Chapter 51 Deadly black material?That's it?
"Never die!"

"You're merciless!"

These two words of Qin Fei scared Chen Ling.

I have been in love with Qin Fei for several years and have been married for eight months.

After getting along for so long, she knew Qin Fei well and knew that he was not joking.

But seriously.

At the moment, some hesitated.

"Huh, never die? Are you merciless? Are you worthy of saying this to me?"

"You think I'm scared?"

"Qin Fei, I give you half an hour to transfer 500 million to my card."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you face."

"At that time, I want to see how you can keep up with us today."

When Chen Ling hesitated, Li Yuemei spoke again.

She didn't think Qin Fei had any means to deal with them.

She is sure to take the 500 million today!

"Yes, Qin Fei, don't try to scare me."

"You have to give the 500 million."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for exposing your 'deadly black material'."

And Chen Ling, who was on the side, felt as if she had taken a reassurance after hearing her mother's words.

Without any hesitation anymore, he watched Qin Fei covetously with his mother.

"It doesn't take half an hour, I can tell you now."

"You won't get a penny."

"And I also want to see why you don't give me face."

"As for the black material you said, hehe, do you think I believe it or not?"

Qin Fei glanced at Li Yuemei and Chen Ling sarcastically.

He simply didn't believe that Li Yuemei had any black material about him.

Unless, the other party deliberately fabricated it!
"Qin Fei, sometimes people shouldn't be too confident."

"You said, if I tell you that you forced your wife to divorce in order to monopolize the demolition compensation."

"What do you think everyone will think of you?"

The corners of Li Yuemei's mouth rose slightly!
She couldn't believe it anymore, after hearing this 'deadly scandal', Qin Fei could still remain calm.

As long as Qin Fei panics, she wins half the battle!
"Oh, I thought the black material you mentioned was deadly."

"It turned out that after talking for a long time, that's it?"

However, what disappointed Li Yuemei was that Qin Fei didn't panic at all after hearing this 'fatal black information'.

Instead, his tone was full of disdain.

It was as if he didn't take this 'fatal black material' seriously at all.

"Qin Fei, please stop pretending to me."

"I know you must be panicking right now."

"The feigned disdain you are showing now is just to cover up your panic."

"I won't talk nonsense with you now, I will give you two choices."

"Or, you immediately send over the 500 million compensation that belongs to my daughter."

"Either I will reveal your dirty information."

"At that time, I will have to see, as the boss of the company, but you are such a despicable person, how can your company continue to operate."

"I believe that all of your partners will avoid you after knowing what kind of person you are, right?"

Li Yuemei didn't pay attention to the disdain in Qin Fei's tone.

In her opinion, Qin Fei is just pretending.

"Li Yuemei, I find you are getting more and more ridiculous."

"What makes you confidently think that with this so-called black material, you can handle me?"

"Don't forget, my house is pre-marital property."

"It has nothing to do with you guys."

"So, your so-called monopoly on demolition compensation is simply nonsense."

"What's more, when the demolition notice came down, Chen Ling and I had already divorced."

"The excuse of forcing his wife to divorce in order to compensate for demolition is even more untenable."

"Why, could it be that you still want to deliberately distort the facts?"

To be honest, Qin Fei was almost amused by Li Yuemei's naive thoughts.

What about monopolizing demolition compensation, and what about forcing divorce?

I really don't know how she came up with it.

Tell the truth even if you lie.

"twist the truth?"

"Hehe, I'm just distorting the facts, what can you do with me?"

"Things without evidence, who knows what the truth of the matter is like."

"Audiences only believe what they hear."

"And you seem to have forgotten that the public likes to sympathize with the weak."

"You say, if I break the news about these things."

"Will the public believe you are innocent, or will they believe that we are the victims?"

"Don't forget, I'm weak and I understand this truth!"

When Li Yuemei said this, she became complacent.

She doesn't care what the truth of the matter is.

All she wants is the 500 million!
As long as she can get 500 million, Li Yuemei can do whatever it takes.

"Yo, don't pretend now?"

"Admit directly that you distorted the truth?"

Qin Fei's tone became more sarcastic.

I'm weak and I'm justified?
Sorry, this reasoning doesn't work for me!
"Qin Fei, stop talking nonsense with me."

"I ask you one last time, will you give me these 500 million or not?"

Li Yuemei was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Qin Fei.

Every extra minute, every extra second is a torment for her.

Now she just wants to get 500 million as soon as possible.

"If you want 500 million, go ahead and dream!"

"As for my so-called black material, you go ahead and blow it up."

"I want to see, after hearing the conversation between you and me, will the public choose to believe you or choose to believe me?"

Qin Fei said and took out his mobile phone.

Click on a recording!
From the time when Li Yuemei's family made trouble at the door, Qin Fei already knew that the other party's visitors were not friendly.

So from the beginning, he was ready to record.

Therefore, the conversation between him, Li Yuemei and Chen Ling was recorded verbatim.

"You recorded it!"

After hearing the conversation from Qin Fei's cell phone, Li Yuemei's face changed drastically!
She never expected that Qin Fei would actually record.

This shouldn't be!
I came here out of the blue.

This kid Qin Fei should be caught off guard!
But what's going on now?

How did this kid prepare so well, and even recorded in advance.

Damn, careless!
I shouldn't have admitted just now that I was deliberately distorting the facts.

Well now, with this handle, Qin Fei's threat of 'deadly black material' has become completely dispensable.

"Congratulations for your answer, unfortunately there is no reward!"

Qin Fei said with a sneer.

"Qin Fei, so what if you record it!"

"I asked a lawyer."

"Even if this house is your pre-marital property, I still have my share of the value-added part of this house after marriage."

"And the most important point is that I now feel that you have hidden the common property belonging to our husband and wife."

"So, I can file a new lawsuit and ask to divide the property with you!"

Chen Ling who was on the side saw her mother becoming flustered.

Stand up immediately and use the legal knowledge you gained from your lawyer classmates.

She couldn't believe it.

In this way, it is still impossible to get money from Qin Fei.

Oh, what a pity!
Originally, she wanted to rely on Qin Fei to force her to divorce because he wanted to monopolize the demolition compensation, and asked for 500 million.

Now being disturbed by my mother, plus recording.

This reason is no longer tenable.

With this recording, everyone will no longer believe this reason.

The only thing that can be done now is to file a lawsuit to redistribute the property with Qin Fei.

And if the property is redistributed, it is impossible to have 500 million!
It's all my mother's fault, I'm so proud of nothing.

It turned out to be a routine given by Qin Fei.

It's all right now, seeing that the 500 million I got was ruined by myself!

(End of this chapter)

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