Fairy, would you like to be my lackey?

Chapter 77 Not only will I kill you, I will also kill your whole family.

Chapter 77 Not only will I kill you, I will also kill your whole family.

Sometimes, things happen like a chain reaction, starting to collapse in an instant.

Although he had expected it, Su Jiming didn't expect that his stable life would end so soon.

In the courtyard of the mansion.

The red bird flew to the table with a hiss.

There was a letter tied to its foot, which was obviously a message from the night attendant.

Although on the surface, things are still calm in Bianzhou. Although the events in the Southern Territory have had some impact, before Zhennanguan has been breached, the people of Bianzhou are still living as usual. The prices of rice, oil and salt have gone up a lot.

But judging from the information sent back by the night attendant and Yin Yuexuan, it seemed that this calm could not last long.

In order to deal with the next situation, Su Jiming temporarily recalled Nie Qian. Of course, recalling the other party was not just for the upcoming commotion in Bianzhou, but more to handle internal matters.

"Mr. Nie, what does it mean to be loyal?"

The crisp autumn air is a good time to take a nap. In the courtyard, the teapot is boiling until it makes a purring sound.

Su Jiming asked casually while lifting the teapot and pouring tea into the teacup of the woman in front of him.

This question was really tricky. Nie Qian hesitated for a moment before saying:

"In my opinion, only when your heart is like a bright mirror, never abandoning it, and never changing your original intention despite encountering hardships, can you be called loyal."

"If someone colludes with foreigners and leaks the secrets of the prime minister's government, but he still loves the government, can he be called loyal?"

Su Jiming asked calmly.

Even though Nie Qian understood it, she quickly changed her words and said: "The deeds do not matter the heart. Even if the heart is towards the Duke's government and he does things that are detrimental to the interests of the Duke's government, it is not considered loyalty."

Su Jiming smiled: "Mr. Nie, do you still remember what the first rule of the Night Waiter is?"

Hearing this, Nie Qian felt a thump in her heart, stood up quickly, and spoke in fear:
"Nie Qian has never had a disobedient intention, nor has she ever had a second thought. I sincerely ask the prince to learn from this!"

Seeing this scene, Su Jiming smiled and asked the other party to sit down:

"Mr. Nie, don't be so nervous. I didn't say it was you. Come, sit down and drink tea."

Nie Qian was still a little worried. After taking a look at Su Jiming, she found that his expression was as usual and asked:
"The prince said this to his subordinates"

Su Jiming took a sip of tea, paused and then said:
"Mr. Nie is loyal to the Duke's Palace, but other night attendants are not necessarily loyal."

Nie Qian frowned and said hesitantly: "The prince is saying...?"

Su Jiming didn't answer, and at the same time, there was a knock on the door.

- knock knock

Nie Qian was stunned for a moment, and then she heard Su Jiming smile and say softly:
"Isn't the true master coming soon?"

The visitors were none other than the two Sixth Levelers sent by Lu Qingfeng to help Su Jiming, Wei Zheng and Luan Zhu.

After the two of them entered the door, they couldn't help but froze when they saw Nie Qian, but they quickly saluted Su Jiming.

Su Jiming put away the emotions on his face, as if what he just said to Nie Qian didn't exist, and said with a smile straight to the point:

"You two are here, how did you do with the matter I asked you to investigate?"

After Luan Zhu heard this, he took out a bamboo slip from his arms, but before he could speak, Su Jiming looked at another person.

Wei Zheng said very calmly:
"Your Majesty, I have not found any news about the Southern Territory."

Su Jiming narrowed his eyes, as if he had expected it.

Nie Qian also looked at her former colleague, the Night Attendant of the Duke's Mansion. She basically knew him, and she was quite clear about the character of Wei Zheng in front of her.

Although it can't be said that he has a bad personality, but after reaching the sixth level, he can't recognize his identity. From the dialogue between him and the prince, it can be seen that the prince gave him the last chance, but he still didn't cherish it. I'm afraid the end will not be too good.

Thinking of this, Nie Qian's eyes became a little colder, and her inner breath was swimming in her body, waiting for the prince's order to be ready to take action.

"No news found?"

Su Jiming spoke in a low voice, then looked at Wei Zheng and asked:
"Did you not find it, or do you just don't want to check?"

Wei Zheng remained silent, as if he had no intention of answering, and seemed to disdain to answer.

Seeing this, Su Jiming shook his head and asked:

"Nie Qian, if you follow the rules of the night servant and violate the rules, what punishment should you receive?"

When Nie Qian heard Su Jiming's words, she knew that the prince was really angry at this time. She did not dare to neglect and said:
"If you take Yigong Powder, you will be punished with a hundred sticks."

This Nie Qian is very familiar. It was through this punishment that the Crown Prince made her completely return to her heart.

Hearing this, Wei Zhengcai realized that the two people's singing and harmonizing were talking about him, and he immediately said:

"Whenever I go against my will, Your Majesty, don't slander me——"

"Whether it's obedient to the contrary or not, we'll know soon."

Before he finished speaking, Su Jiming interrupted with a sneer:
"Yin Yuexuan, take out that little snake from his body."

