Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 8 What can’t be said

Chapter 8 What can’t be said
Yi Zhonghai walked quickly and came back quickly. In just a moment, he handed twenty "Big Black Ten" cards into Lin Sen's hands.

"Lin Sen, now we have settled..."

Lin Sen didn't speak, he just counted the money in front of Yi Zhonghai with lazy eyes, and then said to him with a smile: "Yi Zhonghai, how should I say good things to you? Are you bullying me for not being able to count, or are you thinking that I can’t count money in front of you because I’m embarrassed?”

Taking the money in his hand and shaking it, Lin Sen continued to sneer and said: "There are only eighteen cards here now, Yi Zhonghai, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

"Impossible! I counted it myself, and it's exactly 200 yuan!"

Yi Zhonghai yelled in disbelief, and then Lin Sen drooped his face, "What? Yi Zhonghai, I counted the money in front of you, and now you still don't admit it is missing? I don't believe it with your attitude. Those who want to solve the problem... Believe it or not, I will go to Director Wang of the street overnight to give us a review?"

"You..." Yi Zhonghai trembled angrily, he pointed at Lin Sen tremblingly, and couldn't even speak.

"You don't believe it! That's fine, you look after it, I'll show you the counts one by one in front of you!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking, he started counting one by one in front of Yi Zhonghai, "One, two, three...fifteen, sixteen!"

Well!After counting, Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded again, Damn!Why is the money getting less and less? ... He just stared at it with his eyes, ensuring that Lin Sen couldn't play tricks at all. As a result, not only was the money missing, but he was also missing four fucking cards!
Yi Zhonghai looked at Lin Sen hesitantly with his eyes, and Lin Sen scratched his head, "Damn it, did I make a mistake just now?"

So he continued to click again before confirming, "It's 16 cards, I made a mistake just now, Yi Zhonghai, what should you say now!"

What else can I say... I can only admit that I am unlucky!Anyway, we’ve walked 99 steps, so there’s no need for this last shiver!
"I'll pay you another forty..." Yi Zhonghai said weakly, then turned around and went home sadly to continue withdrawing money.

hehe!Lin Sen rolled his eyes in disdain as he watched Yi Zhonghai's figure disappear around the corner.

The lack of money is naturally his fault!With the help of plug-ins, I can spend as little money as I want, just follow his mood...

Ho ho!This evil person will have his own troubles. Regarding the methods of evil people, Lin Sen has to rely on you!

Yi Zhonghai withdrew the money for the second time. He had learned the lesson and was afraid that something would happen again, so he handed it to Lin Sen one by one.

"Lin Sen, now we are cleared! From now on..."

Lin Sen impatiently put the money into his pocket, and then waved his hand impatiently, "Now that everything is settled, get out! As long as you don't provoke me in the future, I won't have anything to do with you..."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen turned around and greeted Xu Damao, "Da Mao is gone, with these people, it would be annoying to stay for a second longer!"

Seeing that Lin Sen was about to leave, Jia Zhang, who was rolling on the ground beside her, hurriedly got up, and she yelled at Lin Sen: "There are still things from my family in that room..."

Lin Sen, as for Lin Sen, didn't look back and said without any politeness: "When the time comes, wait until my sister comes back from school! This house is yours, and you won't lose any of it... Now, stay away from my house." A little bit, or else I’ll slap you with my big ear-scratcher... get out of here!"

Lin Sen's domineering appearance made Jia Zhang panic, and she didn't dare to make a fuss anymore, so she went downhill on a donkey and was dragged home by her daughter-in-law.

The neighbors around who were eating melons saw that the main character had all gone, and there was nothing exciting for them to watch, so why did they stay here?So the swarm also left.

Only Silly Zhu, who had two big sinuses, was left, covering his face and silently watching Lin Sen's leaving figure in the corner.

Tsk tsk, congratulations to Silly Zhu for achieving an epic achievement, a world where only I get hurt!

Lin Sen and Silly Zhu, except for the fights when you hit me and I hit you when we were kids, they didn't have much interaction. There was nothing we could do about it. Who made Lin Sen dislike him since he was a child? ...But with Xu Damao, another real villain in the yard, we can occasionally play together.

Of course, this is definitely not the case, because Xu Damao has a rich lady as his wife!This I, Lin Zhengren Junzi Sen, can swear... Huang Tian, ​​I, Lin, and gambling and drugs are irreconcilable!

Uh, speaking of Lou Xiaoe, Lin Sen turned his head and glanced at Xu Damao, "Da Mao, I heard you are married?"

Xu Damao was still immersed in the joy of having pumped a big sinus, and nodded immediately when he heard this, "Well, we just got married three years ago!"

"Haha, that's right! Then Damao, please call your sister-in-law over tonight. Let's have a drink together, which can be regarded as taking care of me..."

"I didn't ask...uh!" Xu Damao's voice that was about to agree, suddenly fell silent. He suddenly remembered that Da Louzi went back to her mother's house today, what's wrong with this...

So Xu Damao rubbed his hands, his tone full of guilt, "Da Lin, how about we wait another day? Your sister-in-law has returned to her parents' home, and I..."

"Hey! Ant splitting forks, what a big deal... What's the difference? Since my sister-in-law is not here, then we will be the two of you tonight. When my sister-in-law comes back later, I will buy another drink, and it will be done!"

Lin Sen said it completely nonchalantly.

"No, no need... Dalin, I should be the one to take care of you tonight... wait until your sister-in-law is at home next time, how about you do it again!"

"Sure! Then I'll listen to you, Damao!"

Everyone, don't think that Lin Sen, who can get along with Xu Damao, is not a good person! ...Uh, that's not how it works.

In the original work, it is said that Xu Damao was so bad that the soles of his feet oozed pus. Yes, Xu Damao was a real villain, but what does this have to do with Lin Sen?

As long as Xu Damao's bad intentions are not used against Lin Sen, why can't Lin Sen be friends with Xu Damao?After all, he is being bad, and he is not sorry for what he is not!

There is also the world of adults, which is full of deception and deception, and everyone wears a mask of hypocrisy!Especially those old professionals in the workplace who have been severely beaten by society. If they were asked to choose between a real villain and a hypocrite to be friends, compared with the hypocrite who smiles with you on the surface but stabs you twice in the back, it is estimated that Nine times out of ten, you will pick the real villain, right?

After all, as long as there is no big interest involved, the bad ones are obviously really villains, they are more suitable to be friends with wine and meat...

What's more, Lin Sen, who robbed Yi Zhonghai of 200 yuan on his first day back home, didn't seem to be a good guy at first glance. He and Xu Damao were evenly matched, and the bastard looked at mung beans. Got it!
What's more, when Lin Sen was with Xu Damao, he still had a lot of ulterior secrets in his heart!

Hey, hey hey... everyone knows this!As the saying goes, this is nothing more delicious than dumplings, but nothing more fun than that!

(End of this chapter)

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