People are in Altec, start with a red ball

Chapter 111 Chapter 110 Grandi vs Angelo

"The third game is about to begin, and the result of the draw is... Player Grandi vs. Player... Angelo! This will be a well-matched and exciting battle. The lineup of Player Grozam in the first game is too poor, and in the second game The Kaos player's three-type machine dragon is too unsolvable. I believe everyone will be addicted to it, so let's turn our attention to the battlefield!"

Grandi, who was wearing Kiru alien armor, glanced at Angelo who was calm and composed with his arms folded. He placed his right hand on his left chest and bowed slightly. Then he flicked his earrings, turned his dark purple awakening combat device and jumped off the Golden Ancient Bridge. grid.

"Come on, Tyrant!"

"Combat instrument, activate!"

The purple card pops out from the opened Awakening Battle Meter, and then swipes through the Awakening Battle Meter.


Tyrant, the tyrant monster, completed its physical form and fell to the ground with a roar.

The weight of 57,000 tons brought smoke and dust tens of meters high, and the Earth Destroyer at the judges' table happily scored high.

"Wuhu~ Player Grandi still chose Tyrant, the tyrant monster with a high winning rate. His performance before this is worthy of its high popularity. So how should player Angelo deal with it?"

Gilbaris's head turned counterclockwise twice, and the passionate words in his mouth never stopped.

"It's your turn to perform, Geronimon!"

Angelo teleported to the ground and gracefully threw a red and white ball with a purple feather sticker on it.


The monster chief Jeronimon appeared from it, the colorful feathers on his head shaking wildly as Jeronimon roared.

Even if the opponent is Tyrant, the tyrant monster who got five kills on his debut, his monster chief Jeronimon is not a vegetarian.

Well, Geronimon had a bad feeling when he saw Tarant. In mysterious terms, it probably meant that the horoscopes were inconsistent and the fate was conflicting.

Tarant also scratched his belly with the sickle in his right hand in confusion.

We're not buddies. We're each our own masters and we're just playing games. You shouldn't look at me like this, right?
Geronimon himself didn't know that this conflict of destiny came from Tyrant's evolved form EX Tyrant. Based on Tyrant's original configuration, Gomorra was added as the hind legs, and the head was Added feathers on Geronimon's head.


Geronimon opened his mouth and spat out a stream of white gas before his master Angelo issued an order.

This is one of Geronimon's two signature skills, gravity-free smoke!
Tarant didn't expect Geronimon to launch a sneak attack, so he caught the attack in a hurry and floated into the air under the influence of the weightless smoke.

"Hey, hey, Master Angelo, this is a sneak attack! You are a person of status!"

Grandi shouted with an exaggerated expression, but there was no panic in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if Tyrant is forced into the sky by the weightless smoke. Grandy fully believes in his monster.

"Geronimon has a mind of his own, just let it be."

Angelo smiled gracefully.

As a wise general, why couldn't he see Grandi's little thoughts, which were just to interfere with his own side's actions.

Geronimon was also overjoyed when he saw that Tyrant was hit. He used his brain waves to control the colorful feathers on his tail to fly out, and then whizzed them all towards Tyrant.

The feathers controlled by Geronimon's brain waves not only have strong penetrating power, but are also rich in toxins that can affect even the Alt family.


Looking at the whizzing missile feathers, Grandi finally put away his exaggerated expression, then flicked his earrings and gave the order calmly.

"Tarante, just eat the snacks sent from the other side. After all, it is a sincere gesture."


The corners of Tyrant's mouth raised a humanistic angle, and then he opened the pentagonal mouth belonging to Bemonstein on his abdomen, swallowing all the incoming missile feathers with a powerful attraction like a toilet.

After devouring Geronimon's missile feather, Tyrant patted his belly with satisfaction, as if thanking Geronimon for his hospitality.

"Return the favor, Tyrant."

Grandi grinned, aimed the spike hammer in his left hand at Geronimon, quickly shot out a chain and nailed it in front of Geronimon, and then used the shrinking chain to quickly get closer to Geronimon.


Both of his signature skills failed to cause damage to Tyrant, which made Geronimon very annoyed.

"Calm down, Geronimon, take two steps back, lean over and gather your strength."

At the critical moment, Angelo spoke up and pointed the way to Geronimon.

