Chapter 96
Lin Sen's routine is called one after another. It's like a Russian matryoshka doll, one after another.

Every time you think you are the last one in front of you, the surprise always comes so suddenly.

Chen Xiaojiu finally helped Lin Sen to lie down on the bed, took off his shoes, and covered him with the quilt. When he was about to make the hangover soup, he was carried to the bed by a strong force, and then the quilt was rolled up. There were various sounds of frolicking inside.

"Ouch! Brother, don't touch...don't scratch there, I'm ticklish...giggle, hahaha..."

As the clothes were thrown out of the quilt one by one, Chen Xiaojiu finally reacted, "Brother! You are so annoying! You actually pretended to be drunk to trick me...Ignore you!"

Haha, why don't you just ignore me?How is it possible? This is my home court now!
...I am a dividing line...

After struggling for more than an hour, Lin Sen, who was happy to mention the achievement of the epic moon appreciation, lazily leaned on the bedside, with a cigarette in his mouth, and Chen Xiaojiu's eyes in his arms were filled with tears.

After taking the last puff of cigarette, Lin Sen casually flicked the cigarette butt to the corner, hugged Chen Xiaojiu into his arms like a large pillow, put his head on her shoulder, and got ready. sleep.

As for Chen Xiaojiu, who was half asleep, she felt uncomfortable all over her body. She was squirming like a caterpillar. Finally, she finally found a comfortable position and fell asleep again. Hey!Tonight, it’s a hard time for the little wine girl...

The next day at work, Shen Qiang came over and said, "Brother Qiang, do you have a problem with me?"

Shen Qiang took the cigarette handed over by Lin Sen, and smoked smoke together with him arm in arm, "It's okay, it's just that Sister Ping asked me to inform you that your matter is done!"

Although Shen Qiang spoke in an understatement, the proud look on his face could not hide his tail that was about to rise to the sky.

"Really?" Lin Sen's eyes lit up, and his tone was full of joy. After receiving Shen Qiang's reply, the big stone that had been pressing in his heart could finally be let go.

"Huh! Brother Qiang, you must invite Sister Ping out tonight. It's best for us to sit in the east. Let's go to the Xinqiao Hotel to have a good time!"

Shen Qiang, however, waved his hand uncharacteristically, "Brother, forget it! Sister Ping is not something anyone can invite... I was lucky enough to invite her last time for a favor!"

"Oh?" Lin Sen heard what Shen Qiang meant. Could this Xu Zhiping be even more impressive than him?
"Brother Qiang! Does this Sister Ping live in the sea..."

Shen Qiang pressed his index finger to his lips and shushed, then opened his mouth and said three words silently, and a person's name came out.

Lin Sen understands lip reading and can read Shen Qiang's spoken language, so he naturally knows who he is talking about!

Damn it, no wonder the second generation of his level has to look to Xu Zhiping as his leader. Those sisters are the serious eldest sisters!
This girl is so arrogant. If she asks me to obey her, should I obey her directly, or should I obey her after going through the process?
Mudd, this man is sometimes too handsome, which is also a disaster!

However, Lin Sen soon put this idea behind him. Humph, he was a sin-slayer with a righteous attitude... How could he do such a derogatory thing as pleasuring someone with sex?Lin Sen's heart bleeds again, why!Why does he always meet this little rich woman who can save him a lifetime of hard work!
"Okay! As for Sister Ping, I've already informed you. The rest has nothing to do with me... I'm leaving, Dalin!"

Shen Qiang smoked a cigarette, patted Lin Sen's shoulder and said, to show his closeness, without any sense of arrogance when they first met.

After all, the Lin Sen in front of him is no longer the second-in-command who came to ask him for help before. He has fallen into Xu Zhiping's eyes. Maybe she will call him brother-in-law or brother in the future... So make sure you have a good relationship in advance. wrong.

Lin Sen also noticed Shen Qiang's arrogant and courteous appearance. He held a cigarette in his mouth and sighed in his heart that this was really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Don't bully young people into poverty!

Watching Shen Qiang's leaving figure, Lin Sen's eyes flickered. He was now debating whether he should follow Xu Zhiping or not. After all, the rich woman was really sweet!
However, in the end, this guy still rejected this tempting idea of ​​committing a crime with great perseverance, hum!A real man lives between heaven and earth, how can he stay under someone for a long time... He doesn't want to have to lie down when he has sex with a woman in the future! ...This is the last dignity of a man's stubbornness!
After Shen Qiang said goodbye, Lin Sen threw away the cigarette butt, stamped it out with his foot, and strode to the three-story white building of the Security Department.

"Lao Qi, I have good news for you. Your matter is done!"

Lao Qi, who was sitting behind his desk with his head down working, suddenly raised his head when he heard this, his eyes full of ecstasy.

"Xiao, Dalin! Is what you told me true? I am too old to withstand the torture!"

"Haha! Don't worry, Lao Qi! This thing can be done 99.99% of the time! The remaining 0.01 probability is, unless you don't want to do it anymore! Otherwise, you can just wait for a promotion in January!"

What Lin Sen said was so decisive!There is no way, who can let the sisters Xu Zhiping behind him support him!
"Okay, okay..." He walked around the office excitedly, showing that Lao Qi was very excited!

Also, given Lao Qi's original life journey, deputy security section chief was almost his limit. Unexpectedly!He originally thought that there was no road ahead, but it turned out that a huge piece of pie fell from the sky and hit him on the top of his head.

"Da Lin, you also know what I, Lao Qi, am like. I am a manly man who spits and nails. From now on, you will be like Dawu, and you will be my Lao Qi's closest relative!"

"Haha... Lao Qi, you are treating me like an outsider!"

Lin Sen smiled and didn't take it seriously, "Lao Qi, when you become the section chief, Dawu and I will have to rely on you more in the future!"

"Don't worry, it's no problem!" Lao Qi assured him by patting his chest, "From now on, as long as the sky doesn't fall and I, Lao Qi, are here, you and Da Wu can rest assured!"

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk..." Lin Sen chatted with Lao Qi for a while, and then left the security building.

Now Lin Sen has finally secured his ability to settle down in this era!From now on, Lin Sen doesn't want to commit suicide. Basically, he can walk sideways like a crab in the area around the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Hey, we people are so happy today!
(End of this chapter)

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