People are in Altec, start with a red ball

Chapter 69 Sphia Black Pigeon

Chapter 69 Sphia Black Pigeon
Black Pidgeon began to wreak havoc, and strong winds and flames became the main theme of Qinghai Pier.

The young man Saburo struggled to rise and fall in the sea water, and finally touched the shore, but when he looked up, he saw the raging Black Pidgeon.

That's Kojiro... That's the smart Kojiro. Why did he become the devil he is today?
The young Saburo was puzzled and could only run with all his strength to a safe place.

Ace, who was beaten to shock by Black Pidgeon, finally woke up slowly, and the flashing sound of the colorful timer woke him up.

Ace raised his head with great effort. In his eyes, Black Pidgeon's back gradually faded away, surrounded by a mess.


Ace shook his head to calm himself down, and then launched a spinning kick in the air to the front of Black Pidgeon, blocking Black Pidgeon's path.

Ace did not confront Black Pidgeon head-on. Black Pidgeon's claw just left a deep impression on Ace, so he squatted down the moment Black Pidgeon rushed over and used Black Pidgeon's claws to attack Ace. His momentum tripped him up.

However, Black Pidgeon reacted very quickly. He lifted his wings from the ground and flew quickly at low altitude, bringing Ace down into the sea.

"Hey ah!"

Ace broke free from Black Pidgeon's restraints, stood up again with a carp kick, turned around and made a hand gesture to distance himself from Black Pidgeon.

Black Pidgeon is an unprecedentedly powerful enemy for Ace. Brocken's snake-shaped light is powerful, and Hotalunga's shock light control effect is very strong, but they are undoubtedly not as terrifying as Black Pidgeon. technique.

There are only those strange alienated super beasts that have been resurrected from the dead. Following them are "Dark Mephisto" and the forces behind him.

But those are not the issues that should be considered now. The powerful enemy Black Pidgeon in front of them is the top priority.


Black Pidgeon let out a cute dove call and jumped towards Ace with his huge body.

Ace opened his arms to hug Blake Pidgeon, preventing him from launching an effective attack. This is a very common ring fighting move.

But facing Black Pidgeon, it was obviously not enough. Under Black Pidgeon's powerful strength, Ace's left hand was pushed away slightly. Just this slight distance was enough for Black Pidgeon to take out his right paw and slap it fiercely. On Ace's shoulder.


Blake Pidgeon slapped Ace half-kneeling on the ground with one claw, and then slapped Ace's shoulders with both claws, suppressing Ace so much that he couldn't get up at all.

Blake Pidgeon grabbed Ace's shoulders with his claws and lifted him up, then threw him violently to the side.

Ace stood up with difficulty, just in time to see Black Pidgeon push out his belly, who was ready to attack. After a flash of light, the missile thorn on Black Pidgeon's belly shot straight towards Ace.

Ace was startled and dodged a cartwheel. The oil tank behind him was blown to pieces by the incoming missile and turned into a raging flame.

Ace couldn't help but feel lucky. If he had been hit just now, he might have lost this time.

But now that Black Pidgeon has unleashed such a powerful skill, he must have exhausted his means, and the next step is to decide the winner!
Ace twisted his hands along with his body, turned around to form an L shape, and fired a torrent of colorful light towards Black Pidgeon's belly.

It's Ace's signature skill - Metalim Ray!
The Metalium ray, which Ace had high hopes for, hit Black Pidgeon's abdomen and soon exploded.

Blackpeachon twitched, swaying, and almost lifeless.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief, spread his hands forming an L shape, and relaxed his vigilance.

"Before there is an explosion, don't let your guard down, Shao Zai~"

Ye Fu, who was eating Shaqima, watched with interest as Black Pidgeon, who was pretending to be dead, turned out to be the brain of a smart pigeon that had won the national competition. This operation alone had already shaken off many monsters.

"call out--!!!"

Black Pidgeon's abdomen radiated the Metalium ray he had just absorbed and returned it to Ace intact.

Ace was unprepared and was hit straight away!

"Yeah... Yeah..."

He knew his signature technique, and Ace was severely injured by the blow. His trembling body slowly knelt half-kneeling in the sea water.

Blake Pidgeon stepped forward, grabbing Ace's body with his claws and pressing it toward the sea water frantically.

Ace, who was severely wounded, was unable to resist and could only let Black Pidgeon do whatever he wanted.

Black Pidgeon flipped Ace to the shore, and then flew ashore, hoping to take down Ace further.

"Kojiro... Kojiro! Come back after one more flight!"

