Chapter 59 Human Evil
King Crabber is a combination of the resentment produced by the horseshoe crabs caught by humans and the monsters in the universe. This time, it is a relief to be reduced to a stepping stone for Ankizadra's debut.

Under the control of King Crabbe, horseshoe crabs will even turn their backs and prey on humans. The previous poachers are an example. It can be said that it is the sins of human beings that lead to the birth of King Crabbe, and the Yabo people took advantage of this.

Although the battle between Anchisisadra and King Krab was short, its destructive power even exceeded that of the original work. The people of Okayama Prefecture suffered huge losses, which may serve as a warning.

But the only lesson humans learn from history is that humans never learn.

Polluting the ocean... illegal fishing... they will do more and more excessively in the future. In the past, it could be said that it was for "survival", but in order to save treatment costs, they even dumped nuclear sewage into the sea. Have a good posture.

"Thinking about it, it's really ridiculous. Human beings... Fortunately, I'm not human anymore."

Chaos sighed while busy brushing sauce on the skewers.

Paraquat was closed at night, and Yefu and the others sat around in the small garden, eating barbecue and complaining.

The high-quality crab meat with the shells removed is rubbed with spices and placed in a basin. A little bit of unprocessed blue blood looks a bit strange.

"It's a very simple reason, wouldn't it be over if they were expelled?"

Ye Fu shrugged indifferently. He had traveled through time for several years and had seen both the ugliness and the beauty of human beings. He knew the word "human".

Often the smarter people are, the more they understand a truth, never test human nature, because all kindness and justice are established under the constraints of reason.

Having seen too much ugliness, truth, goodness and beauty become even more precious. People are willing to chase things that are beyond their own ugliness, so there is morality, law and order.

"Speaking of which, Obon is coming soon. Do you have any thoughts?"

Gilbaris rocked his recliner and after drinking a large mouthful of ice, he smacked his lips and asked a few people.

"Do robots also celebrate Ghost Festival?"

Clementi tilted his head slightly and glanced sideways at Gilbaris, before speaking calmly.

Cramedi never talked much, but when he spoke, he was full of aggression.

"Hey, hey, those who celebrate the Ghost Festival are naturally ghosts, but it's recorded in my database... Will there be any accidents that day?"

Gilbaris was not annoyed at Clementi who choked him. His eyes were rolling, and a crimson stream of data flashed in his eyes.

"No more salty fish? Want to make trouble?"

How could Yefu not understand what Gilbaris said, and asked in confusion.

"You have your own way of doing things. You can't have no entertainment programs at all, right? Griza can still watch anime. There is nothing in the subspace. Why haven't you watched many anime? It's messed up my database. I finished watching the anime in it in just a few seconds.”

Gilbaris became more and more enthusiastic as he talked. His database was the same as Kaos's, they were Ye Fu's memory palace.

Gliza is basically a blank sheet of paper, so the rare TV programs of this era can attract him, but Gilbaris is different. After reading the inventory in Ye Fu's memory palace, he is really idle and can attract Gliza's was completely unattractive to him.

Watching the monster version of the Colosseum in subspace every day is not a problem.

"It's up to you, just don't go too far, it's not easy to be bad."

Yefu rolled his eyes, no matter what happened to Jill Barris, the crab skewers in front of him were already grilled, how could eating barbecue be distracting?

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm waiting to watch the show, so how can I be so brainless that I beat the actors to death?"

Gilbaris waved his hand, and then hurriedly reached out to grab the grilled crab meat skewers.


Glizza sat on a chair, swinging his short legs and eating crab meat skewers indifferently.


It is still Okayama Prefecture, but this time the location is changed to Kibitsu.

This is the hometown of Yoshimura Kōzo. Yoshimura Kōzo, who was given a long vacation by captain Ryugoro, was very happy. On this day, he and his mother went to Ushido to visit the grave of Yoshimura Kōzo's father.

Uuchang is known as the "Neon Aegean Sea", and the Uuchang Olive Garden is also known as the Holy Land for Lovers. To be honest, it is a good place.

But this place is destined to not be beautiful for a while from today, because he was chosen as the stage by the two forces.

After experiencing the failure of King Crabber, the people of Yabo learned from the painful experience. Before the great cause of aggression and abuse was accomplished, the super beast had to continue to be built.

And the King Crabbe made last time gave the Yabo people a clearer inspiration.

Compared with the real creatures on the earth, mysterious and mysterious materials like resentment are new, which makes the Yabo people pay attention to the bull nose ring tomb here.

Using the resentment of the cows slaughtered by humans and the curse of the Bull God placed on Takai, he created a new super beast - the Bull God Super Beast Kaora.

Takai, who was left at home by Yoshimura Kōzo, was a weirdo whom Yoshimura Kōzo met on the train. He had an out-of-touch personality and disrespected ghosts and gods. He stole a cow's nose ring and used it as a bracelet to put on his hand. As a result, he was cursed by the cow god. The ring could no longer be removed. Takai never dared to get up and see Yoshimura Kouzo, because with the cow nose ring on his hand as the center, a thick layer of cow hair had grown on his arm...

Tao Jing is gradually transforming into a cow under this curse!
It is the Yabo people who turned into monks who secretly contribute to the flames!
When Takai got up again in a daze, he was horrified to find that he had grown horns, and he felt uncomfortable just smelling the food left by Yoshimura Kozo, but thought the leaves were delicious.

Surprised that he has become more and more like a cow, Gao Jing wrapped himself up in a panic, and walked out of Yoshimura's house in a daze.

Takai walked through the street pretending to be fine, but his body was shaking because he couldn't help but want to lie down and walk on all fours... like a cow!
Takai's strange behavior made the two children playing on the ground freeze in place, observing Takai's behavior curiously.

Gilbaris, wearing a floral shirt, large pants and flip-flops, walked out from the street corner. Looking at Takai's embarrassed back, he gently lifted off the toad mirror with his left middle finger to reveal his smiling eyes.

"The Yapo man moved very fast this time~ Are you still around? Duck-necked man, let me catch you, you will suffer the same consequences~"

Jill Barris helped his Hawaiian straw hat, and then turned into the alley.

Gao Jing, who had basically turned into a cow, ran to the tomb of the cow's nose ring, and begged for forgiveness in front of the statue of the bull god.

But things are not under the control of the Bull God. Under the control of the Yabo people who are the incarnation monks behind the scenes, Takai's already cow-like body began to gradually swell under the package of different-dimensional energy.

Then a gigantic beast was born that was 61 meters tall and weighed [-] tons...the bull-god super beast Kaora!


In the past, the cordial and honest cattle braying resounded through the sky, but now it was filled with resentment and violence.

(End of this chapter)

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