"Received~" A black shadow emerged from the relic beside Su Jiming, and then transformed into a woman wearing a gray cheongsam.

Yin Yuexuan just glanced at Wei Zheng, then activated the magical weapon, and a ghost shadow flew towards him. Wei Zheng was shocked and angry, and subconsciously raised his hand to resist, but the ghost shadow passed through his body, and a ghost shadow passed through his body. The snake body was also taken out directly.

"Mother She——!"

Seeing that the snake body was brought directly into Yin Yuexuan's hands by the ghost, Wei Zheng realized that Su Jiming in front of him had already planned it. He raised his hand and concentrated his energy to snatch the snake body back.

Nie Qian, who was on the side, had been waiting for a long time. Her eyes were cold, and she stretched out her right hand. Black mist filled the depths of her palm, and then a black ghost claw formed. An uncertain cold light flowed on the ghost claw, towards Wei Zheng. Attacked suddenly.

Wei Zheng didn't have time to react. The ghost claws grabbed him instantly. The huge force pressed down on him like a mountain, making him unable to move at all.

The inner breath he was gathering was instantly dispersed, like smoke blown away by a strong wind.He felt a sharp pain coming from his chest, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His body fell heavily to the ground, and there was violent friction with the ground, causing his cheek to be bruised and bloody.

His clothes were also torn to pieces by friction, revealing the skin underneath, which was covered with bruises and scratches, and there were still little drops of blood dripping from those wounds.

There are also gaps between the six realms!
In the original game, Su Jiming had never heard of Wei Zheng's name. He must have been an elite monster in the Duke's Mansion.

And Nie Qian is qualified to be the boss.

Su Jiming shook his head and said softly:

"Nie Qian, what kind of punishment should those who collude with foreign tribes and betray the government of the country deserve?"

Hearing this, Nie Qian took a deep breath. When she understood Su Jiming's thoughts, she said with a disgusted tone:
"Those who are ungrateful and betray the government of the country should be beheaded!"

The ghost claw in her hand was a little stronger, and it made Wei Zheng keep wailing.

Su Jiming immediately lowered his eyes and looked at the twisting snake body in Yin Yuexuan's hand. There was some pleading and despair in the snake's eyes.

When Yin Yuexuan saw this scene, he immediately understood what he meant.

Su Jiming's mind is indeed the same as mine.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Yuexuan happily squeezed the little snake in his hand to death in front of Wei Zheng.

I saw the snake burst into a blood mist in the air, then stopped twisting and fell to the ground with a splat, its eyes popping out.

Wei Zheng's eyes couldn't help but burst with tears when he saw this scene, but before he could say anything, the ghost claws tore his mouth to pieces, leaving him whimpering and making no sound.

Nie Qian stood next to Su Jiming and asked in a low voice:
"Your Majesty, how should we deal with him...?"

Su Jiming did not speak, but looked at Luan Zhu aside and said:
"Luan Zhu, please answer this once. What should be done to those who betray the Duke's government?"

He was obviously a little confused at this time, everything just happened too suddenly.

Wei Zheng, who had originally come with him, was accused of betraying the Duke's government and colluding with foreigners by the crown prince in just a few words, and was then beaten until he lay on the ground like a dead dog.

The key is that the Crown Prince really found a demon clan. The amount of information that just happened was too great, making him unable to turn around. He just felt like his mind was filled with question marks.

Why did Wei Zheng go crazy suddenly?When did the woman next to Shizi appear?Isn't Yin Yuexuan the name of the Holy Girl of the Ghost Sect? Why is she colluding with the Crown Prince?

Luan Zhu suppressed his chaotic thoughts and stammered:
"Reporting to the Crown Prince, there are rules for serving in the night. Anyone who betrays the Duke's government must be executed."

Su Jiming heard this and said softly

"Then let's do it."

—Who did it?Your Majesty wants me to do it?
Luan Zhu looked at Wei Zheng, who was pressed to the ground by the ghost claws like a dead dog, and opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

Although his thoughts were confused, he soon realized that this was the certificate of surrender given to him by the Crown Prince.
As a fantasy cultivator, he had never actually killed anyone himself, at most he only assisted on the sidelines.

Now he is asked to take action, and he is still a colleague who has worked with him for a while
- bang

A knife was thrown next to Luan Zhu, finally waking him up from his thoughts.

Looking at the sharpened blade, Luan Zhu was stunned.

"What are you waiting for?"

Su Jiming's calm words rang in Luan Zhu's ears, and he seemed to have realized it immediately, gritted his teeth, and raised his hand to pick up the knife.

He stepped forward, circulated his inner breath, and looked at Wei Zheng's bloody face, and his heart broke.

Hand up, knife down.

Even if they are both in the sixth realm, if they expose their necks to be chopped by others, it is only a matter of one knife.

The head flew out and landed on the ground with a splat, landing right next to the corpse of the snake demon.

——Pah, pah
Su Jiming clapped his hands, and a slightly smiling voice came.

"Well done. Mr. Luan, I really did not misjudge you."

Luan Zhu had not yet sorted out his thoughts, so he could only laugh twice when he heard this.

"Hahaha, the prince is too praised."

 This chapter has three thousand words, and there is another chapter before twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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