but she jumped up from the bench and started pointing Lin Sen's nose yelled.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up... You're the one to wake up! I told you to come later! It looks like five people and six people, but you can't even understand human words..."

I am Nima!Lin Sen ignored Dawu's obstruction, and slapped the counter with a "bang", and immediately heard the glass of the entire counter crack and shatter.

"Brother Sen, don't be angry! We have something to say!" Da Wu was confused for a while... Damn, the last person who made Lin Sen so angry was on the battlefield. In the end, Lin Sen went to kill him single-handedly. Joined the class opposite Brother Asan!The grass on those people's graves will grow so big it can scratch their crotches, right?

"You, you..." Lin Sen shattered the entire counter glass with his slap, making the woman lose her mind for a while, but soon she became angry from embarrassment.

"You little bastard, you actually dare to destroy public property... I tell you, pay the money immediately!"

The woman had no idea that Lin Sen's slap would have knocked her head off... It can only be said that those who don't know are fearless. The woman still shouted, "I'm telling you, little bastard, you are in trouble." Oh, Hou San from the Erma Road Police Station next door is my younger brother, if you dare not pay for damages to public property, I will let him arrest you and put you in a dark room!"

Ah!Lin Sen put his hands on his shoulders and sneered, "Are you still ashamed to ask me to lose money? Let me tell you, I'm not done with you today! What about your manager... Call him out, I want to question him face to face, who stipulated this, Talk about chatting and you don't have to work..."

Lin Sen's mouth was like a machine gun, and he burst out, "Your job is to serve the people, so what's so noble about it! Who else gave you the right to refuse reasonable requests from customers?"

The woman was accused by Lin Sen. She was not ashamed at all. Instead, she raised her neck in a very high-profile manner and said threateningly: "Everyone is like this...I will leave it here today. I won't sell anything to you. Look at you." What can you do with me!"

"What can I do to you? Hey! I really don't believe it. There is no one who can reason here... Where is your manager! I want to ask, why can you look down on the common people!"

As soon as she saw Lin Sen, she was about to turn around and go find the manager. The woman panicked. Everyone knew about fishing during working hours...

But this matter cannot be brought up on the stage, and Lin Sen also gave her a big hat of looking down on ordinary people. This matter should be brought to the manager. This woman cannot be fired, but it is inevitable that she will be dismissed by the manager. He wears small shoes!
"Little bastard, you, don't leave..."

In desperation, the woman finally couldn't help but rush out from behind the counter. She had been holding back her anger for a long time. She stretched out her hand and scratched Lin Sen's face viciously.

Hmph, so what about being handsome?Dare to sue my wife!Today I must let you break your face...

Lin Sen looked at the woman who was rushing towards him, he dodged and dodged, and then hooked his feet indiscriminately!The woman screamed and knocked on the corner of the counter next to her with unsteady focus.

"Ah..." The woman let out a scream, and after a "bang", the world was clean!
"Blood...blood! I, teeth are gone!"

Haha, what a godsend!Let me tell you, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. It's not that they don't report, but that the time has not yet come!

Lin Sen spread his arms flirtatiously at the side, with an auntie smile on his face, "Hehe, Dawu, you have to testify to me, I didn't even touch her just now..."

Dawu rolled his eyes and glanced over, "Brother Sen, we're almost done... let's go shopping quickly!"

Seeing the knocked out front teeth and the blood in the mouth, the woman was suddenly numb. She sat down on the ground and cried out loudly, as if she had been wronged so much!

Standing by the side, Lin Sen continued mockingly, "Hey! A person like you can be a salesperson, how blind are your managers!"

The woman was already frightened into a fool at this time, and all that was left was howling and crying. The woman's crying finally alarmed the backstage manager, a half-Mediterranean man with a mid-life crisis. As soon as he came out, he turned to Lin Sen. He scolded: "You are so brave, you dare to come to our supply and marketing cooperative to make trouble... xxx will call the Erma Road police station!"

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. This manager is not a good person. When he appeared, he said nothing and put the label of provoking trouble on Lin Sen's head.

Damn, I can only say that the manager and the salesperson are the same!They're nothing... No wonder the salesperson can make such a loud noise with confidence!

Ho!It turns out that there is this two-armed manager, support her!

Hey, how could Lin Sen be a mortal? He didn't even bother to turn his head, so he sneered.

"What? This manager, how dare you look down on ordinary people? Are you going to give me the whole wrongful case?"

"Forget it, it's socialism now, and everyone's status is equal! You don't even know the situation and dare to cover your hat indiscriminately? Hmph... I think you want to restore the original bureaucracy!"

"Report to the police, right... Dawu, go and inform the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, and say that someone here is going to engage in feudal thinking!...Hmph! When the time comes, let me see if your skin will be stripped off!"

After hearing Lin Sen's words, the manager was stunned!My mother, this young man is cruel enough!Can't afford it, can't afford it, slip away, slip away...

(End of this chapter)

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