Seeing that Ace was about to meet his end, the young man Saburo clenched his fists, roared in pain, and then took out his dove whistle and blew it again.

"Gu~gu~gu~" Hearing the familiar whistle of a pigeon, Blake Pidgeon stopped his movements, his lovely pupils trembling constantly, and turned his head to look for his little master.

"It's really touching, but I'm sorry, I have to be the bad guy."

Ye Fu clapped his hands with emotion, then looked at the young Saburo who was blowing a pigeon whistle in the distance in an attempt to call out Kojiro's sanity. He raised his right hand like a pistol and pointed at the young Saburo.


A compressed air bullet invisible to the naked eye burst out from Ye Fu's fingertips, instantly spanning a distance of several hundred meters, hitting the pigeon whistle beside the young Saburo's mouth, and exploding it.



The young man Saburo was shocked and had no idea what was happening. His hand was scratched by fragments of the exploded pigeon whistle.

"What's wrong, Pigeon Whistle! Why..."

The young Saburo looked desperately at the broken pigeon whistle, then raised his head and looked at Black Pidgeon again.

As expected, without the restraint of the pigeon whistle, Black Pidgeon has lost one of his biggest weaknesses!

"Hahaha, I don't know why the pigeon whistle that can control you stopped, but it is now, the moment to destroy Ace, Black Pidgeon!!!"

The Yabo people were very excited. The pigeon whistle that could affect the actions of Black Pidgeon was undoubtedly a weakness in the eyes of the Yabo people. Now it is gone. Without the weakness, Black Pidgeon will only become stronger. This Let the Yabo people once again see the glimmer of hope.

"As long as the little brat doesn't come, we will rule the earth today..."

Before Yabo could finish his proud words, he saw a mysterious silver-white sphere with black and green patterns flying down from the sky.


Small green beams of light were emitted from them, gathering into large numbers, all hitting Black Pidgeon's body.

The power was not enough to make Black Pidgeon move and suffer, but the continuous explosion of brilliant sparks temporarily obscured Black Pidgeon's vision.

"That is……!?"

Yoshimura Kōzo was shocked and confused. Where had he seen these mysterious spheres?
"What happened! It's the little Yakuza! Come back quickly, Black Pidgeon!!!"

The Yabo people's eyes were about to burst, and they roared at the risk of their lives.

"It's too late. Pigeon is very strong, but it's a pity that it will be mine in the next second."

The corners of Ye Fu's mouth were slightly raised, revealing an evil charm, and he looked like a real villain.

When the flames dissipated, Black Pidgeon looked up at the sky. Groups of silver-white spheres with black and green patterns surged into his eyes, and then became blurred on Black Pidgeon's face.

"Goo! Goo! Goo!"

Blackpichon roared in pain, flapped his wings, and rose, but kept shaking in the air. The Sphia spheres smeared on Blackpichon's body one after another, and gradually spread parasitism to Blackpichon's whole body.


Ace managed to stand up his upper body and used his last strength to fire a metal ray towards Black Pidgeon.

Ace knew that these Sphia spheres were not a good thing. If he did not destroy them together with Black Pidgeon now, he would be unable to stop them because of his weakness. After the defeat, the city would soon face a catastrophe!
"Thanks to Ace Lao Tie for the Metalium ray. You're welcome here."

Chaos, who controlled the Sphia Sphere and fused Black Pidgeon, laughed wildly.

In the fusion stage, the Sphia Sphere is extremely tolerant, otherwise, various Sphia synthetic beasts that are fused with energy or matter would not be born.

And the Metalium light emitted by Ace, who was unaware of it, naturally became one of the synthetic materials for Sphia Black Pidgeon, making the soon-to-be-born Sphia Black Pidgeon even more powerful!

Blake Pidgeon fell to the ground, his mouth no longer grunting as he struggled, and his body was wrapped in Sphia's horny body, completing the fusion.

The missile thorns on the abdomen have grown back using Sphia horn as a material. Both claws are covered with Sphia horn. A row of Sphia spines has also appeared on the bones of the wings. The head has changed the most. It was originally cute. The pupils were replaced with bright blue crystal colors. A large area of ​​the head was covered with Sphia horn. Four small horns like a triceratops grew out of the back of the head. The head looked more like a raven than a dove.

This is the new Big Pigeon super-synthetic beast—Sphia Black Pidgeon!

"Blackpy Jon!"

Seeing his masterpiece bullied again, the Awa people felt more uncomfortable than the death of their own mother, especially at this point, Kojiro's original owner Shounen Saburo.

(End of this chapter)

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