Fairy, would you like to be my lackey?

Chapter 89 She became the one who invited you into the urn!

Chapter 89 She became the one who invited you into the urn!

In the dark room, a candle was lit.

Under the dim candlelight, the young man's delicate and handsome face was reflected.

Su Jiming gently tapped the magic weapon with his fingers, sending the last message on it.

The next moment, the magic weapon lit up.

A line of words quickly appeared on the magic weapon.

[Action has been launched, be sure to hold back the Crown Prince!We are determined not to let him escape, even at the cost of his life!After the thing is accomplished, you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth! 】

Immediately, the lines of words gradually passed away, and the light of the magic weapon dimmed again.

Just like the fate star of the evil genius strategist, it was also dimming at this moment.

"Huh" Su Jiming exhaled heavily, a faint smile appeared on his face.

It seemed that everything was under Su Jiming's control.

Nie Qian, who was standing by the side, now had a more and more shocked look on her fair face.

Nie Qian, who had a clear view of everything, finally understood why Su Jiming had painstakingly arranged such a big game!

From the beginning, Su Jiming's intention was not with these southern bandits, but with the daughter of the King of Yinan - Xu Rongye!

Just like Xu Rongye wanted to assassinate Su Jiming, the person Su Jiming wanted to deal with from the beginning was Xu Rongye!
These are not just "bandits" who are used as pawns by Xu Rongye!
After all, there are too many chess pieces to kill.

But there is only one chess player—Xu Rongye!
Su Jiming tapped the table with his fair, slender, well-jointed fingers, making crisp sounds, as if he was thinking about how to have a perfect ending to the battle.

As if sensing Nie Qian's shocked gaze, Su Jiming smiled faintly: "Mr. Nie seems to have something to say?"

Nie Qian was startled when she heard Su Jiming's words.

His Royal Highness's insight seems to be a bit frighteningly excessive.

She was just a little confused, and His Royal Highness noticed it immediately.

Nie Qian didn't hesitate and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "How did His Highness know that the daughter of the King of Yinan cares so much about His Highness's life?"

Nie Qian has been following Su Jiming's side and knows it very well.

These bandits never said that the daughter of the Yinan King wanted to assassinate Su Jiming.

However, Su Jiming directly stated in the message to Xu Rongye that His Royal Highness was their prey and had taken the bait, which puzzled Nie Qian.

How did Su Jiming know that the daughter of the King of Yinan had regarded him as prey from the beginning.

Otherwise, this talented girl who is famous for her intelligence and scheming in the Southern Territory would not fall for the bait so easily.

The destruction of the center of the Qi Gathering Formation and Su Jiming's unpredictability of their plans made Xu Rongye so gullible in Su Jiming.

Because in Xu Rongye's view, everything had gone according to plan, the center of the Qi Gathering Formation was destroyed, and the contact person knew that she wanted to assassinate the prince.

No matter which way you look at it, it's a victory for their side.

Therefore, he naturally believed in the information Su Jiming released.

After all, how could Xu Rongye guess that her entire plan had been seen through by Su Jiming from the beginning and targeted.

It can be said that Xu Rongye faced an enemy that was comparable to cheating.

Su Jiming smiled lightly and said nonchalantly: "It's very simple. As the daughter of the King of Yinan, Xu Rongye ventured into danger alone and entered Bianzhou City, which means there must be an enemy worthy of her plot. This Bianzhou In the city, the person with the highest status and the most important position is the chief commander of the six gates."

"But with the strength of the seventh-level Tibetan cultivator of the General Secretary, even if she lends ten of her courage, she will not think of assassinating the General Secretary. Besides, as long as she completely destroys the order in Bianzhou City, When Bianzhou City is destroyed without attack, the commander-in-chief will naturally bear the blame and will definitely bear all the blame and wait for the death penalty from the imperial court."

"Since it's not the chief executive of the Six Doors, then apart from that, the only person worthy of Xu Rongye's concern is me, the eldest son."

After saying that, Su Jiming slowly leaned back on the Taishi chair and closed his eyes to rest, seeming to be thinking about how to punish the daughter of the King of Yinan who dared to assassinate him.

"But..." Hearing Su Jiming's words, Nie Qian couldn't help but show a look of wanting to speak but hesitating, and hesitating but wanting to speak.

Looking at Su Jiming standing tall in front of him, Nie Qian obviously didn't know whether to say something or not.

"You want to say, why am I, a dandy prince, worthy of the daughter of the King of Yinan taking risks alone?" Su Jiming, with his eyes closed, seemed to have directly penetrated Nie Qian's thoughts and said with a smile.

"I don't dare!" After hearing Su Jiming's words, Nie Qian stiffened and quickly denied it.

After getting along with each other these days, Nie Qian has deeply realized that the horror of His Royal Highness is not as simple as the rumors!
Especially Su Jiming's skills made Nie Qian not dare to underestimate him.

"It doesn't matter." Su Ji Ming waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Xu Rongye is so dangerous, so naturally she has her own purpose."

