Chapter 66 Done
For a big dog like Lin Sen, things that can be settled with money are nothing.

And Chen Dajuan's greed for money just happened to fulfill Lin Sen's wish.

Looking up at him with eyes full of greed, staring closely at the pile of unity in his hand, Lin Sen smiled.

"Big Neck Chen, have you really thought about it? Once you take my money, you're thinking about going back on your word, but you won't have a chance!"

"No regrets, no regrets..."

"As long as you don't regret it...Chen Daneck, I didn't have time to buy the gifts you asked for, so I discounted them all! Here are 1000 yuan and two three-turn-one-ring tickets..."

Lin Sen directly threw the money and the ticket on the table, and Chen Da Neck couldn't wait to hold the money and the ticket tightly in his hands, as if they would disappear if he let go.

Lin Sen glanced at Chen Da Neck's extremely greedy look with disdain, and then complained in his heart!I don’t know if this old man saved the entire galaxy in his previous life. Otherwise, how could he have given birth to two beautiful girls like this if he was so bad!

"Okay, Chen Daneck, I've taken this money too. Xiaojiu and Xiaozui will be mine from now on..."

Chen Daneck's eyes were full of small stars in the shape of banknotes at this time, and he didn't listen to what Lin Sen said at all, so he nodded without thinking, "Yes, yes, yes!" Money is the uncle, you can say whatever you want Yes!
Lin Sen sneered, "Since the two of them are mine, they will naturally focus on taking care of me. From now on, Xiaojiu will stop working as a temporary worker in the garment factory!"


Chen Daneck finally heard it clearly, and then he looked stunned and said, "The temporary worker in the garment factory is quitting? How can that be done!"

Chen Xiaojiu is doing well in the garment factory, and I heard that he will become a regular soon, and the most important thing is that Xiaojiu gets his monthly salary by himself, which is 18 yuan and five yuan a month. In addition to the five yuan for meals, the remaining 13 yuan and five went into my own pocket.

"What? You don't agree? Hmph! Chen Daneck, do you think I gave you face?"

Lin Sen's face turned cold when he heard Chen Daneck's words, and then he slapped the silver handcuffs with a cold light on the table with a "snap".

Chen Daneck was obviously frightened by Lin Sen's sudden change of attitude. The originally flattering smile on his face froze, and then his body trembled unconsciously.

As an excellent animal trainer, Lin Sen naturally knows that villains fear power rather than virtue. If you reason with animals, you are playing the harp to an ox. It is useless...

To deal with beasts, you have to use grace and power together!Let him be afraid of you from the bottom of his heart, so after Lin Sen rewarded Chen Daneck with a sweet date, he had to give him a big blow, so that he could tell who was big and small king!

Save yourself a day (stressed accent), ah, being ridden on your neck by a beast!

Looking at the silver light on the table, Chen Dajian's eyes showed fear. He was an ordinary citizen who worked hard on the street to earn some hard money. When had he ever seen a silver bracelet... He was immediately frightened. I almost peed.

"Uncle, Uncle! We, we have something to talk about, can you not bring this thing out?"

Lin Sen's expression did not change, and he was still frighteningly cold, "Ha! Chen Da Ning... What I said to you is just to inform you, not to discuss with you! If Xiaojiu follows me, then she will be my wife of the Lin family. , do you understand?"

"Understood, understood, understood! Uncle, we are all one family, you..."

"Ho!" Lin Sen immediately let out a sneer, "Chen Daneck, who is the same family as you?"

"Ah? Uncle, I married my daughter to you, so why are we not a family?"

Grass, a plant!Chen Daneck is such an old man, the little abacus in his heart is still really loud, he almost smashed the abacus in the face.

"Big Neck Chen, what do you mean you marry your daughter to me?..." Looking at Big Neck Chen's puzzled eyes, Lin Sen sneered again.

"Okay... For the sake of the wine, I will remind you one last time! You heard me clearly, the only relationship I have with you is that you want to sell your daughter! I will pay for it... So, Can you understand? I don't admit that I am your uncle!"

After saying that, Lin Sen stopped paying attention to Chen Da Ning, who was pale. He made it so clear. If Chen Da Ning didn't know what to do, Lin Sen would hardly be able to pretend to be a good person... He would just handcuff him and take him away. Guan Xiaoheiwu provides one-stop service, and after keeping it, Chen Daneck will stay away from Lin Sen when he sees it!
Slowly hanging the handcuffs on his lower back, Lin Sen said to the two sisters in front of him who were silent at home and did not even dare to raise their heads.

"You have heard it too, you two will be my people from now on, now go back to the house to pack your things, I will take you home!"

As soon as she finished speaking, an aunt who was over fifty years old suddenly rushed out from the bedroom next to her. Although her face looked full of vicissitudes of life, from the outline of her face, it could still be vaguely seen that she must have been extremely graceful when she was young. An outstanding beauty... It's a pity that the beauty is easy to grow old, no matter how beautiful a person is, it is difficult to escape the ravages of time, the butcher's knife!

"Uncle, there's no reason to take someone home after you're hired. You're going to break the rules left by your ancestors!"

"Haha..." Based on the shape of her face, it turned out that this middle-aged woman was Chen Xiaozui's biological mother. She was like an old hen protecting her cubs, tightly protecting Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui behind her.

However, she obviously underestimated Chen Xiaojiu and Chen Xiaozui's determination to escape from their native families.

Because she was not his biological mother, Chen Xiaojiu just glanced at his stepmother, and then went back to the house to pack her things without looking back.

Chen Xiaozui was similar, she just took a deep look at her mother, then gritted her teeth cruelly and followed Chen Xiaojiu, the elder sister, back to the house.

"This aunt!" Lin Sen did not call his mother-in-law, but instead called her aunt, "Are you sure you want to talk about the rules with me? Haha, return it to our ancestors... This ancestor said that betrothal marriages are all about etiquette. , Now it’s been so long since I’ve sent you the betrothal gift, but I still haven’t seen what the dowry your family wants back looks like!”

With just one sentence, Lin Sen successfully silenced the woman. In the end, he could only look at her two daughters, each carrying a small baggage, following Lin Sen step by step. Leaving this place made them feel extremely depressed. s home.

"Brother-in-law, thank you! Your great kindness, I, I..."

As soon as she left the dilapidated courtyard where the Chen family lived, Chen Xiaozui who was following Lin Sen spoke nervously.

"Okay, we'll be a family from now on, so don't be so polite!" Lin Sen waved his hand, thinking in his heart, when he is free in the future, it would be nice to sleep with his brother-in-law!
Pooh!Scumbag, even my sister-in-law will not be spared...


(End of this chapter)

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