Chapter 31 Competitive spirit is stimulated!
"Brother, what do you want from me?"

"If you want to tell me something, treat me to dinner by the way? That's fine!"

"By the way, I want to bring a little friend, do you have any objection?"

"Well, well, you wait for us at the school gate."

"We'll be out right away."

Qin Yuxuan happily hung up the phone.

"Dear Chenchen, we don't need to pay for all the expenses this afternoon."

"My son Qin will pay the bill."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuxuan winked at Zhou Chenxi and said happily.


"Your brother is coming."

"Then I'd better not go."

"The last time I ate Western food, I spent thousands of dollars on Brother You, and I got a lipstick worth more than 300 yuan for nothing. I'm already very embarrassed."

When Zhou Chenxi heard this, he immediately wanted to quit.

She is not a girl who likes to spend other people's money.

If it's really that kind of girl, with her appearance, most of the rich second generations in the school will pay for her.

"Oh, everyone is our own family, so we don't need to see outsiders."

"And my brother came to see us this time and has something to say."

"It's not like eating and drinking."

"Let's go, let's go together."

Seeing Zhou Chenxi's refusal to go, Qin Yuxuan immediately implemented the practice of acting like a baby.

Constantly flustered her arms.

If you don't go, I will keep wandering around.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you."

"Really, why don't you usually see that you are so clingy?"

Facing Qin Yuxuan's coquetry, Zhou Chenxi had no choice but to surrender.

Choose to go with her.

"Hehe, you know my family, Chenchen, is the best."

Seeing that Zhou Chenxi agreed, Qin Yuxuan immediately laughed happily.

Then the two of them tidied up, changed their clothes, and went out directly.

"What, brother, you want me to help you ask if any of the senior students in our department are looking for jobs?"

"Brother, what are you doing?"

In a cafe near Hangcheng University.

When Qin Yuxuan learned of Qin Fei's purpose, she immediately exclaimed.

Even Zhou Chenxi, who was at the side, looked over with curiosity.

I don't know what Qin Fei is going to do.

"It's like this. As for me, I recently registered an investment company and it will be approved soon."

"I want to recruit a group of financial professionals."

"It doesn't mean that you also study finance, and you are also a student of Hangcheng University."

"So I want to ask you to help me to see if there is any suitable person to introduce to your brother and me."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

"What the hell, brother, you started a company?"

"When did it happen?"

"You didn't notify me when you opened a company. This is so unethical."

Qin Yuxuan was stunned.

If she remembered correctly, the last time she met her brother, she just said that she had a general direction.

In the end, how long have we not seen each other?
Not only the general direction has been determined.

Even the company has to be registered successfully.

This action is too fast.

"Haha, it only happened in the past few days."

"Originally, I planned to wait until the company was officially established before telling you and giving you a surprise."

"However, considering that you still need your help to introduce talents to me."

"So I can only tell you in advance."

Qin Fei scratched his head in embarrassment.

I was so busy during this time that I really forgot to tell my little sister about the registration of the company.

It can be said that the younger sister was the last person in the family to know that he was going to open a company.

Fortunately, Qin Fei was also clever, and immediately found an excuse.

"Okay, your explanation has passed."

Of course, Qin Yuxuan understood her elder brother's excuses.

But she didn't care too much.

So I don’t care anymore.

"Brother, when it comes to talents."

"I have one next to me."

"What do you think of Chenchen?"

"Is it qualified enough for you to be a secretary or an assistant?"

At this time, Qin Yuxuan glanced at Zhou Chenxi.

Thinking of Zhou Chenxi's talk about going to work during the summer vacation when he was in the dormitory, he immediately had an idea.

A very good idea came to mind.

Letting Zhou Chenxi work as a secretary for his elder brother not only solves his purpose of recruiting employees, but also cultivates the relationship between the two parties.

This will allow Zhou Chenxi to find a suitable job.

It really serves multiple purposes.


"I'm going to be your brother's secretary or assistant?"

Zhou Chenxi was quietly listening on the sidelines.

It never occurred to me that my best friend would get involved with me.


"Since my brother started a company, he definitely needs a secretary or assistant to help him handle things."

"And for a position like secretary or assistant, you definitely need to find a trustworthy person to fill it."

"After all, a secretary or assistant who has frequent contact with the boss will definitely know a lot of the boss's personal affairs."

"Wouldn't it be bad if you found someone with a bad tongue?"

Qin Yuxuan said plausibly.

"Ah this."

Zhou Chenxi was speechless for a moment.

Because she found that what Qin Yuxuan said was indeed reasonable.

"Don't be silly."

"You are only freshmen, studying hard is what you should do now."

“If I’m looking for a job now, I’m not afraid of delaying my studies.”

"And, can you guarantee that you will not delay your work while learning knowledge?"

"Certainly not."

"So for jobs or something, let's look for them when you start your internship in your senior year."

Before Zhou Chenxi could continue to say anything, Qin Fei spoke from the side.

While speaking, he didn't forget to tap Qin Yuxuan's little head.

Tell her not to come up with blind ideas.

"Brother, you are wrong."

"Many students in our school started to go out to find internship jobs as soon as they were freshmen."

"You know, what you learn in textbooks is just theoretical knowledge."

"Only by participating in work can you gain practical ability."

"Besides, college is no better than high school."

“Although there are courses, there are not many.”

"I believe if you let Chenchen be your assistant or secretary."

"She must be able to do her job well."

Upon hearing Qin Fei's words, Qin Yuxuan immediately retorted.

While retorting, he also cursed his brother in his heart.

My brother, didn't you see my sister, I'm helping you out?
You don't want such a beautiful woman to be your secretary?

Why, I really plan to be a bachelor for the rest of my life.

Even if Chenchen really doesn't have time to be a secretary or assistant now.

But you can also recruit into the company first.

Don't know what it means to get the moon first?
It has to be said that Qin Yuxuan tried her best to help her brother get out of singlehood.


"I think I can do the job."

Zhou Chenxi on the side also echoed.

Originally, if Qin Fei hadn't rejected Qin Yuxuan's proposal.

Zhou Chenxi just took it as a joke and just laughed it off.

However, Qin Fei refused.

And also suspect that she can't do both.

This instead aroused Zhou Chenxi's competitive spirit.

I, Zhou Chenxi, am also a top student at Hangzhou University.

Why can't I be competent for a mere assistant position?

As for academic issues?

That's no longer a problem!
I have already mastered all the knowledge of the freshman year, and even half of the knowledge of the sophomore year has been taught by myself.

Zhou Chenxi is confident that as long as she is given some more time, she can master all the university knowledge in a short time.

The rest is practical ability.

As long as she is given a chance, she can show her abilities!

This is the confidence of a top student!

(End of this chapter)

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