They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 49 Don't say 500 million, I won't even give 500!

Chapter 49 Don't say 500 million, I won't even give 500!
"What's going on? On such a festive day, there are still people making trouble?"

"It seems to be Chen Ling and her family. What are they doing here?"

"Looking at their expressions, it seems like they came with bad intentions."

The commotion at the door attracted the attention of everyone in the banquet hall.

Among them, Qin Fei's classmates immediately recognized who they were after seeing the people at the door.

Immediately one by one looked at each other in blank dismay.

I don’t know what Chen Ling’s family wanted to do when they came over at this time.

"Son, here comes the troublemaker."

"This family really knows how to choose their time."

Qin Wenfeng was greeting his friends and his two uncles.

After seeing Chen Ling's family, they immediately came to Qin Fei worriedly.

"As expected!"

Qin Fei was not surprised when he saw Chen Ling's family clamoring to break in.

In his previous life, he had dealt with this family for so long.

It has long been clear how bad their family's character is.

When Chen Ling's family was so quiet during this time and didn't cause trouble for him, Qin Fei knew that the other party was holding back a big move.

Sure enough, at the opening ceremony of their company, the family made a fuss.

Choose to make trouble at this juncture.

It's nothing more than counting on myself, not daring to turn against me in person.

Want to let yourself cast a mouse!

Unfortunately, this family thought wrong.

Qin Fei knew that with their greedy characters, if there was a first time, there would definitely be a second time.

So this head must not be opened.

Moreover, Qin Fei couldn't let them get a penny from him.

"Dad, you go and entertain the guests first."

"I'll deal with them."

After Qin Fei said something, he walked towards the door of the banquet hall.

"Mr. Qin, they."

Seeing Qin Fei coming over, the security guard at the door of the banquet hall quickly prepared to explain.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

"You go out."

Qin Fei waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

"If you need anything, please call us anytime."

When the security guard heard this, he immediately nodded respectfully.

Then left the place.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, Qin Fei, you've become such a dog."

"The person who ran behind my daughter every day."

"Now I have become Mr. Qin and Mr. Qin."

After seeing Qin Fei, Li Yuemei said in a strange way.

The envy and envy in his tone were clearly audible.

"This is all thanks to your daughter."

"If I hadn't divorced your daughter, I wouldn't have achieved what I am now."

Compared with yin and yang, Qin Fei is not cowardly at all.

He responded immediately!


"Hmph, don't be complacent."

"You must know why we are here today."

"So I won't talk nonsense."

"As for the compensation for the demolition of that house, you have to give us 500 million yuan."

"Otherwise, I don't mind revealing the scandal about you, the boss of the company, in front of so many people present."

Li Yuemei said with a certainty of victory.

Although she has no culture.

However, we also know that for a company, the image of the boss and the company's reputation are very important.

Once the image of the company boss is damaged, it is definitely not a good thing for the company.

Just look at the bosses of those listed companies.

A little bit of negative behavior, the company's stock price will fall.

Therefore, Li Yuemei has reason to believe that, for the sake of her and the company's image, Qin Fei will definitely not be afraid of their threats like before.

With the bondage of the company, Qin Fei will definitely compromise with them.

"500 million!!!"

"You can really think about it."

"The original compensation for the demolition of this house was only 650 million."

"You guys are opening your mouth like a lion now, asking for 500 million at once."

"Who gave you face!"

Qin Fei laughed angrily when he heard this.

How shameless is this, to ask for 500 million as soon as he opens his mouth?

He really thinks his money is blown by the wind, so he can open his mouth at will?

"Hmph, I don't care how much you get as compensation for demolition."

"Anyway, the money you give my daughter must not be less than 500 million."

"After all, my daughter has now become a second-marriage person because of you."

"This youth loss fee must be compensated."

Li Yuemei said unreasonably.

After knowing that Qin Fei has a net worth of tens of millions.

Of course she would not be satisfied with just half of the demolition compensation.

She wants more.

500 million is just a trial.

If Qin Fei gave it, she would continue to ask for the 500 million after she got it.

Anyway, Li Yuemei has already made it, and has been relying on Qin Fei's plan.

"what do you think?"

"Do you also have the same intention as your mother?"

Qin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to Li Yuemei's words.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Chen Ling.

As an adult, you should make your own decisions.

Instead of listening to your parents for everything.

"Yes, what my mother means is what I mean."

It's a pity that Chen Ling now has no opinion of her own.

I felt that my mother meant nothing at all.

That's 500 million!
With this 500 million, he can buy a house in an area where housing prices are not too expensive in Hangzhou.

You can also leave 200 million for daily expenses.

Anyway, I only spend [-] to [-] a month.

This 200 million is enough for him to spend several years.

As for what to do after spending a few years?
At that time, I must have found a billionaire to marry.

Will you still be short of money?

It can only be said that sometimes once people become blindly confident, they will not consider whether what they want will come true.

"Qin Fei, as long as I'm here, you can rest and continue to bewitch my Xiaoling."

"Today's 500 million, you have to take it whether you want it or not."

Seeing that Qin Fei didn't answer his question, he looked at his daughter instead.

Li Yuemei immediately put on a determined attitude.

She thought Qin Fei wanted to plead with his daughter and didn't want to spend the 500 million.

Therefore, without waiting for Chen Ling to say anything, she immediately opened her mouth to express her family's attitude.

"threaten me?"

Hearing this, Qin Fei finally turned his head to look at Li Yuemei.

After looking at it for a while, there was a sneer of disdain.

"Yes, I'm threatening you."

"So, do you want to give me the 500 million or not?"

Li Yuemei admitted without hesitation.

She just came to threaten Qin Fei, there is nothing to deny.

"Then I have to tell you something."

"Don't say 500 million, I won't give you even 500."

"As for you talking about exposing my dirty information."

"If you have the ability, go and expose it. I'm really curious about what kind of dirty information I have."

"Of course, the most important point is once you speak."

"Then there will be no end to death between us."

"In the past, I was too lazy to care about some things for the sake of marriage after all."

"But now you are making trouble for me again and again."

"Then don't blame me for being merciless."

"When the time comes, even if you beg me, I won't let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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