Fairy, would you like to be my lackey?

Chapter 24 Huh?Any extra bonus?

Chapter 24 Huh?Any extra bonus?

No matter how dissatisfied Nan Liangsheng was, she had to admit that Su Jiming's help was indispensable if she wanted to rescue Xia Qianqing.

She looked at the dress given by Su Jiming in front of her. It was a light green gauze dress with some extremely delicate patterns of flowers and birds embroidered on it. A few magpies were singing on the branches. Ribbon, the overall look restrained yet elegant.

But for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong.

Her white hair was neatly coiled behind her head and held in place with a jade hairpin.The carvings on the hairpin are meticulous and meticulous, giving people a fresh aesthetic feeling.A pair of jade earrings hung by her ears, in stark contrast to her fair skin.

After putting on this gauze skirt, Nan Liangsheng realized something was wrong, her cheeks blushed imperceptibly, and said angrily:

"Why is this dress so short?"

The length of the clothes is just up to the knees, and the delicate hem will sway with the wind, occasionally revealing a section of fair calf, the snow-like skin looming in the hem, the more you care about it, the more accidents will happen, Nan Liangsheng didn't realize that The hem of the clothes lifted slightly when she moved, revealing more of her calves.

It is said to be too short, but compared to those short skirts in previous lives, it is already considered a mid-length skirt.

But even so, the scene in front of me is enough to be called a feast for the eyes

Su Jiming looked away and asked Ye Que to find a new set of dresses.

After Nan Liangsheng put on this long emerald green dress that covered her calves, her expression softened slightly, but she still felt that these were all Su Jiming's deliberate attempts to make things difficult for him, and he did not give the other party a good look.

She slowly turned her head, and a mysterious aura enveloped her body. Her white hair, which was originally like snow, moved without the wind. She gently stroked the dancing white hair with her fingers. The white hair instantly became as black as ink, gradually turning into hair. tail.

In just an instant, Nan Liangsheng changed her appearance, and the mysterious aura around her body disappeared as her hair turned black. At this time, she looked like an ordinary woman.

"In this case, they probably won't be able to recognize me."

The most iconic thing about spiritual cultivation is their white hair, and Nan Liangsheng not only changed this, but also changed her appearance and temperament.

Su Jiming lamented the mystery of the Spiritual Sect's secret technique in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, and said:
"Now that everything is ready, let's go..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Nan Liangsheng again and said:
"I also ask Senior Nan to condescend, and then you must not show any flaws in front of Jianzong."


Nan Liangsheng was a little unhappy with Su Jiming's skeptical attitude, but she didn't refute, and after a slight hum, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

In the distance, on the skyline, rows of mountains are like huge barriers, surrounding this land.The tops of the mountains are wrapped in thin white clouds. Viewed from outside the carriage, the scenery becomes monotonous and broad.The endless wilderness spread out before our eyes, and as far as the eye could see, we could see only the endless grassland. It seemed that only the blue sky, white clouds and the green of the earth were left between the sky and the earth.

"We'll be there in about half an hour. Then please ask Senior Nan to pretend for a while."

Su Jiming spoke while looking at Nan Liangsheng sitting on the carriage.

Although Nan Liangsheng's initial appearance is completely unrecognizable, if Nan Liangsheng shows an attitude that a maid should not have, I am afraid it will arouse suspicion again.

This is the only point in the whole thing that may turn over, so Su Jiming reminded the other party repeatedly.

"If you hear anything bad in Jianzong, please don't get angry, senior."

Hearing this, Nan Liangsheng was quite calm:

"I already know what they will say, so why get angry."

"Jian and Ling have a long-standing grievance. If I get angry because of this matter, I will be in vain for so many years."

Su Jiming suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and asked curiously:
"Speaking of long-standing grievances, the relationship between the Sword and Ling sects back then was probably the best among the nine sects."

"I'm a little curious, what happened back then that led to the tense attitude between the two sword and spirit sects now?"

Hearing this, Nan Liangsheng seemed to recall something, his face was slightly clouded, but he quickly said coldly:
"It's just a trap set up by evildoers to harm good people."

She said with some meaning.

He heard the other party's accusations, but Su Jiming didn't care, and put on a posture of listening carefully.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Nan Liangsheng was both angry and funny.