"Back when the demons were being slain in the Southern Territory, that lord not only deprived him of the power of King Yinan, but also killed tens of thousands of his elite soldiers, which greatly damaged the strength and face of King Yinan. This is a lot of things. Velvet Leaf’s purpose in assassinating me was one of them.”

"As the most elite force of the prime minister's palace, the Night Guards' presence in Bianzhou will inevitably bring considerable resistance to the rebels' actions in the southern region. Once I am assassinated, the Night Guards will be leaderless, and they will also be guarded by the guards. If we fail to do our best and fall into chaos, we will have no time to take care of the war in Bianzhou and the Southern Territory. This is the second purpose of Xu Rongye's assassination of me."

"Whether it's out of personal grudges or overall considerations, Xu Rongye has enough reasons to assassinate me."

Nie Qian frowned slightly

His Royal Highness is too thoughtful.With just this information, Xu Rongye's plan was guessed.

Thinking of this, Nie Qian couldn't help but look at Su Jiming with some awe and reverence in her eyes.

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's go. It's time to appreciate the grace of that genius strategist." Su Jiming stood up slowly, stretched out his green shirt, and said with a smile, "This kind of opportunity, It doesn’t happen often.”

After saying that, Su Jiming stood up and left, his slender figure fading away.

After a moment, Nie Qian, who was still in shock, came to her senses and quickly followed Su Jiming.

North of the city.

On the streets outside Bianzhou City at night, lanterns swayed, dyeing the cold stone roads with a warm red.In the alley, a group of figures moved quietly, led by a frail woman.
——Xu Rongye.

Xu Rongye wore a dark gray cloak, covering most of his body.Although she walked lightly, she coughed once or twice every few steps and seemed a little unwell.

This is a common problem among practitioners.

Behind her, four or five burly warriors followed, a total of two sixth-level warriors and three fifth-level warriors, all of whom were martial arts cultivators.

"Be careful."

Xu Rongye said softly, pointing to a patrolling Bianzhou City guard in front.

An accompanying soldier quickly stepped forward and gently tapped the guard's acupuncture points, causing him to pass out.Others quickly hid the guard in a dark corner.

Xu Rongye coughed slightly and cleared his throat.

"Take care next time and don't reveal your identity,"

The people accompanying him nodded.

When they were approaching the city gate, Xu Rongye suddenly stopped and frowned.

"Is there a problem?" a soldier asked in a low voice.

Xu Rongye nodded slightly, "There is a formation ahead. I need some time to decipher it."

Everyone immediately became alert and surrounded Xu Rongye.Xu Rongye twirled his hands and began to chant a mantra.As her spells became faster and faster, strange runes flew out from her fingertips and surrounded her.

In just a few minutes, a ray of light appeared around everyone, enveloping their auras.

Xu Rongye took a long breath and said softly:

After hearing this, everyone nodded, followed closely, and continued deep into the hinterland of Bianzhou City.

Bianzhou, a city full of dust and fog.Although the bright moon in the sky can still cast a faint light, the smoke and fire in the city make the night more confusing and gloomy.

Along the path outside the city wall, a group of figures filed forward.Wearing dark cloaks, they blended into the Bianzhou night like ghosts.

The group of people arrived quietly like ghosts, bypassed the intricate streets, and sneaked into a seemingly inconspicuous courtyard.The silence in this courtyard is in sharp contrast to the Bianzhou City outside, which is full of fighting, mourning and chaos. It is like entering another world.

The night was already dark, and the moonlight was like water, falling from the slightly exposed clouds, outlining a faint silver edge to the courtyard.The plants in the courtyard cast mottled shadows.

Xu Rongye stepped forward slowly, with a hint of confusion between her beautiful brows.

Seeing a figure in a green shirt standing in the courtyard, and standing next to it was a woman in black with black hair as black as ink and a face as white as frost, Xu Rongye felt more and more something was wrong.

Why is anyone still here at this time?

"Su Jiming?"

Looking at the figure in front of him, Xu Rongye frowned and spoke in a low voice.

Xu Rongye had never seen the dandy prince with his own eyes, and everything he knew about Su Jiming came from rumors.

According to rumors, this is a ridiculous and extremely dandy young master.

He was even sent to a fringe area like Bianzhou by the court because he did something wrong.

In Xu Rongye's view, killing Su Jiming can not only avenge the enemy, but also make the situation in Bianzhou even more chaotic, making the night waiter have no time to take care of himself.

Just looking at Su Jiming, who looked calm in front of him, as if he had been waiting for a long time, Xu Rongye instinctively sensed the danger.

"Miss Xu, it's our first time meeting you. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Su Jiming smiled lightly and looked at Xu Rongye in front of him with a condescending attitude.

Xu Rongye in front of her has exquisite facial features and is extremely beautiful. She also has a kind of frail beauty and exudes a wise and ethereal temperament. She is worthy of being one of the most popular heroines, and this one can even be removed.

I have to say, it’s a good seedling!

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?" Hearing Su Jiming's words, Xu Rongye's inner uneasiness became more intense, his green pupils tightened, and he looked at Su Jiming in front of him with vigilance.

Obviously, she fell into the trap of this dandy prince!

She became the one who invited you into the urn!

(End of this chapter)

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