Chapter 56

"This...Senior!" At this time, the auditorium light came back to his senses, after hesitating for a while.

So he thought about asking Omega about his origin.

However, at this moment, the light on Galaxy's chest kept flashing.

Before the auditorium light could ask, Yinhe disappeared in place due to the problem of weak energy.

At this time, Omega, seeing the Milky Way disappear, turned into light and disappeared in place.

At the same time, in a dark corner.

A black figure was watching this scene quietly.

Seeing that Omega easily solved Lightning Darambir, the black figure couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Omega Ultraman, is this the master who those guys say has multiple unique skills?!"

"It seems that besides Yinhe, I have another guy blocking my plans."

Saying that, the black figure stretched out his hand and took out a black crystal.

This is the dark spark.

I saw the black figure casually took a flash doll, and then inserted the dark sparks into the bottom of the flash doll.

As the black light flashed, a figure that looked a little funny suddenly appeared in the corner.

"Wow, I'm finally free." As he said that, the figure couldn't help turning around in a circle.

"It feels so good to have life again!"

As he spoke, he raised his head to appreciate the beauty of the fresh air.

Until the black figure gradually became impatient, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Only then did the funny figure come to his senses, and quickly saluted respectfully, before speaking.

"Great ruler of darkness, you resurrected me, is there anything I can do for you?!"

"Balki Stars!" At this time, a trace of imperceptible disgust flashed in the eyes of the dark figure.

Then he spoke.

"From today on, you are my first generation agent of darkness."

"Go and collect all the negative energy, don't let me down!"

"Obey! The great ruler of darkness!" Hearing this, the Balki star bowed down respectfully.

Then faded into darkness.

At this time, the dark figure clenched its fists.

"I need to be resurrected as soon as possible, and then return everything to eternity."

"Galaxy, our fateful battle is about to start here. Before that, Omega..."

Saying that, the dark figure also slowly disappeared in place.

At the same time, the auditorium light, which returned to the human body again, was looking at everything around it and fell into confusion.

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came.

"Little Light!"

The auditorium light turned around and saw a beautiful voice running towards him quickly.

Then he hurriedly greeted him.

"Meiling, I'm here!"

"Are you okay?!" Meiling walked quickly to Auditorium Light, and hugged Auditorium Guang.

"I almost thought you were going to fail?!"

"I'm fine, don't worry!" At this moment, the auditorium light patted Meiling's back lightly, comforting her softly.

For a moment, it seemed that the whole air became much sweeter and more sunny.

However, it was hard for Tai Luo, who was held by Meiling, to be given a mouthful of dog food abruptly.

That mood can be as depressing as it is.

Although he had a son, Taiga, his wife ran away after all.

Now, he naturally couldn't stand this sweet scene.

Dang even said it in a shocking manner.

"Hey, hey, there's still someone here!"

Hearing Tai Luo's voice, at this moment, Mei Ling immediately jumped down from Auditorium Light like a frightened bird.

His face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head like an ostrich, burying it deeply in his chest.

At this time, the light in the auditorium was a little unhappy, and he never expected it.

Tyro, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, now comes out to ruin his good deeds!

Dang even glared at Taro.

At this time, Tai Luo was also a little guilty. After all, what he did was really unreasonable.

After waking up, Taylor was also a little ashamed at the moment.

Dang even quickly changed the subject.

I saw him speak.

"Xiaoguang, don't pay attention to these unimportant things!"

"By the way, what about the Ultra warrior who just helped you, do you know where he went?!"

But at this time, the auditorium immediately had dark lines when they heard what Taylor said.

What do you mean by insignificant things, they are obviously very important to him, bastard.

However, the light in the auditorium was indeed diverted by what Taylor said.

After all, he is also very curious about Omega.

He looked at Taylor and said.

"I also want to ask about his identity, but unfortunately I don't have enough energy at the critical moment."

"By the way, Taro, you are so excited, do you know each other?!"

"Of course." Hearing this, Taylor's tone was particularly excited.

"His name is Omega, but he is the master of our Kingdom of Light and the chief instructor of the Space Guard. Of course I know him!"

"Oh, is it so powerful?!" Hearing this, Auditorium Guang couldn't help admiring.

At this time, Taylor spoke.

"Of course he is powerful. There are countless Ultra warriors in our Kingdom of Light, all of whom are his disciples, including many Ultra brothers."

"In other words, Xiaoguang, if Master Omega is willing to accept you as an apprentice, your combat effectiveness can definitely be increased many times."

Speaking of this, Taylor paused.

"I just don't know if Master Omega is willing to accept you as an apprentice!"

"Willing is willing, but not now!" However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

The auditorium light turned his head to look, but it was the figure of a young man.

When he was wondering, Tai Luo on the side recognized his identity by relying on the familiar energy of light.

"It's Master Omega!"

"He is Master Omega?!" At this time, Guang Guang in the auditorium looked at Omega's face, which was younger than himself, and suddenly fell into confusion.

"Of course it's true, I can still lie to you!" Tai Luo quickly spoke up when he heard this.

"Taro, long time no see!" At this time, Omega smiled and said hello.

Then he looked at the auditorium light again, and spoke.

"Hello, Xiaoguang, or in other words, Ultraman Galaxy!"

"Master Omega, hello!" At this time, the auditorium light also hurriedly greeted respectfully.

"By the way, Master Omega!" At this moment, Taylor on the side said with doubts.

"You just said you could take Xiaoguang as your disciple, and then you said it wasn't the right time. What did you mean?!"

"His foundation is too poor!" After hearing Taylor's inquiry, Omega explained.

"Now there is still a big gap between him and him to learn the unique skills, so he can only practice from the basics first."

Saying that, Omega looked at the auditorium light on the side.

"I just don't know if Xiaoguang is willing or not!"

"I am willing, Master Omega, please teach me!" However, looking at Omega's questioning eyes, the auditorium light immediately agreed.

His eyes were also extremely firm.

 I'm numb, my fingers hurt too much, I feel like I'm going to be useless, the state is not right, please forgive me.

  Thanks to Qread user Mr. Jie_Ab for his monthly support.

  Thanks also to other big guys for their recommendation votes and support.
(End of this chapter)

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