But since the other party asked, she had no intention of covering it up. After all, all the disciples of Jian and Ling sects knew about this matter. She said:
"Back then, the spirit envoys of our Spiritual Sect were about to break through the Nine Realms, and Jianzong was the leader of the Nine Sects back then. He was worried that after the breakthrough of the Spiritual Envoys of the Spiritual Sect, they would lose their position in the Sword Sect, so he invited me to be the Lingzong Spirit Envoy. Entering his sword sect, the spirit master was not good at fighting, and was killed by a trap, and the body has not been seen yet."

Hearing this, Su Jiming interrupted:

"I heard that the leader of the Sword Sect also died in that incident."

"Jianzong's master sacrificed the demon sword, and his life is not long. Otherwise, why was Jianzong so anxious to get rid of my spiritual envoy?"

Speaking of this, Nan Liangsheng's tone, which was always cold, couldn't help but be filled with hatred. After speaking, she looked at Su Jiming again, and snorted:

"It's just that if you don't have the ability, you can only rely on the heretics."

Su Jiming was scolded again for no reason, but Su Jiming was not angry, his eyes revealed a thoughtful look.

The carriage drove on the generous official road until it reached the pass, and the field of vision became wider in an instant.

Heji Mountain is located outside Bianzhou, at the junction of Shanhaikou and Nanguan.

After a long period of turbulence, the three of them arrived at Heji Mountain.

Mount Heju, located in the depths of Shanhaikou, is famous among all the sects for its dangerous environment, and even those who are brave and courageous do not easily step into this place.

Usually this place is only used as a trial ground for some sect disciples.Therefore, within a radius of ten miles, there are very few people inhabited except for the tangled forest and the mountain with strange rocks.

However, at this moment when the sun was shining, a carriage rolled across the gravel road, breaking the silence here.The sun shines on the wheels, reflecting a golden color, and the carriage heads towards the Crane Mountain that stands between heaven and earth.

However, when the carriage drove into the foot of Heji Mountain, the surrounding air seemed to freeze for a time.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people wearing sword robes suddenly appeared from the mountains and surrounded the carriage tightly.Their sword robes fluttered, their expressions were serious, their eyes were cold and hard, and the long swords in their hands gleamed coldly, giving people a heavy and oppressive feeling.

After recognizing that the passenger in the carriage was Su Jiming, the atmosphere among the swordsmen instantly relaxed.The leading Sword Sect disciple's face relaxed. He hurriedly stepped forward, clenched his right hand into the palm of his left hand, saluted Su Jiming, with a respectful and respectful look on his face, and said:
"My son, the elder holding the sword has been waiting for a long time. The opening ceremony of the sword is about to begin."


Su Jiming nodded and got off the carriage with Night Que and Nan Liangsheng. The leading Jianzong disciple just glanced at the two of them and didn't say much. He just turned around and led Su Jiming.

As the Sword Sect disciple climbed over thorns and jungles, he finally saw a narrow and steep mountain path with rugged bluestones on both sides. The mountain path was also uneven, and each step required firmness.

On the top of the mountain in front of them, a circle of bronze stone steps stood abruptly on a wide flat land, which was a huge altar.

Above the altar stood a black sword that had long been covered with rust. The black sword was about four feet long and had a wide blade. Beside the black sword stood a familiar thin old man, who was obviously the elder holding the sword.

——This is the magic weapon of fate?

Looking at the rusty black sword, Su Jiming felt a little curious.

Although it is slightly different from what you see in the immersive game "Jiuchuan Lu", there is no doubt that this is one of the few life-item magic weapons in the game, Jian Zong's " The Evil Sword".

This was the natal magic sword of the previous master of the Sword Sect. It was nourished by the sword spirit of the eighth realm. It disappeared after the death of the previous master of the Sword Sect.

Reminiscent of what Nan Liangsheng said to him in the car, Su Jiming recalled the item introduction of this "Underworld Sword" in the game
——Evil thoughts return to the spirit to eliminate the sword, the sword sect is most likely to enter the Tao with the sword spirit, use the magic sword forged by himself, but unfortunately it is eroded by evil thoughts, and the swordsman is also infected by evil thoughts.The spirit man checks and balances the evil thoughts at the cost of his life, and the sword and spirit depend on each other, turning into reincarnation, completely sealing the evil thoughts in the sword body.

Obviously, there was a misunderstanding between both the Sword Sect and the Ling Sect. Combining the introduction of the items and the Ling Sect's rhetoric, the general context of the matter is also clear at a glance.

