Fairy, would you like to be my lackey?

Chapter 26 He seems to really know how to kill chickens to scare monkeys

Chapter 26 He seems to really know how to kill chickens to scare monkeys

Every birth of a life-item magic weapon will bring a bloody storm in the world.

——The same is true for the Dark Evil Sword.

Logically speaking, the power of a magical weapon is often closely related to the strength of its owner, even if it is a life-grade magical weapon.

But the Underworld Sword at this time is an exception. It is not driven by "people", but driven by the "curse" as a medium.

All the power contained in the entire magic circle was absorbed by the Evil Sword.

When the skinny old man refocused on the situation in front of him, the sword was already in front of him, pointing directly at his eyebrows.

At this moment, what he felt was an irresistible pressure.

The surrounding space seemed to become distorted in front of this force, and cracks began to appear, as if it might collapse at any time.

This sudden sword strike was far beyond his ability to comprehend.

The whole world seemed to dim at this moment, time seemed to be stretched countless times, and the only thing in the field of vision was the sword pointing to the center of the eyebrow.

And Su Jiming's words were still echoing in his ears.

——Use the spirit to drive the sword, kill evil and kill evil
Nan Liangsheng couldn't care less about being shocked by this sudden sword strike, she immediately understood what she should do at this time.

She gently raised her left hand, pointing her slender fingers toward the sky, her middle finger and ring finger retracted into her palm, and her other hand brought her two fingers together and rotated them in the air, as if drawing a complex magic circle in the air.

"When the Tao Chen is recited, all things cease and the soul is calm. Apply the selfless method, and all things stop and become calm!"

The next moment, a chain engraved with cipher text emerged from the void and quickly locked all the limbs and torso of the skinny old man.

In fact, even without her help, the sword-wielding elder could not avoid this sword.

——Determination of evil

This is the weapon skill of the Dark Evil Sword, and the description of Ding Xie is:
"This is not just a skill, but a rule, a rule that cannot be escaped or resisted. Once locked by this rule, no matter where or when you are, this sword will definitely on the enemy."

With Su Jiming's level, it was actually impossible to use this move.

But he used a trick, using Xia Qianqing's blood as a medium, and used the power of the ritual to drive the Evil Sword to strike out.

However, even the sword that can change the color of the world right now is slightly inferior to the "fixing evil" that Su Jiming can use in the game.

But dealing with the sword-wielding elder is enough
Not only because the sword-wielding elder is only at the seventh level, but more because the power borrowed in this sword-opening ceremony belongs to the sword-wielding elder himself.

This sword emptied most of the spiritual power in his body, causing him to completely lose the ability to resist when facing this sword.

And just as Su Jiming expected, the evil-destroying power of this evil sword did not disappoint them.

Just when the sword-wielding elder was about to use his last ounce of spiritual power, the Ming'e sword pierced through his brows in an unbiased manner.

The tip of the sword pierced through the back of his head, and the blood condensed in the air, and the bright red blood bloomed.

The sword-wielding elder looked away stiffly, and landed on Su Jiming who was wielding the Dark Evil Sword, his eyes were full of shock and bewilderment.

He tried to open his mouth to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by a boulder, and he couldn't make any sound.He could only stare at Su Jiming, those eyes were full of anger and helplessness, reluctance and confusion lingered in his heart.

——Use the spirit to drive the sword, kill evil and kill evil
This is the mantra that the former Sword Sect Master recited when he used the Dark Evil Sword.

He was so familiar with this sentence that he was rarely distracted when he heard it for the first time.

Master. Respect.
The skinny old man's eyes gradually turned gray and gradually lost their vitality.

At the last moment of his life, his consciousness became blurred, and the young man in front of him also overlapped with the figure in his memory.

His body fell down gently, as if he was extremely tired and finally found a place to rest.Without any struggle, it fell from the air and fell on the cold altar.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and all the sounds disappeared in an instant, leaving only the blood on the Ming'e sword dripping on the stone slab. A final eulogy.

The eyes of the skinny old man finally fixed on Su Jiming.Those eyes were full of complex emotions, resentment, unwillingness, and a trace of relief, until they were completely gloomy.

At this moment, everyone was so shocked by the situation that they couldn't speak.

——The elder holding the sword, the sword cultivator of the seventh level, just, just died like this?

Looking at the body of the sword-holding elder, the Sword Sect disciples on the scene seemed to have suffered a huge blow. The shock, grief, anger and panic in their hearts instantly filled their entire chests, causing them to lose the ability to think for a while.

However, without waiting for their reaction.

Su Jiming's words came at the right time, not loudly, but clearly audible to everyone present:
"The sword-wielding elder broke the ban on the magic sword without authorization and kidnapped the Holy Girl of the Ling Sect in an attempt to stir up troubles in the world and almost cause the death of all living beings."

With that said, everyone's attention fell on Su Jiming.

The latter's eyes slowly swept across the group of Sword Sect disciples and said:
"All the disciples of the Sword Sect can testify that when the sect disciples broke the restriction of the magic sword, they were defeated by the government of our country, and they tried to resist arrogantly, so they were executed."

"Is there any objection?"

After Su Jiming's words fell, the scene fell into dead silence for a moment.

The disciples of Jian Zong looked at each other. Although they all wanted to refute Su Jiming's words, they had no way to speak because what Su Jiming said was true.

Among them, someone stared at Su Jiming angrily, with eyes full of hatred and unwillingness, but they could not make a sound.

Some people's eyes were dull, as if they still couldn't believe what had just happened.

But no one dared to raise objections. After all, they all witnessed and even participated in all this.

They knew very well that according to the law, the sword-wielding elder had indeed committed a serious crime, and even they who participated in all this were accomplices.

But, weren't you, Su Jiming, also involved in this matter?

Switching sides at the last moment, or in other words premeditated
The opening ceremony of the sword was destroyed, and the elder holding the sword died tragically. It was this uncultivated prince of the Duke's Mansion who caused all this.
This made many people present feel extremely absurd.

After looking around, in the dead silence, Su Jiming said:
"If there is no objection, I will tell you, the sect leaders, that regardless of whether they are related to this matter or not, they must abide by the control of the Sword Sect in the future."

He said, walking to the body of the sword-wielding elder.

Pulling out the Evil Sword from his forehead, Su Jiming's voice came out:
"The Duke's government will not allow anyone to attempt to stir up trouble in the world."

Immediately afterwards, he kicked the body of the sword-holding elder to everyone in the Sword Sect and said indifferently:

"Otherwise, you will end up like this."

(End of this chapter)

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