Chapter 60
In the office, Mr. Xu, the security section chief with some gray hair, saw Lin Sen coming in and nodded to him with a smile.

"Little Lin is here!"

"Yes, Chief!"

After Lin Sen finished the ceremony, he responded to the section chief...

"Since Xiao Lin is here too, let's get started... Ahem!" Security Section Chief Xu Laoqing coughed, and then said: "I heard Captain Yang from the second team say, Xiao Lin, you just rushed into their second team. , beat him up?"

Mr. Xu's words made Yang, the elder of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, frown immediately and feel a little unhappy in his heart.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with what Mr. Xu said, but if you think about it carefully, you can see the clues just from the names of Lin Sen and Yang Shaojie.

A Xiaolin, like an elder calling a junior, and a Captain Yang, who are obviously business-like, and the closeness between the two can be seen at a glance.

In fact, the reason is very simple, just like the schools of later generations, teachers always prefer those students with good academic performance.

Lin Sen has a strong military aura, and his every move is full of a heroic posture belonging to a soldier. In addition, Lin Sen has rectified the discipline of the third brigade as soon as he came, so, Mr. Xu, he is very serious. He admired this young man Lin Sen quite a lot.

"It's nothing, Section Chief, you misunderstood... I just had a brief exchange of ideas with Captain Yang when I met him. Isn't it a common occurrence in the section to compete in military skills?"

Speaking of this, Lin Sen glanced at Yang Shaojie contemptuously again, "What's wrong with Captain Yang? Are you going to lose the fun?"

Yang Shaojie on the side was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Should I compete with you?Grass, a plant!I am a cultural person full of poetry and distant places, and I am going to start a fight with a bandit?I hang myself as a birthday man. Do you think your life is too long?

Mr. Xu was quite speechless at Lin Sen's open-eyed talk, but that was fine. Lin Sen refused to admit it, so he just nodded his head, and then spoke.

"Xiao Lin, although Corey is not opposed to competing in martial arts, he still needs to pay attention to the occasion! How can this prevent Captain Yang from coming to the stage in front of the whole team! ... Like this! I make the decision, wait. You and Captain Yang can make peace with each other privately, and let this matter go!"

For Mr. Xu's favoritism, Yang Shaojie was obviously not convinced. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but was stopped by a middle-aged man with glasses.

This man is the nominal leader of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, Director Lao Yang!

As for Lao Yang, he seems to be a positive person who is strict with himself, but what is the real situation?We don’t dare to say anything more. We can only describe him with the sentence “three years to become the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes and silver.”

Lao Yang is actually the same type of person as Li, the other deputy factory boss in the factory. The only difference between them is that Lao Li is a real villain. There is nothing to say about this!And what about Lao Yang?If you are a female cousin, you still have to build a memorial arch... He is trapped in it!He is a hypocrite like Yang Buqun.

It can even be said that this Lao Yang is not as good as Lao Li. The most obvious one is the amount of tolerance...

Although Lao Li is relatively bad, he can really achieve what is called a prime minister's stomach that can hold a boat, and tolerance is great... Silly Zhu gave him a lot of trouble in the TV series, and when he went to the extreme, he even "" He hit him with two fists!

In the end, because of Shazhu's excellent cooking skills, Lao Li's punishment for him was to be transferred from the back kitchen to the front-line workshop to work as a coolie. Isn't this just like scratching an itch!

Lao Yang smiled at Xu Lao, "Xu Section Chief, you are the leader of the department, you can make up your own mind! I believe that with Xu Section Chief's fairness and justice, no matter what solution he comes up with, I will agree! "

Mr. Xu pretended not to hear the weirdness in Lao Yang's mouth, so he nodded and said: "Then do as I say! Xiao Lin, you must remember to pay more attention to uniting comrades in the factory from now on! In the future, follow people During the competition, you must make it clear in advance..."

"Yes! Section Chief...I will definitely make it clear to him before the competition in the future, and I will never let him complain to you again!"

Lin Sen raised his hand to salute, and then couldn't help stabbing Lao Yang and Yang Shaojie. Yang Shaojie's face turned pale when he heard the voice.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Mr. Xu waved his hand to indicate that Lin Sen and Yang Shaojie could get out. He and Mr. Yang had separate matters to discuss.

After Lin Sen turned around and closed the door of the office, he could faintly hear Lao Yang saying: "Chief Xu, for this fall recruitment in the factory, I want the Security Department to provide me with five places..."

Tsk tsk, this old Yang is really nothing. He actually saw that Mr. Xu was about to retire, and when everything was stable, the lion opened his mouth... He really dared to talk about the five security department entry quotas!
"What are you looking at? Do you believe that grandpa is practicing with you?"

Lin Sen turned his head to look at Yang Shaojie beside him, then frowned, and immediately ran away in fright.

Damn it, I originally wanted to rely on my uncle’s influence to take care of Lin Sen!Is this the result?It's not painful or itchy, just like scraping!

Yang Shaojie, who was very familiar with current affairs and was a hero, had already classified Lin Sen in his heart as one of the group of people he should not mess with.

Forget it, we can't provoke it, we can't hide it!From now on, I will stay far away from you!Let's see what reason you still have to find fault with me...

After Yang Shaojie made up his mind, he ran even faster!

Lin Sen left the section chief's office. He did not return to the team immediately, but continued to visit Lao Qi.

After saying hello to Da Wu who was still waiting for him in the office, Lin Sen took out a cigarette and handed it to Lao Qi.

"Brother-in-law, I remember Mr. Xu will retire in less than a year!"

Lao Qi nodded, "Almost, Lao Xu is half a round older than me, and at the retirement age, it will be around next year! Why, what do you think?"

"Haha! Brother-in-law, what ideas can I have?... What I want to ask is, do you have any ideas?"

"Me?" Lao Qi took a puff of his cigarette!

"Yes, it's you, brother-in-law! Don't you have any desire for the throne of section chief?"

As the saying goes, the Shinigami who doesn't want to be Hokage, he is definitely not a good One Piece, the same reason... the soldier who doesn't want to be a general, he is not a good soldier either!

Lao Qi thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his head, "No, although I have enough qualifications, the position of section chief cannot be achieved by just gaining qualifications. You must have a noble person to help you." Okay, I..."

Although Lao Qi didn't say the latter, Lin Sen also knew what he meant, that is, there was no one above him.

But Lao Qi has no one, but Lin Sen does!And there are quite a few...

(End of this chapter)

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