Chapter 63
My name is Zhang Deshuai, and now there is a little girl who refuses to marry me, what should I do?Who can teach me? ...Waiting online, it’s quite urgent!

Lin Sen asked He Yushui to sit down, and then poured her a glass of water, "Your eyes are swollen from crying, and your voice is hoarse, drink some water to moisten your throat!"

He Yushui took the water glass from Lin Sen, "Brother Lin..."

"Yu Shui, listen to me first!" Lin Sen stretched out his hand to stop what He Yushui was about to say, and he looked at the girl in front of him seriously, "Yu Shui, you are still young! I guess you don't know what love is! You just express gratitude , treat it as love, do you understand?"

"No! Brother Lin... I, of course I understand what gratitude is and what love is! I know the difference very clearly... I, I want to give birth to a child for you, and I want to grow old together with you for the rest of my life!"

He Yuyu stood up emotionally, and then hugged Lin Sen tightly from behind.

With Lin Sen's physical reflexes, he can dodge completely, but if you can dodge the first day of junior high school, you can't dodge the fifteenth day. There must be an explanation for the matter between the two of them.

Otherwise, He Yushui can take off the night attack tonight, and then she can get into bed tomorrow night and reverse... When a woman, especially a pretty woman, is really desperate and doesn't even want her face, her The combat power can scare people to death!
Therefore, Lin Sen, who had no need to hide, was embraced by He Yushui from behind, and he sighed, "Yu Shui, I will help you because of Xiaobai's sake, I don't want you or anything, and you do this , how will you get along with Xiaobai in the future?"

At first, everyone was just being little sisters, but you suddenly turned into her sister-in-law. What did you want Lin Bai to think?
"Brother Lin, this, this is Xiaobai's teaching, teaching..."

Damn it!Lin Sen was about to explode in anger, what a real sister, she really didn't treat her big brother as a human being!
"Huh..." Lin Sen breathed a long sigh of relief, then turned around and pushed He Yuyu away from his chest, "Yuyu, you know, I will go to work tomorrow. If you follow me, there will be no results. of!"

"Brother Lin, I, I don't need a status, I don't need anything, as long as you don't abandon me, I am willing to give you a child, not just to repay a favor, I..."

I get it, you're still greedy for me, just trying to figure out who I am!
"Yu Yu, you are still too young now. Maybe you were impulsive this time. I can pretend that this never happened... If you turn twenty in two years and still want to give birth to a child for me, we can Let’s continue this topic!”

The storm was coming, and Lin Sen really didn't dare to cause trouble at the most critical period. He could only resort to the dragging tactics commonly used by scumbags. After all, the darkest moment is the dawn before dawn.

After two years, when everything has stabilized, if He Yuyu remains as desperate as he is now, then Lin Sen really doesn't mind having one more woman.

After all, a scumbag!He has never disliked himself for having too many women... Who can guarantee 100% what will happen after this!

When He Yushui heard Lin Sen's concession, she immediately seemed to grab the last straw. She said excitedly, "Brother Lin, are you serious? As long as two years pass and I don't change my mind, you are willing to live with me." child?"

In line with the scumbag's guidelines of not taking the initiative and not rejecting, Lin Sen gave her a look that she could comprehend on her own.

After He Yuyu was sent away and Lin Sen was lying alone on the bed, Mink Mao felt extremely regretful again, and then slapped himself... Damn, what are you pretending to be Liu Xiahui? It's better now. All the prey comes to your door. No, you don’t want it!

Thinking of He Yuyu's long legs, Lin Sen slapped himself again, and then went to sleep... Out of sight, out of mind!

As a result, after finally falling asleep, Lin Sen dreamed of the scene where he was hugging left and right. He Yushui was wearing a cheongsam with creaking slits, and he was holding a jk shirt in his arms. Chen Xiaojiu, the two beauties held a glass of red wine each, and amidst the melodious voices around them, they both raised their heads and pursed their mouths, wanting to kiss...

Hiss... Lin Sen woke up in an instant. It was so embarrassing...

Lin Sen got up and changed into another pair of pants, then looked at the alarm clock, huh!It's already six o'clock in the morning... Fuck, this dream is really long enough!

Hey, hurry up and cook!Otherwise, I will be late for work later...

Early in the morning, when He Yuyu came to the Lin family for dinner, Lin Bai looked at his good sister in surprise, "Yu Yu, are you okay?"

"Well, Xiaobai! Thank you..." Thank you for the night attack routine you taught me last night. It really worked!

"Thank me for what?" Lin Bai's temperament has always been a little careless, and she didn't think deeply about why He Yushui thanked herself.

"Brother, let me tell you...although I am your sister, I am also a member of the family! Although our Lin family is not a wealthy family, we are not a place where cats and dogs can just come in. If you look for Sister-in-law, you dissatisfied me... Then you, you have to listen to me and cancel the engagement!"

Seeing Lin Sen bowing his head to eat and ignoring himself, Lin Bai kicked him angrily, "Brother, did you hear that... Oops!"

Lin Bai, who was hit by Lin Sen's blow to the head, immediately covered his head and let out a cry of pain, "Little girl, you still want to rebel against Tiangang. It's none of your brother's business... just eat your food!"

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" How can I live if I forget my sister when I have a daughter-in-law!"

Ah!Are you suffering?Compared with He Yushui, Chen Xiaojiu and the others, you seem to have grown up in a honey pot, well, you really don't know how to be blessed when you were born...

"Okay, stop acting! You can only do thunder but not rain, you have the ability to cry!"

Lin Bai, who held back his tears for a long time without shedding a single tear, finally threw himself on Lin Sen's back in embarrassment, "Ah... Lin, I'm going to kill you!"

After having a noisy breakfast, Lin Sen stuffed the lunch boxes that Lin Bai and He Yuyu had for lunch into their bags and handed them to them, and then said: "Xiao Baiya, don't worry, with your brother's Judging from my taste, the sister-in-law I have found for you must be the best. Just wait and enjoy your happiness at home!...Oh, by the way, Xiaobai, please clean up the compartments in your house later. Your sister-in-law, her sister You have to live in too!”

"What? That woman hasn't even married yet! She's coming to rob my house! Brother, are you lying? I don't care, anyway, I don't agree with that woman's sister living in my room!"

Hearing Lin Bai's words, Lin Sen reached out and touched her forehead, "Don't make trouble, be obedient..."

"No! How can there be a sister-in-law who doesn't go back to her brother-in-law's house? Brother, if you really do this, I will be angry!"

The angry Lin Bai, she pushed the bicycle angrily, and took He Yushui away without looking back!

(End of this chapter)

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