Geronimon obeyed his master's order and took two steps back before Tyrant flew over and smashed the scythe in his right hand, then leaned forward to gather his strength.

"Boom!" Tyrant threw his scythe into the air, which made Tyrant a little confused. How could this old man holding a chicken coop dodge such a genius attack?
"Right now, kick it in the belly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Geronimon, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly stood up, followed by his raised right leg, and his huge foot kicked straight towards Tyrant's abdomen.


Although Geronimon has an outstanding IQ and intimidating power, its power cannot be underestimated.

Tyrant, who was kicked in the abdomen by Geronimon, took two steps back. As soon as he raised his head, a pair of big hands reflected in a pair of beast eyes quickly enlarged.


The twin peaks from Geronimon!
Geronimon's big hands slapped on Tyrant's head. To be precise, it was Tyrant's big ears that belonged to the Ikarsian.

Tarant was stunned by this blow, but still relied on his fierce instinct to suddenly push out his belly, and the pentagonal mouth on his abdomen opened, spraying ultra-low temperature air-conditioning from it.

The sudden burst of ultra-low temperature air-conditioning sprayed Jeronimon, who was just around the corner.

Even though Tarant's ultra-low temperature air conditioner did not freeze Geronimon on the spot, the ultra-low temperature caused Geronimon's blood to gradually coagulate, greatly reducing Geronimon's body functions, causing Geronimon's movements to gradually become stiff. .

Tyrant, on the other hand, took advantage of Jeronimon's freezing moment, roared triumphantly, leaned down, and pounced on Jeronimon with his slender tail belonging to the giant crab super beast Crab King.

Geronimon was unable to escape, and the venomous snake-like slender tail wrapped around his neck. This made it even more difficult for Geronimon, who had not yet recovered from the ultra-low temperature air conditioning, to breathe.

"Tarante, throw it out like this!"

Grandi was sure of victory, grinning and twirling the purple awakening combat device in his hand.

Angelo's face was expressionless. He just looked up at the ancient golden bridge in the sky and bowed.

Grandi, who was excited by the Leonix factor in his body, did not notice Angelo's actions. He just watched with concentration as Tyrant showed off his power and used his tail to throw Geronimo to the ground, causing a large amount of dust to splash.

"Arrow-shaped light!"

Of course, Grandi, who was in high spirits, would not let go of Geronimon who had fallen to the ground, and gave Tyrant a follow-up order.


Countless purple needle-shaped small beams of light gathered into rain, shooting from Tyrant's ears to Geronimon who was lying on the ground and had not yet gotten up.


Arrow-shaped rays of light struck Geronimon, causing small explosions.

When Tyrant stopped attacking, Geronimon seemed to have lost his ability to fight. He lay on the ground and groaned, but could not get up again.

"I declare - the winner is the Grandi contestant!"

Gilbarris's voice suddenly sounded, but it lost too much passion compared to before, and the content was concise and only one sentence, which made Grandy a little disappointed.

Prince Gilbaris's commentary was so great, why was it changed?
Grandi took back Tyrant and bowed slightly to Angelo in the distance.

"Lord Angelo, I accept the offer."


Angelo took back Geronimon who was lying on the ground, nodded, and then teleported back to the Golden Ancient Bridge.

On the Jingu Bridge grid, the originally lively hall was now silent.

"Why are you silent? Am I an unpopular person? Then play music and dance."

Ye Fu, who arrived at Jingu Bridge at some unknown time, waved to everyone and walked towards Gliza who was sitting in the corner eating pudding with a smile.


Gliza had just swallowed a pudding. He was posing with his short legs in contentment and his purple-black eyes curved into crescent moons. After noticing Ye Fu, he screamed in surprise, and then he held the plate of pudding for three seconds. Taking two steps at a time, he ran towards Ye Fu.

"The fun!"

Gliza came to Ye Fu, pointed at the virtual big screen scoreboard surrounded by Jingu Bridge and said happily.

"Big monster fight?"

Ye Fu laughed dumbly. He was playing in the Big Monster Fighting Universe. He just made a Big Monster Fight here, right?

It's so... so boring.

Ye Fu wondered if he had to speed up the expansion of his Dark Universe Empire, otherwise this group of people would have nothing to do but compete in their own games.

(End of this chapter)

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