The sword made by the master of the Sword Sect was invaded by evil thoughts, and the palm spirit user discovered this and used his own life to suppress the evil thoughts, and the master of the Sword Sect also died together.

Dark Evil Sword, as the name suggests, this sword is a bit evil. Using it in the game will also lead to confusion in the mental state. The reason is probably related to the so-called evil thoughts.

Su Jiming put away his thoughts, and the Sword Sect disciple also ran to the skinny old man and said something. When the latter heard the words, he looked at Su Jiming, as if he wanted to see through him with his deep eyes.

The elder holding the sword quickly looked away, nodded towards Su Jiming, and instructed the disciples beside him.

He didn't ask the other party to come here to help him undo the restriction of the magic sword. In fact, the elder who held the sword had already understood the method of unblocking the restriction, and the invitation to Su Jiming was just to tie up the big ship of the Duke's Mansion. .

What the other party said was that it would help Jianzong to deal with Lingzong, but it was just empty talk. Only after fully participating in the incident of sacrificing Xia Qianqing, the Duke's Mansion would completely oppose Lingzong. He bet on both ends.

After the Jianzong disciple who led Su Jiming up said something to the sword-holding elder, he quickly turned back and said to Su Jiming:
"Your Majesty, please come this way. The sword-opening ceremony will begin shortly."

Su Jiming asked, "Can't we just wait here?"

The disciple showed some embarrassment on his face and said:
"The opening ceremony of the sword is very dangerous, the son has no cultivation, I'm afraid it will affect..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Su Jiming say:
"Since you are leading me to watch the opening ceremony, I won't be able to see it if you are far away."

"The servants around me are in the fifth realm, so Jianzong doesn't have to worry about my safety."

Hearing this, the Sword Sect disciple subconsciously looked back at the sword-holding elder. The skinny old man nodded. Then he turned to the prince and said:

"Since the son said so, then we will not force it, and ask the son to put his own safety first."

The air is filled with a damp and old smell, mixed with an indescribable smell of decay. Water leaks in the gaps between the stone walls make dull ticking sounds from time to time, as if counting down. In this sealed space, the light is particularly scarce, and there is only A small hole at the top allows a faint ray of sunlight to penetrate, illuminating the dust on the ground.

In the darkness and silence, Xia Qianqing slowly woke up.Her eyes were closed tightly, and her head seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, causing her consciousness to sway in endless pain.Woke up from the coma by this severe pain, her heart seemed to be pulled out, but her throat was unable to make a sound due to lack of water.

The torture of the past half month has strained her spirit to the limit, like a fragile candle that will be extinguished by the slightest breeze.

However, even on the verge of collapse, when she slowly opened her eyes, her sight was filled with cold stone walls and dim light. Almost immediately, her current situation emerged in her mind.

"The sword opening ceremony is about to begin, that Lingzong"

The voice came from directly in front, and then there was a pause. The Sword Sect disciple couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Xia Qianqing who had woken up, but soon, he said with some pity:
"Oh, why bother waking up at this time?"

If he doesn't wake up, he can leave without pain in a coma.

Hearing this, the disciple beside him asked:
"what should I do now?"

"Knock her out."

Hearing this, Xia Qianqing, who had just woken up, didn't even have the strength to move her fingers. She just squeezed out one word from her throat:


She felt extremely unwilling, but before she finished speaking, she felt her vision go dark and fainted again.

Unwillingness and regret also dissipated at this time.

Poor Miss Xia Qianqing didn't even wake up for ten seconds
Since being tied up by Su Jiming, she has been in a cycle of fainting and waking up.

At this time, outside Hexi Mountain.

Su Jiming looked at the few lines of words that appeared in front of him, his eyes slightly focused.

[Fate Artifact: Nether Evil Sword (Available for Fate: Aura Added Body)]

[Fate Adaptation: No]

Immediately afterwards, the few words in front of me changed again, gradually turning into another few lines of words

[Fate Host: Xia Qianqing]

[Increased fate that can be stolen: aura added to the body]

[Acquisition method, let the fate host 'Xia Qianqing''s emotional value fluctuate to 90.00%, and the fate can be automatically stolen]

Seeing these few lines of words, Su Jiming paused for a moment and couldn't help being stunned.

——Is there any extra gain?
 This chapter has [-] words, which is equivalent to two chapters...
  It will probably end this episode tomorrow?

(End of this chapter)

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