Fairy, would you like to be my lackey?

Chapter 40: This escape is already a few days later. (Please follow up and read!))

Chapter 40 This escape is already a few days later. (Please follow up!))
I don't know if it was my imagination, but after Xia Qianqing glanced at her secretly, the girl in the room seemed to have noticed something, and her movements became bolder.

——As if taking an oath of sovereignty.

Xia Qianqing, who was hiding in the bamboo forest, blushed, and quickly shook her head, throwing her unrealistic thoughts out of her mind.

I don't know how long it took, but I waited from dawn to sunset anyway.

Xia Qianqing couldn't figure out why Su Jiming, an ordinary person, had such good physical strength, and what also made her wonder was her current state.

——Did Su Jiming arrange some ecstasy formation in this bamboo forest?
Anyway, a girl would never admit that she is such a frivolous person!
It wasn't until sunset that Xia Qianqing stood up staggeringly from the bamboo forest. She tried to grab a bamboo to stabilize her shaking body. The long crouching obviously caused her legs to lose some strength.

For some unknown reason, the girl felt a little weak in her legs.

She felt the sticky feeling on her body, and her clothes were slightly wet with sweat, and the sense of shame surged up in her heart in an instant.

If Su Jiming saw himself like this, he would definitely think of something.

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to go back home, go back to the room to change clothes, and then think of a way to inform Su Jiming about the spirit palm ceremony.

The girl wanted to leave the bamboo forest quickly, but the discomfort in her body and the instability of her legs forced her to slow down. She silently endured the shame and embarrassment until she performed a divine movement formula. It's getting better.

She flicked her sleeves lightly, her body drifted away like the wind, the afterglow of the setting sun fell and shone in the bamboo forest, and the bamboo leaves swayed with the wind, making a rustling sound.

The girl's figure quickly disappeared.

Su Jiming didn't notice that Xia Qianqing was listening to the corner in the bamboo forest.

But it’s unclear whether Miss Nightwing noticed it.

It wasn't until the sunset completely set and the starry night gradually became apparent that the two of them rested completely.

After a simple wash, Night Sparrow took away a pile of dirty laundry and went to wash it. As the girl said before the start, just leave everything to her.

From this point of view, the girl did take over everything, which made Su Jiming somewhat embarrassed.

The wind on the autumn night is slightly cool. Although there has just been a heavy snowfall in Bianzhou, the weather here in Lingzong does not seem to be greatly affected. Although it is in the mountains, the temperature is very livable.

It may also be that Lingzong's mountain-protecting formation had an effect. People say that Lingzong is one of the sects with the deepest foundation. Su Jiming didn't feel this when playing the game. She only realized it when the game became a reality. Gradually understand this sentence in the plot.

Ling Sect's resource base may not be very rich, but as one of the nine sects in the world and the first choice for spiritual cultivation, Ling Sect's infrastructure is definitely not worthy of criticism.

It may not be very suitable for practice, but it is definitely comfortable.

Considering that most spiritual practices are more in pursuit of tranquility and elegance, this is understandable.

It was already Su Jiming's second night in Lingzong, and Nan Liangsheng hadn't given an answer yet, but Su Jiming was not in a hurry.

Being able to go to Lingyun Pond is naturally a good thing, but not being able to go doesn't have much impact.

The important plot related to Lingyun Pond has not yet started, so there is no need to be too urgent now.

Just when Su Jiming thought that the day would pass like this, an unexpected guest came to visit.

——It's Xia Qianqing.

"I'm here to inform the crown prince about matters related to the spirit palm ceremony in a few days."

"It seems that Miss Xia still hasn't been able to convince Senior Nan. It's a pity."

Su Jiming made a joke, and immediately after seeing the other party glaring at him viciously, he seemed to have sensed something, his face turned red, and he quickly looked away.

Originally, I thought that the other party would fight back with a few words, but in the end, it died down like this.

Su Jiming felt a little strange when he looked at Xia Qianqing, who had a slightly red face and didn't dare to look directly at him when he spoke.

——What happened to this girl suddenly? Why does she look like a doormat?
As if she felt that her attitude was a bit strange, Xia Qianqing raised her head. Although her eyes were still a little dodgeful, she was much better than before.

That is, the moment the girl raised her head, Su Jiming noticed that the other's short hair was slightly moist, her body exuded a fresh floral fragrance, and some drops of water could be seen from her bare skin, her shoulders were slightly red, as if she had just taken a bath, The clothes were also changed to a new set of clothes.

——Do spiritual practice also need to take a bath?

In his impression, spiritual practice should have a secret technique to keep the body clean. He has also seen it in the secret scriptures of the spiritual sect.

Su Jiming felt even more strange. He sized the girl up and down, making the latter blushed even more. He gritted his teeth and said:
"Does your son know what it means to see no evil?"

"I'm just a little curious as to why Miss Xia took a shower before meeting me."

Su Jiming said cheerfully.

This sentence was suspected to be a bit of a lore, and it directly silenced the girl.

She took a deep breath, changed the subject and said:

"Although the master has promised you to participate in the spirit palming ceremony, I also ask the prince to follow the rules of our Lingzong. After arriving at the Lingyun Pond, try not to touch the objects in the Lingyun Pond, because this may offend Lingyun."

Lingyun Pool has spirits, and the reason why Xia Qianqing repeatedly reminded the other party was that he was worried that he would offend Lingyun and affect his spirit palming ceremony.

"It's just a visit, and I naturally understand that."

At the end of the sentence, seeing that the girl in front of her had no intention of leaving, Su Jiming paused, and asked:

"So, does Miss Xia have anything else to say?"

Hearing this, Xia Qianqing's face flushed immediately, she opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't speak out what was in her heart, she just said:
"I won't say too much. It would be rude for me to speak up. I only hope that the prince can respect himself in the future!"

Hearing this, Su Jiming was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have thought of something, showing a suddenly realized expression.

He looked at the girl in front of him, smiled and said:
"So Miss Xia thinks peeping is considered a courtesy in the Ling Sect?"

"Who-who-so-so peeped!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Qianqing immediately felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, pointing at Su Jiming and saying:
"It's obvious that you are prostitution in the daytime! The villain is the first to sue."

Su Jiming frowned suspiciously, and asked:

"If I hadn't peeped, how could I have talked about it in broad daylight?"

"I won't talk to you anymore!"

Xia Qianqing, who heard this, knew that she couldn't talk to the other party, so she stomped her feet and ran away.

Looking at Xia Qianqing who fled in despair, Su Jiming smiled happily.

Once the girl fled, she ran away until a few days later before reappearing.

Finally, it was time for the Spirit Palm Ceremony.

 It's a little late, I will update two more chapters today around [-]pm, directly to the climax.

(End of this chapter)

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