Chapter 33 Ex-husband is worth tens of millions?Regretful Chen Ling!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed!
"Jingle Bell"

"Hey, Xiaofei, I've negotiated the price for that place for you."

"Yes, it has been reduced by 20, which means the annual rent is 280 million."

"This is the final price. If you think it's suitable, you can sign the contract today."

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll wait for you in the office building."

"By the way, remember to bring your ID card."

This morning, Qin Fei finally received a call from Xu Jian.

The office address he was interested in has been secured.

In terms of price, it is 300 cheaper than the previous year’s price of 20 million!
It's a surprise.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei drove his father's Mercedes-Benz e300 non-stop to Huanyu International Building, the office building he had been eyeing before.

Half an hour later, Huanyu International Building, 27th floor!

Qin Fei came here again.

Xu Jian has been waiting here for a long time.

In addition to Xu Jian, there are naturally also the owners of Huanyu International Building.

After the two parties met, they exchanged pleasantries and began to formally sign the rental contract.

The annual rent is 280 million, paid in one lump sum.

Qin Fei naturally had no money in his hands.

But it doesn't matter.

These days, he discussed it with his father.

Let him first take out his family's savings and lend it to him.

After he took out the money from the stock market, he returned it to his father as soon as possible.

Qin Wenfeng naturally did not refuse this.

Now that the son has agreed to start a business.

Any problem that the son encounters, as long as the father is capable, he will help solve it.

What's more, as a beneficiary of Moutai stock, he also knows that his son does not lack these millions.

Now it is just to maximize the benefits, not to take out the money for the time being.

Qin Wenfeng naturally supports this point.

Seeing that the stock price of Maotai has broken through the stock price of 750 yuan a share.

Of course, he couldn't let his son sell those stocks now.

You know, my son has 328 shares of Moutai stock in his hands.

This difference of 1 yuan in stock price is equivalent to a difference of 32800 yuan.

He couldn't bear to let his son sell these stocks now for rent.

Soon, more than half an hour passed.

The two parties formally signed the contract, and Qin Fei immediately paid the rent.

Next, we only need to decorate this place before we can officially start working.

In addition, you also need to buy some office supplies.

Such as computers, tables and chairs.

These also cost a lot of money.

Fortunately, my father gave me 300 million.

After paying rent of 280 million, there is still 20 left.

Enough to buy these things.

Of course, the 300 million also emptied the family's savings.

Now father and son look alike.

The money is in the stock market.

There is almost no money in my pocket.

But Qin Fei is not worried.

Because the skyrocketing stock price of Moutai stock is about to reach its peak.

Qin Fei remembers that after Moutai's share price broke through 800 yuan a share.

Moutai's stock price will not rise again.

will be stable for quite some time.

Probably a year or two.

The next big increase was also the appearance of a movie, which caused his stock price to grow again.

Of course, that's all for the future, and Qin Fei doesn't bother to pay attention.

Now we only need to wait another week or so, and Moutai's stock price will exceed 800 yuan.

At that time, it is time for him to clear the warehouse.

In other words, waiting for another week is about right.

Qin Fei is not short of money.

"Uncle Xu, it will take a few days for the agency fee."

"All my money is in the stock market."

"Then the company still needs to use the money on hand."

After seeing off the owner, Qin Fei said to Xu Jian embarrassedly.

"Haha, don't rush, don't rush."

"If the company didn't have other people's shares, it would be fine without the agency fee."

Xu Jian waved his hand indifferently.

Although he is the boss of the company, he does not own the shares of the company alone.

Therefore, it is impossible to just say no to agency fees.

Of course, although the agency fee cannot be waived, it can be reduced.

Originally, the intermediary fee charged by their company was 5% of the first year's rent.

According to Qin Fei's annual rent of 280 million.

He wanted to charge Qin Fei 14 as an intermediary fee.

However, because of a good relationship, he only received 10 in the end.

The fraction of 4 was removed.

It's a friend's price.

"Hehe, that's not what you said."

"Even if it's your own company, I can't deny it."

"Otherwise I won't be able to ask you for help next time."

"Do you think so?"

Qin Fei retorted with a smile.

"Haha, you, you, like your father, don't want to take advantage of it."

"Okay, I have something to do, so I won't chat with you."

Xu Jian shook his head helplessly.

After checking the time, he bid farewell to Qin Fei.

"Okay Uncle Xu, please walk slowly."

Qin Fei personally sent Xu Jian out.

"Kacha. Kacha Kacha"

After sending Xu Jian away, Qin Fei took the lease contract.

Then he took a picture of his office space.

At the same time, I also took a photo of the Huanyu International Building.

Finally, a Nine Palaces diagram was formed and sent to the circle of friends.

"Yuanhang Investment Company is about to set sail."

"I wish my company will be prosperous and prosperous every year!"


"Qin Fei actually started his own company?"

At Chen Ling's home, she was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

But in the next second, she suddenly sat up from the sofa and looked at the contents of the university chat group with disbelief.

At this time, many people in the chat group of her college classmates were talking about Qin Fei.

Said that Qin Fei actually opened a company.

Moreover, the office space rented by the company is actually a high-end office building like Huanyu International Building.

Many people @Qin Fei asked what company he opened.

There are also quite a few people @她, asking her about Qin Fei's situation.

Obviously, the college classmates in the group did not know about Qin Fei and Chen Ling's divorce at this time.

"Jingle Bell"

Just when Chen Ling was in a daze, her cell phone rang.

The person who called her was a good friend from college.

After this friend graduated, she also contacted him frequently.

"Hello, Chen Ling."

"Your husband has already opened a company, but he didn't even tell me."

"You don't even think of me as a friend."

“Tsk tsk, I’m renting an office building like Huanyu International Building.”

"The rent in that place is not cheap. It costs at least 300 million yuan a year."

"I'm so envious."

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Ling's friend started chatting a lot.

"What did you say?"

"The company opened by that guy Qin Fei only costs two to three million yuan in rent?"

"You didn't lie to me!"

After hearing this, Chen Ling jumped up from the sofa.

She is not a novice who knows nothing.

If he can rent an office space for 300 to [-] million yuan, then Qin Fei's own wealth should start at least [-] million yuan.

When she thought that her ex-husband was now worth tens of millions, she couldn't help but start to regret it.

Why couldn't I have done less in the first place?

If he hadn't done that, Qin Fei wouldn't have divorced me, right?
(End of this chapter)

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