Chapter 3 Vision
Ye Feng led the crowd to New Jersey in a storm, and finally arrived at the base that sent the signal.

He dissipated the storm and slowly descended with everyone, while someone in the base had already come to welcome them.

With red skin and an orange gemstone on his forehead, everyone will naturally recognize him as the hero Vision born in the Iron Man Ultron Project. His body is made of vibrating gold, and the gemstone on his forehead is the last of the six infinite gemstones. The mind gem.

Of course, such a vision cannot be infected. After all, he is a mechanical life. Even if he looks like a human being, he cannot be infected by biological viruses.

"You guys came so quickly. Come in with me. I have found an antidote to the zombie problem."

"No, Mr. Vision, I don't think we can go in with you." Ye Feng stopped in front of everyone.

"What does this unseen friend mean?"

"In this base, there is a miko who is waiting for fresh food to be delivered to her door, isn't she? Mr. Vision, you are such a good husband."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

"Vision, is what Ye said true?" Banner asked, Bucky also stared at Vision, and Spider-Man was ready to launch spider silk.

The red robot lowered its head feebly,
"Yes, he is right. The purpose of my sending the message was not to save people, but to find food for Wanda."

"Why? Didn't you develop an antidote? Was this news false from the beginning?" Okoye asked.

"No, he can indeed restore zombies, but there is a special case." Ye Feng said.

"As soon as the zombie crisis broke out, I discovered that the frequency of the Mind Gem would keep the zombies away, so I kept experimenting and finally found the frequency that made people return to normal. But Wanda is too powerful, and I can't change her." Vision Holding his head, he looked in pain.

"Have you never thought about gathering other gems and using the power of more gems to save Wanda and save everyone?" Ye Feng asked a question he had wanted to ask a long time ago.

"Also, as a technological creation, have you really not considered the technology of human cloning? How many survivors are there, not to mention that there are so many zombies on the earth, is it enough to eat? You have the same level of ability as Ultron, don't you?" Can't you imagine that you can reproduce a human clone production line with your own power?"

"Oh, I shouldn't have expected your IQ, you didn't even think of using gems to heal zombified people, and then secretly used them as your wife's rations, so you can say, 'They were originally It's not my fault to die, instead of luring the few survivors, you have given up hope, but what do you want others to do, die with you, a love brain robot? Stupid! Iron Man created An artificial intelligence like yours is simply the second biggest failure of his life, the first being that he was infected with a virus while wearing full-coverage armor!"

The more Ye Feng spoke, the more angry he became, the phantom who cursed did not dare to say anything, but just bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Come, look at you, strong artificial intelligence, simply the god of the Internet! The vibranium body, the vibranium used in Captain America's shield is also the leftover material used to make you! The Mind Stone, the six infinity stones left at the beginning of the universe One of the rough stones! Together, they created you, a fool! Vision! Now it seems that making artificial intelligence more and more like humans is not a good thing, because they are likely to be stupid enough to exceed the lower limits of humans."

Ye Feng scolded in a rather pessimistic tone, he really didn't understand what the screenwriters of this animation Marvel were thinking, they don't really think this kind of shit world is cool, do they?Or is it that the special effects of Ultron and the Observer fighting are cool so don't worry about it?
He originally thought that when everything became real, things might become different, but Feng told him that there was nothing different. This is what he did with this robot, destroying it directly without any ideological baggage.

And the phantom who was stabbed in the heart by a sentence has begun to tear off the gemstone on his forehead. He was already very contradictory, but now he is scolded, and his heart is ashamed. Leave it to them, and he will be buried with Wanda himself.

"I want to die, how can it be so cheap." Ye Feng swung his fist, and the blue light knocked the phantom down to the ground, creating a deep pit tens of meters deep.

"You are a hero, Vision. Don't let everyone down again. This crazy world cannot afford to lose another hero. In order to face the enemy, any existing combat power is precious."

After being manipulated by Ye Feng, Vision also stood up again.

"Tell me, what to do." The artificial intelligence seemed to have finally calmed down from his feelings and began to think about problems with his own brain.

"First of all, I hope to try to save Wanda."

Ye Feng looked down because of the movement made by him and Vision, which caused a starving zombie witch to be enraged. The scarlet light suddenly burst out in the base, and a haggard Scarlet Witch rushed out of it.

"Everyone, go down first, Okoye. T'Challa is inside, and Ant-Man is also down there, but his condition is not very good, Hope." Ye Feng brought up a strong wind and grabbed Vision, Wanda, who became a zombie. There is also a nostalgic existence that guides Wanda to go to the sky with him.

Ye Feng didn't stop until he reached the stratosphere. He was already full of interest in the powerful red flame. "Finally, I can try to use more force."

Ever since he acquired Gaefeng Tianyi, Ye Feng's ability has been enhanced all the time. He seems to have become that "Ye Feng". He can communicate with Gaefeng Tianyi without any obstacles at all. His strength is aided by the huge spirit power in Gaifeng Tianyi God of War Gaizhong. Rapid progress.

But in this world, Ye Feng has not encountered any existence that allows him to use his true power.

If it is this chaotic magic user, even in a state of no wisdom, it should be enough for me to give it a try.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng moved, and his body instantly disappeared from Wanda's eyes. The next moment, he appeared behind the Scarlet Witch, and a pair of palms infused with blue power were printed on the Scarlet Witch's shield.

"Is it just arbitrarily forcibly driving power? Chaos magic is completely used as a simple attack and defense, it is a waste of this power."

Even if the Scarlet Witch couldn't use her own power correctly, Ye Feng couldn't break her shield for a while, but similarly, this witch's magic power couldn't do anything to Ye Feng, the wind of freedom from another world could resist chaos magic. interference.

They fought on the sky like this. Now Ye Feng has the power to tear the sky and shatter the earth with every punch. Wanda, who used the energy, used it as a sandbag to beat, and the vision on the side could no longer keep up with the speed of the two, so he could only watch from a distance.

"It's really refreshing, at least it's warming up to face that guy." Ye Feng said after punching the Scarlet Witch with countless fists and kicks again.

"Let's finish with this!"

Unknowingly when the wind rolled up the thunderclouds, the strong wind and lightning roared together, and the right hand of the blue-haired boy had already been raised high
"Storm—Nebula Crack!"

This unique skill from the Tiger King, after endowing Ye Feng with it, he can also use it without hindrance, using his own elf power as a driving force, and the power is even higher than the original version!
Under the unparalleled lightning bombardment, the scarlet light collapsed, and the crimson witch fell from the sky.

"Now, use this to save her."

The horse charm appeared in his hand, and the horse represented the divine power to dispel external forces. After Ye Feng got it, he thought it should be able to cure zombies, but it was a pity that he didn't get this thing earlier, otherwise Tony Stark and Strange could be cured. Ye Feng also needs to find out what happened in the universe and who turned Thanos into a zombie.

"Wind, listen to my call!"

The divine power of the horse talisman melted into his body, and Ye Feng called out the wind of purification, blowing it to the world below.

The falling Scarlet Witch's body was gradually restored by the zodiac divine power from another world. At this time, the chaos magic that should have hindered the treatment appeared because the battle could no longer prevent the treatment from continuing. The witch's eyes that had become very empty due to hunger also recovered. color.

"what happened?"

"Great, Wanda, great!" The red robot hugged the falling witch, and the two landed on the ground together.

[One hero who saves zombies will get a lucky draw once]

 The thoughts of the protagonist in this chapter are also my complaints. I can only say that there are too many bugs in the series.

(End of this chapter)

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