People are in Altec, start with a red ball

Chapter 46 Grass Withered 5 Lang Gilbaris

Chapter 46 Paraquat の Goro - Gil Barris
Ace quickly fought against Unitongo who invaded Team Tucker's base.

This battle was basically one-sided. Unitango, who had no unicorn, was not as powerful as Ace. The corrosive liquid and poisonous filaments he deployed could only cause a little hindrance to Ace, and then Ace got rid of it.

After breaking free from the restraints, Ace opened his arms and released the new pattern of Ultra Guillotine he developed - the multiple guillotines, which were still sharp and could easily cut Unitongo into pieces.

However, the Abo people learned their previous lessons and used the split-able operation on Unitango to target Ace's Ultra Guillotine series with amazing cutting power.

This made Ace's multiple guillotines ineffective against Unitango, and the reorganized Unitango quickly moved to the battlefield. Ace followed up, and was constantly disturbed by the blasting flashes from Ayako's transformed head horns, and fell into a passive position for a while. situation.

Fortunately, Ryugoro and others arrived on the Gaara to help Ace get rid of Unitango's poisonous thread.

The keen combat awareness trained by Ace made him understand that he could not use cutting skills on Unitango, so he first used the fixed flash to fix Unitango, and then sprayed the thick white solution on the body with the Otto shower. On the body of Unitango, completely melted it.

Youni Tango: Knives are useless to me, so you kid will attack me?
The incident caused by Unitango ended here, Hokuto Seishi returned to the Tucker team, Konno Tsutomu was forced to stand on his head, and the Tucker team burst into laughter.

While laughing, Nan Xizi and Hokuto Seiji talked about the topic of motorcycle men.

"So who came to rescue us?"

Beidou Xingsi scratched the back of his head, his face was full of distress, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Is it Mr. Ye Fu and the others?"

Nan Xizi made an inference.

The current situation on Earth cannot be said to be complicated. Ace and Tucker, who have been transformed by Hokuto Seiji and Nan Yuko, are on the side of humanity. The Yabo people and their lackeys are the invaders. There have been people who can transform super beasts before. The mysterious cosmonauts and dark Mephistopheles are at least definitely not on the side of humans and belong to a third party. The other ones are the Ye Fu brothers. Beidou Seiji and Nan Xizi default to the Ultras from other universes who are on the side of humans. warrior.

"I called and asked, and they said they didn't go out today except to buy groceries."

Beidou Xingsi shook his head, with a distressed expression on his face. Thinking was a bit of a torture for Beidou Xingsi. If he had the time to think, he might have gone straight to it. After all, the character design is a more impulsive type.

"So... is he that mysterious cosmic being?"

Nan Xizi guessed that the elimination method allowed her to directly eliminate the dark Mephisto who had always been hostile.

"Hey, I don't know who he is, and what purpose he has when he appears on Earth."

Beidou Star Division put his hands on his hips and sighed worriedly. According to Ace, the Ultra warriors who came to Earth before had never encountered such a complicated situation.



"Yefu" in a black windbreaker took off his motorcycle helmet and hung it on the faucet of a handsome green and silver motorcycle parked in the garage. His shoulder-length flowing hair looked like a black waterfall.

The headlights of this motorcycle are a distinctive red color, paired with the silver pleated stripes on the front of the car, like a modified locust.

Z leader, this is the name of this handsome locomotive, it is a monster that can reach speeds of [-] kilometers per hour.

"Having contact with super beasts and Ace's human body, how do you feel, Gilbaris?"

Jill Barris was still twisting his neck, his bones creaking, and when he heard a familiar voice, his eyes turned slightly, and in the rearview mirror of the wine red Citroen SM, he saw a smiling Leaf Rot leaning against the door frame, gently Shrugging, he replied:
"That's it. To be honest, it's not interesting. It's not a mechanical monster. I might as well be a monster farmer in the subspace. Also, please call me by my full name—Jilbaris Goroka .”

"Okay, Gilbarris."

The smile on Ye Fu's face became even brighter, and he shook his right hand gently like a lucky cat.

That's right, Gilbaris is Ye Fu's new avatar created during this period of idle time. The main template is a mechanical monster.

"You ride a horse..."

Gilbaris' cold face collapsed in an instant, and his forehead wrinkled to form a Sichuan character.

"Kaosi made a barbecue, do you want to eat it?"

The corners of Yefu's mouth turned up slightly, and he raised his left thumb and pointed behind him.

"Don't try to change the subject. Although you are the main body, you have to respect my ideas. I want to be called by my full name. I have style!"

"I only made four roasted eggplants."

Ye Fu didn't listen to Gilbaris's protest at all. He just raised his left hand and raised the four fingers except the first thumb.

"Don't try to tempt me...wait, what do you mean? There are only four, aren't there five of us?"

Gilbaris waved his hand and slapped Ye Fu's palm away, and then he reacted and asked suspiciously.

"There are only four grilled eggplants for five people, I mean someone has to do the dishes, so let the ones who didn't get them do it."

After Ye Fu finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.


Gilbaris no longer entangled with Yefu about his full name and incomplete name, so Sa Yazi chased after him.

Hours later, Jill Barris finally ate the grilled eggplant—he scooped up a little from each of the Leaf Rot four people's plates.

According to what Yefu said, the person who didn't eat the grilled eggplant washed the dishes, so the problem came, the five people including Jill Barris had eaten the grilled eggplant, so who would wash the dishes?

The answer is of course...Kitazaki!

Wasn't it to reduce the burden (laziness) that Kitaki was asked to work in the Paraquat store instead of staying in the subspace space and counting Ali Punta on the surface?
In the final analysis, it is a blessing for Bei Qi, not to mention 996, even 007, he has to bear it, who said that there is no horse boy with a lower level than him now?
Eh~ Thinking about it carefully, Beizaki is formed by the fusion of a group of Sfia spheres split by Chaos. From this perspective... the old unlucky Chaos is the one who was injured?
After eating and drinking enough, the four of Ye Fu entered the subspace together, while Griza stayed in his own room to watch "Devil Man".

Arriving at the edge of a large basin with a very magnificent scenery, the four of them stood on a cliff, looking at one side of the basin.

The No. [-] beneficiary of the monster poverty alleviation project that Ye Fu had imagined at the beginning, Ginezanteleston, roared in the sky, surrounded by several ferocious monsters.

The "Cornshaw" skeleton monster Red King, the ferocious monster Astron, the bodyguard monster Black King, and the magnetic monster Antonla lying on the ground.

An Dongla lying on the ground was horrible. The jaws of his head were broken, one of the folded wings was torn off from the back, and a big hole was pierced by something in his chest. This should be An Dongla's. cause of death.

"I remember that this area was assigned to Ginezanteleston as the territory. You put those monsters in?"

Yefu tilted his head to look at Jill Barris with a half-smile. He was already lying on the recliner that he didn't know when he was there. He also changed his clothes, flip-flops, big pants, floral shirt, Hawaiian straw hat, and toad glasses. , as if on vacation.

"Don't you think this is like the Colosseum in ancient times? We are the customers here, the only customers, and the beasts fighting on the field are monsters. How can the farmers of the monster farm think like ordinary people? They are bred to be sold, and we bred them to be used to kill them, and only by maintaining combat training can they be effectively tempered."

Gilbarris put forward the rhetoric he had prepared.

Saying that Gilberis is a monster farmer... is actually inappropriate. Although his position in this family is this, in fact Gilberis is very salty (lazy), and staying in the subspace every day is basically basking in the sun. Or organize a monster battle and ask him to help raise the monsters... If he is still alive, it will be considered a success.

(End of this chapter)

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